Team: P17422 Engineer: Anton Krull
Entering Phase: Phase 8
What do I plan on doing to ensure that Team P17422 has a successful Phase 7 review?
Class Specific
- Assist team with completion of group deliverables, whatever they may be.
- Complete any individual class deliverables expediently.
Project Specific
- Address long-standing poor performance due to persistent life issues.
- Communicate with guide and team mates
- Pursue advised course of action
- Have a plan
- One step at a time
- Build a support group
- Leverage manufacturing/fabrication experience to solve outstanding problems with system design:
- Devise effective sealing strategy between moving parts
- Address reality of debris penetrating within and between multiple parts of system.
- Identify suitable manufacturing method of containment lid.
- Assist team with initiation and execution of necessary project deliverables, including:
- Final paper
- Evaluate and refine assigned sections
- Materials and documentation to be delivered to customer.
- ImagineRIT materials
- Assist team with conduction of tests of initial prototype system:
- Functional Food Test: does system function as intended when loaded with food waste?
- Larvae Containment: are larvae sufficiently contained?
- Larvae Migration: are larvae exiting the system as intended?
- Longevity/Tortue Test: does the system continue to function as expected repeatedly?
Team: P17422 Engineer: Anton Krull
Entering Phase: Phase 7
What do I plan on doing to ensure that Team P17422 has a successful Phase 7 review?
Class Specific
- Assist team with completion of group deliverables, whatever they may be.
- Complete any individual class deliverables expediently.
I’m still forgetting about those peer evals.
Project Specific
- Address long-standing poor performance due to persistent life issues.
- Communicate with guide and team mates
Sat down with team face-to-face and communicated situation.
- Consult professional/s and pursue advised course of action
Professionals unavailable. Constructed list of items to contribute to greater wellness and satisfaction, and quit cold-turkey unhealthy habits.
- Establish realistic expectations for future contribution to team’s success
Established areas of strength and possible contribution.Also improved communication.
- Leverage manufacturing/fabrication experience to solve outstanding problems with system design:
- Devise effective sealing strategy between moving parts
Limited options due to construction of system. Will need to finish construction and evaluate.
- Address reality of debris penetrating within and between multiple parts of system.
Same. Current stage of construction limits options.
- Identify suitable manufacturing method of containment lid.
After consideration, complicated lid seems unecassary. Will need to convince team small feature on perimeter of wall is satisfactory.
- Assist team with initiation and execution of necessary project deliverables, including:
Assumed responsibility for parts of final paper.Have prepared draft of one section with intent on continuing work as deadline approaches.
- Materials and documentation to be delivered to customer.
- ImagineRIT materials
- Assist team with conduction of tests of initial prototype system:
System still under construction.
- Functional Food Test: does system function as intended when loaded with food waste?
- Larvae Containment: are larvae sufficiently contained?
- Larvae Migration: are larvae exiting the system as intended?
- Longevity/Tortue Test: does the system continue to function as expected repeatedly?
Team: P17422 Engineer: Anton Krull
Entering Phase: Phase 2
What do I plan on doing to ensure that Team P17422 has a successful Phase 2 review?
- Complete regular deliverables prior to each class period. September 9- September 29
- Research fly breeding enclosures/systems, with emphasis on design and materials. September 8-11
- Compile research in group folder. Annotate and organize. September 12
- Brainstorm and sketch concepts of container. Share with Team. September 15
- Conduct functional decomposition of project system. September 15-29
- Source raw materials, including Gracie's food waste, flys, containers, sensors and measuring devices, etc for experiments. September 9-13
- Conduct experiment to determine ideal thickness of waste layer. Establish basic physical parameters for waste material. September 15-29
- Conduct experiment to evaluate percent-weight material left over after larva population migrates to better material. Evaluate consistency/state of leftover material. September 15-29
- Compile experimental results and publish. September 29-30.
You will answer these three questions when you submit at the end of Phase 3.
What did I actually do?
Class Specific:
- Completed regular deliverables prior to each class period satisfactorily.
- Conducted limited research, did not share with team or organize findings.
- Brainstormed and sketched numerous concepts for container and system. Shared with team over duration of phase.
- Made functional decomposition flowchart.
- Provided digital sketches of system-level solution concepts.
Project Specific:
- Organized weekly meetings with sponsors Schwe and Sarah.
What did I Learn?
Plan for Phase 3 Review
Minor improvement over last phase. Still need more.
Same.Minor improvement, but project demands more if we want to be on track.
Not even close. I should enter a poor-time-management contest and submit my academic habits. I’d win.
- See below for details.
Team: P17422 Engineer: Anton Krull
Entering Phase: Phase 3
What do I plan on doing to ensure that Team P17422 has a successful Phase 3 review?
What did I actually do? 10/31/2016
Class Specific
- Assist team with the completion of expected deliverables, outlined below. Help team to exceed expectations. (Team, October 5-24)
- Proof-of-concept
- Component selection
- Manufacturability analysis
- Preliminary detailed design review
- Help team narrow down final design (Team, October 5-24)
Project Specific
- Receive confirmation of funding for project. (Team, Late October)
Complete about a week into Phase.
- Assist with preparation of test plan. (Team, October 5-12)
I drove the overall format of the test plan and promoted its formalization. Also typed plan into Excel spreadsheet so entire test is documented in a single document.
- Contact egg supplier and purchase eggs for testing. (Individual, October 12-19)
As a group we elected to postpone purchasing eggs until test is ready to commence. As of 10/31 construction of necessary apparatus is not complete.
- Research materials for container and interfacing components. (Individual, October 5-24)
- Explore options for prototyping concepts. (Individual, October 5-24)
Toured The Construct and discussed various avenues for working in various labs.
Plan for Phase 4 Review
- Specifics below
Team: P17422 Engineer: Anton Krull
Entering Phase: Phase 4
What do I plan on doing to ensure that Team P17422 has a successful Phase 4 review?
Class Specific
- Assist team with the completion of expected deliverables, outlined below. Help team to exceed expectations. (Team, November 1-29)
Team is not ready to commence any of the following.
- Proof-of-concept
- Component selection
- Manufacturability analysis
- Preliminary detailed design review
- Help team narrow down final design (Team, November 1- 29)
Provided insight and ideas based off of observations made while testing. Ideas were later illustrated by teammate.
Group Specific
- Assist in Larvae Migration Test Preparation (November 2-7):
- Construct test containers.
- Finalize test enclosure heating system.
No work necessary, team stuck with initial design.
- Implement temperature monitoring over time (if necessary).
- Work with Shwe on getting food (possibly individual)
Individually picked food from Gracie’s dumpsters (with assistance from Shwe) and processed food in grinder while recording mass of constituents with assistance from Shwe or teammates.
- Execute Larvae Migration Test (November 7-28):
- Conduct larvae feeding as scheduled.
Accomplished for the most part, although I fell ill during the last week and was unable to make it to some feedings.
- Monitor temperature (if necessary)
Individual effort was not necessary/desired.
- Monitor condition of food if changes are observed.
- Extract potentially useful data and record observations.
All observations recorded in sheet of test data workbook. Useful observations were made during experiment.
- Follow-up on Larvae Migration Test during or after conclusion (November 14-28)
Not much time to do much follow-up. Did discuss septic pump designs with another student, may prove helpful.
- Formulate early designs for prototypes with test-informed decisions (November 14-28):
Hahaha no way, not at this point.
- Devise simple, cheap tests that don’t require larvae (November 1-29):
Experiments may be done with liguified food waste that could prove fruitful, but this is the wrong time of year to be considering and executing accessory tests.
Team: P17422 Engineer: Anton Krull
Entering Phase: Phase 5
What do I plan on doing to ensure that Team P17422 has a successful Phase 5 review?
Class Specific
- Assist team with completion of group deliverables, whatever they may be.
- Complete any individual class deliverables expediently.
Still needs work.
Project Specific
Note: Dates will be provided when semester and work commences.
- Assist team to make informed design decisions regarding container design, waste removal strategies, and system construction, based on qualitative evaluation of previously-conducted tests.
Encouraged team to focus on addressing most impactful problem. Described basic elements of digestate removal subsystem and provided preliminary sketches.
- Provide insight into manufacturability and cost of production of various designs.
Discussed alternative designs and convinced team current idea was most cost effective.
- Devise simple, cheap tests that don’t require larvae.
Not primary focus of current work.
- Devise tests to identify effective larvae containment designs.
Largely completed during previous semester.
- Explore construction/fabrication possibilities.
- Molded/pressed plastic
A possibility.
- Stamped/welded metal
Proved to be too costly, and product will be too heavy.
- Welded/assembled plastic
Priced-out numerous materials and found multiple vendors. Encouraged team to pursue quotes, especially with more local vendors.
- Wood
Unviable due to lack of sealing/treatment options that are safe for larvae.
- Concrete/plaster
Not viable for current application.
- Assume necessary leadership role and push group to execute more than class standard/minimum.
Encouraged group to focus on biggest problems and produce something to show. Attempted to fabricate cardboard prototype for discussion at phase review, but raw materials not availiable. Persistent personal issues prevented further assumption of leadership role.