West Dean Parish Council: Invitation & Agenda

You are invited attend an Ordinary Meeting of West Dean Parish Council to be held in King George’s Hall, West Dean, SP5 1JQ on Wednesday 12th July 2017 at 7pm.

Samantha Owen 01980 863326


Before the parish council meeting there will be a period of 10 minutes when members of the public may raise any issues relevant to the Parish Council.

1)  Apologies for absence

2)  Declarations of Interest.

3)  To consider approval of Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 11th May 2017.

4)  Report from Wiltshire Council – Cllr Devine

5)  Planning Applications:

17/01512/PDQS – Woodside Farm, Rectory Hill, West Dean – change use of barn to dwelling

Applications previously refused, monitoring

Woodside Farm, Rectory Hill, SP5 1JL Change of use of portal frame building to dwelling. – appeal refused – awaiting enforcement action

6)  Finance:

i.  To confirm and authorise payment for schedule of accounts dated 10th July 2017

ii.  Annual return section 1 annual governance statement to be agreed.

iii.  Annual return section 2 Accounting statements to be agreed.

iv.  To confirm annual pay rise for the clerk in line with the national (NALC) pay scales to £10.47 per hour as from April 2017 (rise of 10p per hour).

7)  Neighbourhood Plan – Update for Councillors Steering group member

8)  Website – update Clerk/Cllr Greene

9)  Broadband – update Cllr Marx

10)  Footpaths – Update Cllr Warry

11)  WD fete committee – update on discussions with fete committee on policy for allocation of fete funds – Cllr Urquhart

12)  SID (Speed Indication Device) – request from WT&FPC to share to use and cost of a device between neighbouring parishes – info sent to councillors.

13)  Correspondence

14)  Items for the next agenda

15)  Date of next Meeting: September 13th, 2017 at 7pm