Last Updated 3-13-2013

Robert A. Bakst
49 Salem Street
Swampscott, MA 01907
Tel: 781.598.5437
Fax: 781.715.1249
Website: www.drfix-it.net
Accessibility Contractors -providing any type of accessible environment for individuals and institutions. Helping seniors to live safely – we service from consultation to site designs to grab bars. Distributer for ACORN stair lifts, ramps, platform lifts, and PRIDE mobility.

Eric D. Bradlee, Managing Director

IKOR of Greater Boston
2 & ½ Mt. Vernon Street
Charlestown, MA 02129
Tel: 617.241.0129 Cell: 617-371-5959
Fax: 857-233-9958


Website: www.ikorusa.com
We provide medically- based Patient Advocacy for the elderly and the disabled. Our staff of Registered Nurses have extensive clinical experience in areas appropriate to this service. Our only mission is to optimize the health and well being of our clients. We also provide professional Guardianship and Conservatorship services.

Kim Bullock

Bullock’s Nursing Service

747 Main Street Suite 225

Concord, MA 01742

Tel: 978-369-0463

Fax: 978-369-2657


Website: bullocksnursingservice.com

We are a family owned and managed home health care company; in business for over 30 years. We provide all levels of home health care from companions and Certified Nurses Aides to LPN’s and RN’s. We have over 100 caregivers on staff to serve our clients in their homes, assisted living facilities, or skilled nursing facilities

Jean Patel Bushnell

ITN Greater Boston

34 Deloss St. Floor 1

Framingham, MA 01702

Tel: (508) 309-7375


Website: itngreaterboston.org

Safe affordable and dignified, door-through-door and arm-through-arm transportation for seniors and people with visual impairments. This office covers, the Greater Boston Area and the Western Suburbs of: Ashland, Brookline, Framingham, Natick, Needham, Newton, & Wellesley.

Heather Chagnon

Greater Waltham Arc

56 Chestnut St.

Waltham, MA 02453

Tel: 781-899-1344 X 4145

Fax: 781-899-2197

Website: GWARC.org

The Adult Family Care Program is Mass health funded and is able to provide financial support to Caregivers caring for the elderly or persons with a disability. This program is provided through Greater Waltham Arc, servicing those in the greater Waltham/Metrowest communities. Greater Waltham Arc is a 55 year old Non-profit agency providing Day and Employment Services to persons with developmental and intellectual disabilities.

Richard Forté
Waddell & Reed
281 Winter Street, Suite 170
Waltham, MA 02451
Tel: 781.890.4599 x126
Fax: 781.890.4283
Website: www.FinancialWellnessEducation.wrfa.com
Financial planning, investment management and risk management (long-term care insurance,

annuities, life insurance)

Donald L. Grose

D.L. Grose & Associates

Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist

LEED Accredited Professional


267 Singletary Lane
Framingham, MA 01702
Office 508-872-9670
Mobile 508-259-0893

D. L. Grose & Associates provides client-centered design and consulting services with particular emphasis on creating adaptive, barrier-free living environments for seniors and persons with disabilities. Donald Grose is a Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist and LEED Accredited Professional with broad-based experience with multi-disciplinary design and construction teams that focus on accessible and energy-efficient residences.

Rena Hannaford

Safe Home Connections

34 Salem St

PO Box 560

Wilmington MA 01887

Tel: 978.658.2131

Fax: 978.988.8833


Website: www.safehomeconnections.com

Home safety evaluations, advocacy, training, nutrition counseling, mental health screening

Adam S. Hayes

Milestones Realty

99 Derby St

Suite 200

Hingham, MA 02043

Tel: 877.652.8726

Fax: 781.926.0372


Website: www.milestonesrealty.com

We are a unique, highly personalized service provider and view our clients and the sale of the family home as more than just another transaction.

Carol Kilduff

Visiting Angels

111 Chelmsford St

Chelmsford, MA 01824

Tel: 978-244-0200


Website: www.visitingangels.com

Brett Kirkpatrick
Mortgage Financial Reverse Mortgage
10 Elm Street
Danvers, MA 01923
Tel: 866.739.9599
Website: wwwIKeptMyHouse.com
Providing financial security to senior homeowners, by safely employing home equity to enhance their lives, using an FHA Insured home equity line of credit.

AnnMarie Leboeuf
JHC Hospice
629 Salisbury St.
Worcester-State MA 01609
Telephone: 508.713.0538
Website: www.jewishhealthcarecenter.com
One of our greatest fears is dying alone and in pain. Our hospice team provides supportive, compassionate, and expert care, wherever the patient calls home.

Todd E. Lutsky, Esq., LLM

Cushing & Dolan, P.C.

Attorneys at Law

Totten Pond Road Office Park

375 Totten Pond Road, Suite 200

Waltham, MA 02451

Direct: (781) 314-1904

Main: (617) 523-1555 ext. 204

Toll Free: (888) 759-5109

Fax: (617) 523-5653


Website: www.cushingdolan.com

Cushing & Dolan, P.C. provides legal counsel and guidance in estate planning, asset protection, elder law, business law, probate and estate administration, and real estate.

Jennifer Lynch
Independent Blessing
201 Devonshire St.

Suite 300
Boston, MA 02110
Tel: 781-852-2584

Website: www.independentblessing.com

Provide Adaptive Technology, advice, suggestions, tips: WIRELESS camera, emergency device(s) and alert system. Bring safety and "peace of mind" to near/distant family and caregivers.

Cheryl Mita

Sustainable Senior Solutions

30 Randolph Rd.

Worcester, MA 01606

Tel: 508-852-8375


Our services include: home safety evaluations, installation of safety improvements, and handyman services to improve safety, accessibility, and promote independence. Our relocation services include: sorting, packing, moving, set up of new home and sale preparation of current home.

John Natale

Natale Company & Safety Care LLC

5 West Dexter Ave.

Woburn, MA 01801

Tel: 781.933.7205

Fax: 781.932.1645



We are a family owned company with 28 years of experience in complete home accessibility keeping seniors and the disabled communities safe and independent in their homes. We install all types of durable medical equipment such as grab bars and handrails, shower chairs, and wheelchairs. We remodel bathrooms to make them fully accessible, build wheel chair ramps and widen doorways.

Kimberly Notkin

Kimberly Notkin Personal Training & Physical Therapy, LLC

253 Bridle Trail Rd.

Needham, MA 02492

Tel: 617-901-0180


Kim is a licensed physical therapist and personal trainer. Her specialty is with adults 55+ including those with various medical, neurological or orthopedic conditions. Combining expertise in physical therapy with personal training she helps adults safely and effectively achieve their health, fitness, and functional goals.

Gloria Pascual

Bay State Community Healthcare

34 Guild Rd.

Framingham, MA 01702

Tel: 508-283-0564


Website: www.bshealthcare.com

Develop and operate programs to support the medical & cultural needs of

diverse low income families. We provide interpreters, translators, care

managers, registered nurses, home health aides, homemaker/companions,

and Continuing Education Units for social workers, and registered nurses.

Lisa Pilorz, LEED BD+C, CAPS

The Independent Home
Kessler McGuinness & Associates, LLC
1121 Washington Street
Newton, MA 02465
Tel: 617.641.2802 Cell: 978.609.3860
Fax: 617.641.2812

Website: www.kmaccess.com
We provide customized architectural design services for homeowners with changing needs. We believe that thoughtful design allows people with diverse abilities to live independently. Working together and incorporating Universal Design Principles, we can help renovate your home to make it safe, comfortable and attractive, and make it a "home for a lifetime."

Tammy Pozerycki

Pleasantries Adult Day Services

195 Reservoir St.

Marlboro, MA 01752

Tel: 508-335-1968


Website: www.pleasantriesads.com

Home-based social model adult day program serving

folks 60 and older who may have memory impairment

due to Alzheimer’s or other dementia.

Linda Smith, RN, BSN, CMC Nurse Geriatric Care Manager

Metrowest Eldercare Management

Tel: 508.545.2089


Website: www.mwEldercare.com

Our nurse geriatric care managers act as a guide advocate, nurse and resource for families

caring for older relatives and persons with disabilities. We help plan and coordinate care in areas such as health care, home care services, housing, supportive community services and financial and legal planning to improve the client’s quality of life and maintain their optimal level of independence.

Stephen Todd
Stonewedge Corporation

240 Andover Street
Wilmington, MA 01887

Tel: 978.203.0642 x111

Fax: 978.824.3882
Website: www.stonewedge.net
Stonewedge is developing communication, health and wellness products for seniors and family caregivers. Stonewedge products will be easy to use, easy to maintain and will include a long list of configurable, scalable features to fit the needs of the very independent senior to those that are homebound.

Catherine Umina

SenAble Living Inc.

POBox 1270

Concord, MA 01742

Tel: 781-283-3303

Fax: 978-223-2479


Website: www.senableliving.com

SenAble Living Inc. helps elderly adults maintain their autonomy and live comfortably in their own homes. We provide services to adapt and enrich home environments, including in-home technology, remodeling and structural improvements, and an array of home care services. Select only the services you need- create a customized package that serves you best.

If you are a service provider to seniors and are interested in joining others to serve our community, then membership in NAIPC is the right tool for you to both grow your business and better service the Aging in Place population.

Membership Benefits:

Listing on the National Website

Participation in local Chapter Community Outreach Activities

Educational Opportunities for current issues facing Seniors & Their Families


Access to colleagues on a National level

For more information about the Boston Chapter meetings or becoming a member please contact: Jennifer Lynch at boston.naipc.org for membership information or regarding any changes you may have.

National Aging in Place Council
