2016Summer Reading Assignment for AP English Language and Composition

Mrs. Brooks:


Welcome to AP English Language! This course is a challenging course that is designed to be equivalent to an introductory college-level composition course. The short-term goal of this course is to prepare you to pass the AP English Language exam next May (please note there is a fee of $92 for the exam – assistance is available for those in need). The long-term goal is to prepare you for future college classes and to improve your reading, analyzing, and writing skills for a lifetime. We will primarily focus on nonfiction reading and writing, including essays, articles, etc.; however, fiction will still be a lesser part of this course, always with a view towards argument. General vocabulary, argument, and grammar skills will also be emphasized.

The ideal AP student invests up to 5 hours per week on additional coursework and/or AP exam preparation outside of the classroom. A strong work ethic is required for success in this course; all assignments require thought and effort, and late assignments are rarely accepted. I am always willing to give assistance or answer questions, so please don’t hesitate to let me know if you are struggling! Yes, we will work a lot this year, but we will also read interesting, thought-provoking texts and have great class discussions.

Please visit and bookmark my class web site for your reference throughout the year: . You can find an electronic copy of this assignment there right now.


Required:Prior to returning to school in the fall, read the book October Sky by Homer Hickam.(This book was also published as Rocket Boys by the same author.) You may buy the book if you’d like to, or you may borrow it from a friend or check it out of the library. Complete the attached assignment as well.

Suggested, but not required: The AP exam in May 2017 seems very far away right now, but time flies! Ideally you will be preparing for the exam a little bit at a time all year instead of attempting to cram at the last minute. To this end, consider purchasing a copy of an AP English Language preparation book published after 2010 (so the information is recent). You can buy these books new or used; Half Price Books usually has a good selection in the summer after the class of 2016 sells theirs back. I suggest checking reviews of various books online before purchasing one; 5 Steps to a 5 and the Kaplan books seem to be popular. The goal is to find a book that you like and that has at least 2 practice tests that you can use to test yourself as the exam approaches. Nothing will improve your score like methodical, mindful practicing and studying over the course of the next 9 months.


ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: Friday, August 19

GRADING:60 points total (30 data sheet + 20 essay + 10 questions); late work subject to 50% penalty.

As you read October Sky, complete the following THREEassignments. Please read the directions carefully to ensure you meet all expectations. This book and these assignments will form our basis for discussion for the first few weeks, so arrive to school prepared to discuss it in depth. There will be multiple assessmentsover this book and class discussions.


For your first assignment, complete the attached data sheet for October Skyas you read. You may write your answers or you may access an electronic copy on my website and type your answers.A warning: using other people’s words or thoughts as your own is plagiarism. Anyone found plagiarizing, cheating, copying, or misrepresenting their work in any way will receive a ZERO.

For your second assignment, write a 2-paragraph response to the following prompt. You should do this AFTER you finish the data sheet since you may want to use some of that information in your essay. You should type your answers in a Google Doc and be prepared to share it with Mrs. Brooks in the first week of school. A warning: using other people’s words or thoughts as your own is plagiarism. Anyone found plagiarizing, cheating, copying, or misrepresenting their work in any way will receive a ZERO.

PROMPT: Identify Hickam’s central argument in October Sky. What methods/strategies does he use to support his argument? You should organize your essay into an introduction paragraph that ends in a thesis statement and 1 body paragraph that supports your thesis with textual evidence.

For your third assignment, write 5 GOOD discussion questions that you will use in class during a group discussion. GOOD questions have the following qualities:

-They are open to multiple opinions or interpretations – they do NOT have 1 specific answer and are NOT yes/no questions.

-They delve deeply into the ideas revealed by the text.

-They spark a lively discussion because they get people thinking and wanting to talk about the text.

-They may be designed to clarify a confusing or debatable part of the text for the class, leading us all to better understanding of the text as a whole.

You should type your questions in a Google Doc and be prepared to share it with Mrs. Brooks in the first week of school. A warning: using other people’s words, thoughts, or artwork as your own is plagiarism. Anyone found plagiarizing, cheating, copying, or misrepresenting their work in any way will receive a ZERO.

Thank you for reading! I can’t wait to get started on our journey together! If you have any questions this summer, please don’t hesitate to contact me at . Please allow 2-3 days for a response.


Mrs. Jenny Brooks