May 2013DeansfieldPrimary School
- Rainforest and Environmental Change – Habitats (Science and Geography topics)
- RE: Hinduism (we will shortly be making a visit to the HinduTemple in Plumstead)
- Design and Technology and Art: We will be making a container to hold a drink on the way to the Rainforest
Maths: We will continue to follow the National Numeracy Strategy covering a wide range of maths each week. We want to emphasise the importance of practising regular mental maths at home; particularly times tables and corresponding division facts.
Literacy:Our book focus is’ Window’ and ‘Belonging’ by Jeannie Baker, We will continue to teach English using topics such as rainforests and environmental issues to stimulate reading and writing for different purposes as well as learning a range of skills relating to grammar, punctuation and spelling. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of regular reading at home. Reading Journals are expected to be handed in once a week – a minimum of one page.
PE: Swimming stays the same. Sports PE at school is on Thursday a.m. Plain white tops and black shorts and trainers are required. Please send them in on Mondays and keep them here until Friday– this allows for unexpected changes in the timetable.
IT: Children continue to use Mathletics programme to support their Maths work at school. Children will also be researchingthe Rainforest to support their Science and Geography topics.
Music: Our theme is Rainforest Music. We will learn to sing and play a series of songs about the Amazon Rainforest. Children will continue to learn either recorder, flute, clarinet or violin.
RE:We will be studying Hinduism this term and this will be supported by a visit to the HinduTemple in Plumstead. Visits will be made on Friday 28th June and Wednesday 3rd July.
Homework: We would like children to prepare a project about the rainforest. It should ideally be a combination of writing and art work (2D or 3D). The format could be a book, poster, CD Rom etc. The topic should cover one aspect such as the rainforest layers, creatures, deforestation etc. The deadline is the end of June.
School Educational Visits: Year 4 have been extremely fortunate this year to have had so many and varied visits. These have included the National Gallery, Tudor House at Hall Place, Globe Theatre, National Portrait Gallery, Unicorn Theatre, NationalMaritimeMuseum and we will be making one more visit this time to the HinduTemple in Plumstead (see above). We are sure you will agree that this represents wonderful value for money for the £39 per year we request for parental financial support.
Thank you, Mrs Potter, Mrs Baker and Ms Manley Year 4 teachers