ESEA Program Review
2017 – 2018 School Year
Oregon ESEA Compliance ChecklistDate:
LEA Contact:Phone:
ODE Review Lead:Phone:
Table of Contents
Common Compliance
Title I-A Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies
Title II-A Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund
Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education
Private Schools
Common ComplianceRequired of All LEAs
Item # / Item / Supporting Documentation / Compliant / Non-Compliant / Non-Applicable / Comments
I – Previously submitted to ODE (No evidence submitted at time of monitoring)
CC-A / The LEA has undergone a federal audit. District staff has addressed audit findings. / Submitted to ODE annually
Not applicable if district does not meet required federal funding threshold.
CC-B / The LEA meets comparability requirements. / Submitted to ODE annually.
Not applicable if only one school per grade span
II – Assurances (No evidence submittedprior to monitoring. May be reviewed during on-site visit.)
CC-C / The LEA provides access to student directory information to military recruiters upon request. / Signed Assurance submitted with CIP Budget Narrative
CC-D / District staff has labeled materials, supplies, and equipment purchased with Title I-A, I-C, I-D, II-A, III, IV-A, V-A, or VI-B funds. / Signed Assurance submitted with CIP Budget Narrative
III – Evidence to be Submitted
CC-E / District staff maintains expenditures at the LEA for each Title area. Expenditures are for allowable and approved activities. Expenditures supplement/not supplant state and local funds. / Detailed expenditure reports from the accounting system for each Title area monitored, which shows date, vendor, item description and amounts for current year and prior year. This item addresses the following four areas:
- Expenditures reflect Allowable Costs
- Activities Approved in Application
- Supplement/Supplant
- Expenditures Maintained in Each Title Area
CC-F / The LEA has a current inventory of any equipment purchased with Title I-A, I-C, I-D, II-A, II-D, III, IV-A, V-A, or VI-B funds. This includes the specific location of the item andincludes items purchased for equitable services to Private Schools (if applicable). / LEA fixed assets inventory
Inventory Guidelines
CC-G / The LEA ensures low income and minority students are not taught at higher rates than other students by unqualified, out-of-field or inexperienced teachers. / Equitable Distribution of Teachers
Not applicable if only one school per grade span
CC-H / The LEA requires employees supported wholly by federal funds to complete a semi-annual certification. / Copy of Breakdown of Staff Positions Funded by Federal Funds form (This form is also asked for in CC-J. The district only needs to submit the form once.)
Copies of semi-annual certifications
CC-I / The LEA requires employees supported in part by federal funds to complete ‘time and effort’ reporting. This includes any Title I-C recruiters. / Copy of Breakdown of Staff Positions Funded by Federal Funds form (This form is also asked for in CC-I. The district only needs to submit the form once.)
Copies of time and effort records
Title I-A Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies
Item # / Item / Supporting Documentation / Compliant / Non-Compliant / Non-Applicable / Comments
I – Previously submitted to ODE (No evidence submitted at time of monitoring)
IA-A / District staff identifies all children as eligible for services funded by Title I in a targeted assistance school using multiple academically related, objective criteria. / Where applicable, the district has described its targeting criteria in the approved CIP Budget Narrative
IA-B / The LEA reserves no less than 1% of its Title I-A allocation (if over $500,000) for parental involvement activities, including promoting family literacy and parenting skills. / Where applicable, the district has described the parental involvement activities that equal no less than 1% of its Title I-A allocation
Not applicable if district receives less than $500,000 in Title I-A funds
IA-C / The schoolwide program (SWP) plan is reviewed and revised by the school and district. / Schools submitted their District Annual Review tool through Indistar to the state.
Evaluation process used by the school and district to review each school’s plan annually and revise as necessary
IA-D / School completes one year of planning in consultation with the LEA/ODE support team for the SWP, including a description ofthe strategies that the school will be implementing to address school needs, including a description of how such strategies will—
(i) provide opportunities for all children, including each of the subgroups of students (as defined in section 1111(c)(2)) to meet the challenging State academic standards;
(ii) use methods and instructional strategies that strengthen the academic program in the school, increase the amount and quality of learning time, and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum, which may include programs, activities, and courses necessary to provide a well-rounded education; and
(iii) address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of those at risk of not meeting the challenging State academic standards, through activities which may include— (I) counseling, school-based mental health programs, specialized instructional support services, mentoring services, and other strategies to improve students’ skills outside the academic subject areas;
documentation indicating development and implementation of a SWP plan. (II) preparation for and awareness of opportunities for postsecondary education and the workforce, which may include career and technical education programs and broadening secondary school students’ access to coursework to earn postsecondary credit while still in high school; (III) implementation of a schoolwide tiered model to prevent and address problem behavior, and early intervening services, coordinated with similar activities and services carried out under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.); (IV) professional development and other activities for teachers, paraprofessionals, and other school personnel to improve instruction and use of data from academic assessments, and to recruit and retain effective teachers, particularly in highneed subjects; and (V) strategies for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood education programs to local elementary school programs; / Current SWP planSUBMITTED IN INDISTAR
IA-E / Documentation supports the component requirements of a targeted assistance school (TAS) program.
(1) determine which students will be served;
(2) serve participating students identified as eligible children by— (A) using resources under this part to help eligible children meet the challenging State academic standards, which may include programs, activities, and academic courses necessary to provide a well-rounded education; (B) using methods and instructional strategies to strengthen the academic program of the school through activities, (C) coordinating with and supporting the regular education program, (D) providing professional development with resources provided under this part, and, to the extent practicable, from other sources, to teachers, principals, other school leaders, paraprofessionals, and, if appropriate, specialized instructional support personnel, and other school personnel who work with eligible children in programs under this section or in the regular education program; (E) implementing strategies to increase the involvement of parents of eligible children in accordance with section 1116; and (F) if appropriate and applicable, coordinating and integrating Federal, State, and local services and programs, (G) provide to the local educational agency assurances that the school will— (i) help provide an accelerated, high-quality curriculum; (ii) minimize the removal of children from the regular classroom during regular school hours for instruction provided under this part; and (iii) on an ongoing basis, review the progress of eligible children and revise the targeted assistance program under this section, if necessary, to provide additional assistance to enable such children to meet the challenging State academic standards. / Current TAS plan SUBMITTED IN INDISTAR –
IA-F / Each school building has a parent involvement policy (plan). The plan is made available to the local community and is updated periodically. / Copy of building parent involvement plan
(part of Indistar indicators)
Evidence of dissemination to parents
(include in response to question #2 of Indistar’s Supplemental Questions)
Evidence of review process taking place
(include in response to question #2 of Indistar’s Supplemental Questions
IA-G / Each Title I school develops, in partnership with Title I and Migrant parents, a school parent compact. School distributes compact to parents annually. / Evidence of distribution process: copies of compacts, meeting agenda, sign in sheets (Uploaded into Indistar)
IA-H / The principal of a Title I school attests, annually, in writing, to thelicensed teacher and instructional paraprofessional qualifications. / Copies of written attestations at both LEA and school. Forms are available on the TransACT website: into Indistar)
II – Assurances (No evidence submitted prior to monitoring. May be reviewed during on-site visit.)
IA-I / At the beginning of each school year, the LEA notified parents in all Title I-A served buildings that they may request information regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teachers. / Signed Assurance submitted with CIP Budget Narrative
IA-J / The LEA provides information on the level of achievement of the parent’s child in each of the state academic assessments. / Signed Assurance submitted with CIP Budget Narrative
IA-K / There is an LEA policy containing all of the required elements that is reviewed annually with input from parents. / Signed Assurance submitted with CIP Budget Narrative
IA-L / Instructional paraprofessionals must be under the direct supervision of a licensed teacher. / Signed Assurance submitted with CIP Budget Narrative
III – Evidence to be Submitted
IA-M / An annual meeting is convened to inform Title I and Migrant parents of their school’s participation in Title I and to explain Title I requirements and the right of parents to be involved. / Completed copy of the Annual Meeting Checklist for Title I-A Schoolsform,
Evidence of annual meeting: announcements, meeting agenda, sign in sheets
IA-N / Each Title I school shall provide assistance, materials, and training to Title I parents to help build capacity for their involvement. / Description and examples of activities: copies of materials, training agendas, sign in sheets
IA-O / The LEA ensures all instructional paraprofessionals who work in a Title I SWP or are paid from Title I funds in a TAS program are highly qualified. / SWP: List of all paraprofessionals with documentation of how and when highly qualified status was achieved – regardless of funding source
TAS: List of all paraprofessionals, paid in whole or part with Title I-A funds, with documentation of how and when highly qualified status was achieved
Title II-A Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund
Item # / Item / Supporting Documentation / Compliant / Non-Compliant / Non-Applicable / Comments
III – Evidence to be Submitted
IIA-A / LEA has a description of the professional development activities to be carried out based on the result of the needs assessment / Approved Title II-A Budget Narrative
IIA-B / Professional development activities of sufficient duration and intensity to have a positive and lasting impact on student academic achievement in the classroom were implemented. / Sign in logs for professional development training
Description of how district knows professional development was implemented
Description of how Title II-A funded activities impacted teacher instructional practice and/or administrator leadership
IIA-C / All teachers whose salaries are paid from Title II-A funds for class size reduction must be appropriately licensed and certified according to Oregon’s Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) in the areas to which they have been assigned. / List of teachers hired with Title II-A funds to reduce class size, grade level and licensure information
Title IV-A Student Support & Academic Enrichment
Item # / Item / Supporting Documentation / Compliant / Non-Compliant / Non-Applicable / Comments
III – Evidence to be Submitted
IVA-A / An LEA or consortium of LEAs must continue to consult with the stakeholders identified to improve the activities it conducts and coordinate implementation with other related activities conducted in the community. (ESEA section 4106(c)(2)). / Evidence of consultation with parents, teachers, Indian tribes and tribal organizations, local government representatives and administrative personnel in the planning of the activities to be funded; Include notification of meetings, agendas, and minutes of meetings including participants
IVA-B / The LEA or its partners will periodically evaluate the effectiveness of its SSAE program activities based on those objectives and outcomes. (ESEA section 4106(e)(1)). / Evaluation results and how the results will be used to make decisions about appropriate changes in the program for the subsequent year
Description of how the activities funded under this program were identified as part of a district’s comprehensive needs assessment
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education
Required of All LEAs
Item # / Item / Supporting Documentation / Compliant / Non-Compliant / Non-Applicable / Comments
I – Previously submitted to ODE (No evidence submitted at time of monitoring)
MV-A / The LEA has submitted annual reports and data to the state education agency. / The district has completed the required data collections for Homeless Education.
MV-B / The LEA reserves and uses Title I-A set-asides for homeless students based on a needs assessment and in consultation with the district Liaison. / The district has completed requirements for Title I-A set-asides for homeless students in the current CIP Budget Narrative.
III – Evidence to be Submitted
MV-C / The LEA has reviewed and revised policies and procedures that could act as barriers to the enrollment, attendance, and success of homeless children and youth. / Board adoption date of 2017 OSBA Policy and Administrative Rules for Homeless Students
- If policy has been revised, show edits.
MV-D / The LEA has a procedure for the resolution of disputes, including district-specific written procedures for homeless families and youth to appeal school placement decisions made by the LEA. / Copy of district MV Dispute Resolution Procedures, including sample(s) of written confirmations for placement and eligibility determinations, if applicable.
Oregon MV Dispute Protocols
MV-E / The Liaison has received current MV training and has informed school personnel about MV eligibility, requirements and district procedures to identify and refer students for services / Documentation and/or description of training received by district liaison, such as certificate of participation or workshop attendance, dates of trainings attended, etc.
Documentation and/or description of training delivered to school and district staff
MV-F / The LEA liaison has coordinated and collaborated with local service providers working with homeless families, children and youth. / Agendas, meeting minutes, and/or narrative describing liaison and/or district staff collaboration with local service providers.
MV-G / The LEA has procedures in place to identify school-age homeless children and youth, and to track whether or not they are attending and succeeding in school. / Description methods used to identify MV-eligible students in the district:
- Residency questionnaires, intake forms, spreadsheets, referral procedures, etc.
- Forms and/or procedures used to track academic progress and attendance of homeless students
MV-H / The LEA has disseminated public notice of educational rights of homeless children and youth in places where families and youth are likely to be present (e.g., schools, shelters, food banks), and in comprehensible formats (e.g., Spanish, geared for low literacy, or other community needs). / List of locations where materials are posted, events where they were made available, etc.
- May include samples of original posters, brochures bearing local liaison contact and other district-specific information
Private Schools
Item #
(Old #) / Item / Supporting Documentation / Compliant / Non-Compliant / Non-Applicable / Comments
I – Previously submitted to ODE (No evidence submitted at time of monitoring)
PS-A / The LEA provided, on an equitable basis, educational services and/or other benefits, including materials and equipment. / Where applicable, approved Title I-A and II-A CIP Budget Narratives describe equitable services and/or other benefits for students and teachers, including materials and equipment.
II – Assurances (No evidence submitted prior to monitoring. May be reviewed during on-site visit.)
PS-B / The LEA maintains records of its effort to resolve any complaints made by private school representatives. / Signed assurance submitted with CIP Budget Narrative
III – Evidence to be Submitted
PS-C / The LEA has complied with the requirements for consultation with private school officials in a timely manner. / Copy of letters and communication sent to private schools
Copy of written affirmations signed by private school officials that consultation occurred and notified of SEA Ombudsman.
PS-D / Services provided to private school children were provided by employees of the LEA or contracted by the LEA. / Contracts of individuals providing services to private school children
Only applies to private schools participating in Title I-A
PS-E / The LEA established an assessment to measure the effectiveness of the Title I-A, II-A and/or IV-A programs against the agreed upon standards established in the consultation. / Completed copy of program evaluation for Title I-A, II-A and/or IV-A.
Description of the Title I-A, II-Aand/or IV-A program modifications, if any, that district staff have undertaken if the annual progress and/orgoal(s) is/are not met
Not applicable if private school elected to not participate in ESEA programs
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Revised August 2017