VVLC Top Ten Things Players Need to Know
Everything in “Quotes” is Terminology that needs to be second nature. Coaches and Players must all use the SAME Terminology
Tape players sticks to where there hands are in the same spot every time throwing and shooting
- Ground Balls
- “Ball” and “Release” calls (I’ve gone to extremes, automatic turnover in box lacrosse with no “ball” “release” give out push ups during any ground ball drill (5 push ups for no “ball” call 5 push ups for no “release call” 5 push ups for 1 handed pick up))
- Top hand at needs to be at plastic, not half way down the stick
- No 1 handed pick ups (turf vsgrass…..d1vs youth)
- Proficiency with Right and Left Hand
- All players by u12 should be able to use both hands equally
- Run practices with off hand
- Force players to have the stick in the proper hand
- Receiving a pass
- Correct: “Help” “One more”
- Incorrect: “Here” “I’m open”
- Fundament Overhand Throwing and Shooting
- Keeping stick vertical
- Don’t praise under hand shots even if they score
- Teach shooting on the run vs time and room (majority of goals in lacrosse are shot on the run)
- No side arm or under hand shooting before U12
- “V Cuts”
- Primary way to get open
- I don’t want to here “pop out” or “get open”
- “V Cut to get open”
- Switching Hands no Stick Spinning
- The basic skill of all dodges: split, roll, hitch, face
- Step left, switch from right to left
- Step right, switch from left to right
- Dodges
- A dodge does not have to be to goal, you can dodge to pass, you can dodge in open field
- Knowing and understanding when to do what dodge
- North/south vs East West
- Individual Defense
- Must call out I got “ball”
- Unsettled calling out number “Number Up” call out the number you have
- Play defense with your feet not your stick (drills with no sticks)
- Pokes and lifts only…..no chops or slaps
- Team Defense Crease slide or “Hot” (when the offensive team has no player on the crease)
- No face guarding
- Basic crease slide and back side help
- Slough on the back side
- Man who is sliding is “hot” call comes from goalie “fire”
- Help guys are “2” slide “I got your 2”
- Team Defense Adjacent slides (when the offensive team has no players on the crease)
- “Rights” and “Lefts”
- Everyone sloughs off ball
- Offense – Basic 2-3-1
- 2 mid up top, 1 mid on crease, 2 attack on wing, 1 man at x
- there is no “I play x, I play crease” constantly moving and exchanging places
- Attack and midfield working in two triangles