3rd Quarterly Meeting Summary
Black Education Strategy Roundtable
August 15, 2015
The Black Education Strategy (BESR) held another successful quarterly meeting on Saturday, August 15th at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Tukwila with 70 people in attendance. We deeply appreciate those of you who dedicated your valuable Saturday to gather for this important purpose. This turnout was excellent, given the summer calendar and all the various activities that take place in the lives of people during this time of the year. A number of people responded positively that they would be attending but were not able to do so, due to other circumstances. This is further indication that interest is growing and our numbers continue to increase at our quarterly meetings.
The objectives for the meeting were to:
- Provide updated information about the activities of the Black Education Strategy Roundtable
- Provide a forum for discussion of education issues facing the Black community
- Disseminate data and research information to meeting attendees
- Provide an opportunity for stakeholder voices to be heard
- Provide a setting for fellowship and networking
The agenda for the day included a variety of items that continue to meet these objectives. The Project Director, Dr. Stephan Blanford, was introduced to the group, as was Ms. Mona Bailey, a new Governor appointee to the State Board of Education and a member of the BESR Board. She was presented with a flower basket in recognition of that milestone. Information was provided in folders that included:
- Summary data gathered from 2nd quarter meeting workshop discussions
- Chris Stewart Blog about the BESR (guest speaker for 2nd quarter meeting - from Education Post in Minneapolis
- Data on Black student achievement from recent Smarter Balanced Assessment
- Article about Becca Bill impact in Washington State (Worst in the nation for incarceration of non-criminal youth, with Black youth disproportionately represented in some counties
- Article on Lack of access to quality teachers for minority youth - Washington is worst in the nation (U.S. News & World Report - July 2015)
- Summary of McCleary Order by Washington State Supreme Court
An excellent Superintendents' Panel consisted of Dr. Tammy Campbell , new superintendent in Federal Way and Dr. Calvin Watts, new superintendent in Kent. Superintendent Carla Santorno in Tacoma was not able to attend due to conflict in schedule. After sharing their bold vision for their respective districts, the two of them were asked the following questions:
- What do you see as the most pressing issues facing the public education system (pre-k-20) and its challenges to effectively educate Black students at all levels?
- Given the current status of educational achievement for Black students in Washington State, what should be the focus of the Black Education Strategy Roundtable's advocacy efforts in the next 3 to 5 years?
- What would be the most effective communication mechanisms to engage the Black community in critical conversations about improving educational outcomes for Black students in this state, including the voices of our youth.
Answers to these questions were thoughtful, provocative, bold and visionary. Under their leadership, it is apparent that Federal Way and Kent are in very good hands and their school boards made excellent choices in hiring them. We will watch their first year of service with anticipation for improved outcomes for students, especially our Black children in those districts.
Attendees enjoyed the complimentary lunch while fellowshipping and networking, an opportunity not often afforded for our community members. Rep. Erin Pettigrew was the guest speaker following lunch and he described the legislative session and the difficulties in drawing attention to the educational needs of our children. He summoned us to continue our advocacy in that he is alone in the legislature and can't do the job by himself. He encouraged us to not give up hope and that "Hope is a reliable strategy".
A status report was presented on BESR's strategic planning effort and the Board recruitment process currently underway. An update was provided on resource development and fundraising activities. Information was provided about efforts to solicit letters of commitment as Affiliate Organizations and Individuals with BESR. Announcements were made regarding upcoming activities and events.
The next quarterly meeting will be held on Saturday, November 14, 2015 at the same time and location. The agenda will focus on student voice, parental engagement, election results with attention to educational impacts, and strategies for better interaction of meeting attendees for input to strategic plan development.
We look forward to your presence. Be on the lookout for more information regarding the next meeting. Please be reminded that if you attended and have not yet responded to the evaluation sent to you following the meeting, please complete and return to us. Your input and comments are important so that we can continue to make improvements in our meetings and make your time worthwhile. As we approach another academic year, we will continue our advocacy for equitable and excellent educational outcomes for all of our students at all levels of their educational pursuits. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Best regards,
BESR Board of Directors and Staff