Stirling Methodist Church Newsletter

November 12th 2017

Issue 1295

Queen Street, Stirling, FK8 1HL

Welcome to everyone sharing in worship here today, we trust that you will find it to be an enriching experience.

If you are visiting us, we invite you to sign the Visitors’ Book which is on top of the organ.

Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee in the hall after the service.

At the beginning of our service, after the intimations are given by the steward, the Peace candle is lit and there is a short period of silence for you to pray for peace and prepare yourself for worship.

10.30am Morning Worship

Our service today is led by Mr Lyn Smalridge, local preacher from Edinburgh.

The full lectionary readings for this Sunday (any of which may or may not be used by the preacher) are:

1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18; Matthew 25: 1-13;

Continuous Related

Joshua 24: 1-3a, 14-25; Wisdom of Solomon 6: 17-20

Psalm 78: 1-7; Psalm 70.

Sunday 19th Nov. 10.30am Morning Worship

Service led by: Rev. Ian Wilkie from Grahamston United Parish Church.

A collect for this Sunday (from Methodist Worship Book):

Eternal God,

in whose perfect realm

no sword is drawn but the sword of justice,

and no strength known but the strength of love;

guide and inspire all who seek your kingdom,

that peoples and nations may find their security

in the love that casts out fear;

through Jesus Christ our Saviour.


Changes at Start-Up

Please remember Start-Up this week as they move, though not very far, to new larger premises with more congenial neighbours. Should you wish to visit or contact the charity directly their new address is 16B, Whitehouse Road, Stirling FK7 7SP. The telephone and email addresses remain the same. We wish them well in their new abode. Our collections on the last Sunday in the month will remain unchanged!

Stirling Street Pastors

We are hosting an Information Night at Ground House (top of King Street) on Thursday 16 November at 7.30 pm. We are still working towards building a team of 32 active Pastors who will go out once every 4 weeks on a Friday or Saturday night. So please think about whether you or someone you know might be interested in getting involved either as a Pastor or as a Prayer Partner.

Anne B, Annette, Gill and Ruth


Traidcraft Exchange, the charity arm of Traidcraft, raises money through recycling any old or unwanted; - Gold, Silver, Costume Jewellery, Watches and Old and New Banknotes (UK and Foreign). Even broken and damaged items will help. There will be a box in the hall for items.

Gill Nunn

Vacancy: World Mission representative of the Neighbourhood and World Mission Committee

After, I believe, 20 years or more of service, John Bostock has stood from this role due to his work commitments. We are very grateful for all his help and willing service over the years. Due to his resignation, we are looking for a replacement who has an interest in the work of the Methodist church and other Christian organisations overseas. The NWMC only meets twice a year (January and September) to plan fund-raising events and discuss the church’s work out-with Queen Street. The World Mission representative presents a very brief report on World Mission income (from events, Sunday morning service collections, JMA and adult collection boxes and donations) but this is not onerous. Over the years, Mission for minute, visiting speakers and events highlighting an overseas project (often involving tasting cuisine from that country!) have helped connect us to the wider church. John would be happy to explain the role in more detail. Please talk to him or to myselfif you are interested in taking over this worthwhile role.

Ruth Rogerson NWMC secretary

Ministry Training Updates

Part of my training for ministry now includes a “Link Church” agreement where it is intended I will be based for the 3 years of my training. To that end I am now “linked” to Pollockshaws Methodist Church in the Strathclyde Circuit. My ministry there will include regular preaching and the leading of worship, as well as pastoral/hospital visiting and assisting at the “Christians Against Poverty” Job Club on Tuesdays. The more formal training takes place at Queen’s College in Birmingham for a weekend each month, plus a full 7 days there for Holy Week. In between times, most of the course-work is done by distance learning including reading various texts/online modules and ‘attending’ Skype seminars every fortnight. There will also be a church placement somewhere in the UK at some point during July/August. All of this will be academically assessed by way of written assignments throughout the 3 years (with the first one due mid-December!).

All of which means the opportunities for me to be at Queen Street from now on will be few and far between. I will, of course, miss everyone immensely. I will continue to pray for you all and for your witness and mission to the people of Stirling and beyond. And, of course, I will make every effort to avail myself of your warmth and hospitality when time and duties permit.

With every blessing. Julia

New Church Directory

This is long overdue! Within the next 2 or 3 weeks we will be approachingyou all to check that any updates have been correctly entered in the master copy and there are no further changes that need to be made.

Janet and Brian

Calling You

On the first of December you know

Here at Queen Street we’re doing a Show

Be it poems, tap, song

Be it short, be it long-

All great! Just let Christine J know! (By 19th at the latest.)

Being Creative

Soulspace Stirling is going to be celebrating Scottish Inter Faith Week next Sunday with a specially themed event on ‘Creativity’ which is this year’s overall Inter Faith Week theme.

Each year across the Scotland, Inter Faith Week helps to open up Inter Faith activity to a wider group of people.

Soulspace is a group of people of all faiths and none who meet together in Stirling every six weeks or so. A theme is chosen for each evening and those who wish to bring along something that has inspired them on that theme. It may be music, poetry, short prose, a work of art or a short video – anything on that theme which has been inspiring.

People from many backgrounds have enjoyed getting together including Bahai’s, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims and people of no faith. All are welcome.

The Soulspace in Inter Faith Week is on Sunday 12th November with the theme ‘Creativity.

Jon or Lois can provide details.

Information about other Inter Faith Week activities can be found at

Newsletter content...

The deadline is 6pm on a Thursday for inclusion on Sunday. Items on any subject you wish to share can be sent to me by post, by email, by phone or handed to me in person.
