2003-04 Annual Report
Enrollment Management/Student Success Committee
Presented by
Dr. Rex Cogdill and Ms. Terie Dawson
Goals and Objectives for AY 03/04
The purpose and function of the 2003/04 Enrollment Management/Student Success Committee was to develop and implement a campus-wide enrollment management plan to include all aspects of enrollment management, including potential student awareness of academic programs and the institution, student recruitment, student retention, and student success. During the 2003/04 academic year, this committee also served as the Steering Committee for the Foundations of Excellence program at Chadron State College.
Committee and Sub-committee Meeting Schedules
The Committee first met on September 25, 2003 and discussed the purpose and function of the Committee. Two sub-committees were formed with one focusing on student awareness and recruitment issues, and the other focusing on student retention and success. The latter sub-committee also served as the Steering Committee for the Foundations of Excellence program at CSC. An overview of the Foundations of Excellence project was also discussed at this initial meeting. The groups met separately during AY 03-04 with each meeting on a regular basis.
Enrollment Management Student Success Committee met on the following dates: September 25, October 9 & 30, November 18, December 2, January 22 & 29, February 10 & 24, March 23, April 6 & 20, May 11 & 25, June 9, July 6 & 20.
Awareness/Recruitment Sub-Committee met on the following dates:
October 27, November 19, December 2, January 22, February 10, March 3 & 18, April 1 & 22, May 13, June 3
Student Success (Foundations of Excellence) Sub-Committee met on the following dates:
October 27, November 6 & 20, December 11, January 15 & 29, February 12 & 24, March 23, April 6 & 20, May 11 & 25
Accomplishments or Progress Toward Fulfilling AY 03-04 Goals and Objectives
Enrollment Management/Student Success Committee –
- Reviewed purpose and function of committee
- Developed subcommittees of Awareness/Recruitment and Retention/Student Success (Foundations of Excellence)
- Reviewed Foundations of Excellence Project
- Discussed previous CSC enrollment management committee/task force/council efforts
- Reviewed and discussed CSC Vision 2011 strategic plan
- Reviewed and discussed LR 174
- Added new committee members-Calvin Conroy, Multicultural Counselor and Barry Gore, Director TRIO/Elite Program
- Discussed options to change of class registration schedule to Fall/Spring/Summer-which was taken to Senior Vice President’s Council and approved
- Initiated Strategic enrollment management plan development
- Reviewed enrollment management plans from other institutions
- Developed web site on test server for strategic enrollment management plan at
- Shared report from Strategic Enrollment Management Conference XIII; Boston, MA.
- Discussed of enrollment management plan components
- Developed enrollment SWOT analysis
- Developed initial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Developed initial enrollment goals for minority students and international students for fall 2004, 2005 and 2006.
- Initiated discussion to develop goals for majors within the academic programs.
- Shared new undergraduate on-campus student goals for fall 2004
Awareness & Recruitment Subcommittee -
- Added new subcommittee members -Loree MacNeill, Joby Collins, Sherry Douglas and Dale Williamson
- Development of focus areas: home schooled students, international students, adult students, and the agriculture sector.
- Reviewed college and university web sites
- Shared Mid-year On-campus UG recruiting report
- Discussed online credit card implementation
- Discussed campus visits, recruiting technology, internet and chat rooms
- Discussed enrollment management websites and how to set up CSC’s SEM plan website
- Shared opportunities, challenges and enhancements relating to Extended Campus Programs and adult students
- Provided regular NSCS Branding and Marketing committee update
- Shared recruiting report about International students
- Provided student publication/communication focus group update
- Hosted “Web as Hub” teleconference
Retention/Student Success Subcommittee
- Added subcommittee members-Amanda Nipp, Barry Gore,
- Served as steering committee for Foundations of Excellence Project
- Reviewed and completed Current Practices Inventory items
- Reviewed and discussed planning for National Student Engagement Survey for students and faculty
- Reviewed Foundations of Excellent report timelines and conference call participation
- Reviewed planning for Dr. John Gardner and Dr. Ed Zlotkowski visits to CSC
- Coordinated NSSE student and faculty surveys administration
- Provided Performance Indicator and conference call report updates
- Reviewed CSC and national retention data
- Discussed student level classification and proposed change in classification that was approved by President Krepel.
- Hosted Teleconference on “Creating Engaged Learning Environments for Today’s Students” on March 25
- Developed written mission statement and vision statement for the First-Year Experience which wasapproved by President Krepel
- Investigated the possibility of developing a document that appeals to the affective-emotional domain to send to prospective students
- Discussed development of an AdvisingCenter
- Hosted April 29th teleconference entitled “Campus Activities: Creating Intentional Connections for Student Learning”
- Developed list of recommended actions for improving student success.
List of Continuing or “In-Progress” Projects
- Develop a realistic number of specific objectives and actions for EM/SS committee to complete during 2004-05
- Continue development, implementation and evaluation of Strategic Enrollment Management plan
- Continue NSCS Carnegie Communications report review and discussion
- Implement changes for timing of fall/spring/summer class registration
- Complete CSC participation in the Foundations of Excellence project
Recommendations for a Program of Work for the Committee for Next Year
The Committee recommends continuing with the Program of Work as assigned for AY 03/04. Once the Foundations of Excellence project is completed, the Enrollment Management/Student Success Subcommittee will increase its focus on implementation of its recommendations for improving student enrollment and success.
Review the Charge to the Committee and Suggest Any Needed Change(s)
The Committee recommends no change to the charge as assigned for AY 03/04.
Recommendation on Possible Change(s) to Committee Structure and Membership
The Committee recommends that up to four additional faculty (from the various disciplines) be added to its membership. It was difficult for many faculty members (assigned to the Committee) to attend meetings on a regular basis. More faculty on the Committee would help assure this group’s input is included in recommendations by the Committee.
Review Committee Member Attendance
Enrollment Management/Student Success Committee Meetings
(There were 14 meetings conducted September 2003-May 2004)
Committee Member Name / Number of Meetings Attended / Number of Meetings AbsentRex Cogdill-Co-chair / 14 / 0
Terie Dawson-Co-chair / 14 / 0
Calvin Conroy / 4 / None while on staff
Tena Cook Gould / 11 / 3
Margaret Crouse / 1 / 13
Barry Gore / 6 / 8
Joyce Hardy / 2 / 12
Deena Kennell / 11 / 3
Kathy Mason / 13 / 1
Larry McDaniel / 12 / 2
Amanda Nipp / 11 / 3
Tracy Nobiling / 7 / 7
Bill O-Boyle / 1 / 13
Sharon Rickenbach / 10 / 4
Sandy Schaefer / 6 / 8
Steve Taylor / 5 / 9
Lois Veath / 5 / 9
David Welch / 4 / 10
Awareness & Recruitment Subcommittee Meetings
(There were 10 meetings conducted September-May)
Committee Member Name / Number of Meetings Attended / Number of Meetings AbsentTerie Dawson-Chair / 10 / 0
Rex Cogdill / 9 / 1
Joby Collins / 9 / 1
Sherry Douglas / 6 / 4
Tena Cook Gould / 6 / 4
Loree MacNeill / 4 / 6
Tracy Nobiling / 2 / 8
Sandy Schaefer / 4 / 6
Sherri Simons / 4 / 6
Steve Taylor / 4 / 6
Lois Veath / 2 / 8
David Welch / 2 / 8
Dale Williamson / 6 / 4
Retention & Student Success Subcommittee Meetings
Foundations of Excellence
(There were 13 meetings conducted September-May)
Committee Member Name / Number of Meetings Attended / Number of Meetings AbsentRex Cogdill-Chair / 13 / 0
Calvin Conroy / 4 / None while he was on Staff
Margaret Crouse / 2 / 11
Terie Dawson / 8 / 5
Dana DeWitt / 5 / 8
Michael Donner / 7 / 6
Ann Frates / 3 / 10
Barry Gore / 5 / 8
Joyce Hardy / 0 / 13
Cory Headley / 10 / 3
Deena Kennell / 12 / 1
Kathleen Kirsch / 1 / 12
Loree MacNeill / 4 / 9
Kathy Mason / 11 / 2
Larry McDaniel / 13 / 0
Amanda Nipp / 12 / 1
Bill O’Boyle / 8 / 5
Sara Beth Ramsey / 2 / 11
Sharon Rickenbach / 11 / 2
Bill Roweton / 6 / 7
Sherri Simons / 6 / 7
Laure Sinn / 12 / 1
Lois Veath / 3 / 10
David Welch / 6 / 7