Cyber Bullying Poster Project
25 – 22 - A
21 - 18 – B
17 - 14 – C
13 - 10 – D
9 – 0 – E
(4 points) / EMERGING
(3 points) / INCOMPLETE
(2-0 points)
Text - Font Choice &
6 words 6 bullets / Font formats have beencarefully planned toenhance readability andcontent. Size is appropriate/color contrast from background. / Font formats have beencarefully planned toenhance readability. Size is mostly appropriate and color contrast from background. / Font may be a little hard toread size is too small.
Color does not contrast w/bg. / Font formatting makes itvery difficult to read thematerial. Way too small to read and contrast not appropriate.
Background / Background does not detract from text or other graphics. / Some elements of background somewhat detract from text or other graphics. / Entire background somewhat detract from text or other graphics. / Background makes it difficult to see text or competes with other graphics on the page.
Spelling and Grammar / Poster has nomisspellings orgrammatical errors. / Poster has 1 misspelling, but nogrammatical errors. / Poster has 2
grammatical errors but nomisspellings. / Poster has more
than 2 grammatical
and/or spelling errors
Pictures/Graphics / Pictures and graphics give a realistic example, are visually interesting and relate to the theme. / Pictures and graphicssomewhat give a realistic and sort of work with theme. / Lack of pictures and graphics relating to the subject and theme.. / Picture and graphics are missing or do not relate to subject and theme.
Poster describes two different kinds of cyberbullying. Two ways to protect against cyberbullying. Two strategies to respond to cyberbullying. / Assignment was turned in on time and was totally completed.
Covered topic in depth with details and examples, and provide realistic and accurate information. / Assignment was turned on time and was almost complete
Includes essential knowledge about the topic. / Assignment was turned in on time but partially complete. Includes some of essential knowledge about the topic but not much content. / The student did not have the assignment completely ready and was finalizing some things as class began.
Content is minimal.
Students will seek information about cyber bullying from the Internet. Working in groups of two the students will research the topics of cyber bullying, prevention, consequences, and active strategies to stop it. The students will make notes about their findings that they will use to create informational posters. The posters will be displayed around the school where other students can read them.
Cyber bullying poster will describe;
- two different kinds of cyber bullying.
- two ways to protect against the two different kinds of cyber bullying.
- two strategies to respond to these two different kinds of cyberbullying.