Pompano Beach Elementary School
2015-2016 Fire/Safety Drill Schedule
Day Date Drills
Wednesday August 26, 2015Fire
Wednesday September 2, 2015Tornado
ThursdaySeptember 3, 2015Fire
Thursday September 24, 2015Fire
WednesdaySeptember 30, 2015Lockdown
Wednesday October 28, 2015Fire
TuesdayNovember 17, 2015Fire
TuesdayNovember 24, 2013Evacuation
WednesdayDecember 10, 2015Fire
WednesdayJanuary 20, 2016 Fire
WednesdayJanuary 27, 2016 Lockdown
Wednesday February 24, 2016Fire
Wednesday March 16, 2016Fire
WednesdayApril 20, 2016Fire
Wednesday May 18, 2016Fire
May 25, 2016Lockdown
ThursdayJune 2, 2016Fire
Pompano Beach Elementary School
In the event there is an emergency, notify the front office by pushing the intercom button located in each room. Upon hearing a secretary from the front office, use one of the following codes:
In the event of a crisis situation, administration will utilize the public address system to notify staff. The following codes will be used:
(Stay in classroom, take roll, lock classroom doors, establish fire watch ignore fire alarms, await further instructions)
(School Response Team (SRT) reports to pre-designated locationTeachers get students in classroom, take roll)
(Evacuate building, follow directions via PA system)
Depending on situation one of the following will be used:
Full Lockdown
Crisis Response Team (CRT) Activation
Pompano BeachElementary School
“Safety is everyone’s responsibility”
All classroom doors must be locked at ALL times.
FIRE DRILL(A fire emergency exists whenever the school fire alarm is activated)
- Respond immediately to the alarm.
- Evacuate the classroom in an orderly manner. (Students are silent)
- Close all doors
- Follow “fire” evacuation route posted in class
- Go to designated area (GRASSY AREAS ONLY)
- Take roll
- Remain outside until the ALL CLEAR signal is given
EMERGENCY EVACUATION(Gas Leaks, Chemical Spills, Bomb threats, etc)
- Signal for an Evacuation is the same procedure as FIRE ALARM DRILL. The bell will sound followed by Code Orange. Three rings of the bell followed by a pause. This will occur three times.
- Turn off lights.
- Take plan/gradebook for roster.
- Evacuate the classroom in an orderly manner
- Follow “Emergency Evacuation” route posted in the class
- Remain at designated evacuation site until danger has passed, an “ALL CLEAR” will be made via bullhorns/ walkies.
- A series of two (2) long rings of the bell repeated five (5) times will be sounded.
- An announcement will be made “Tornado Drill- all students and staff report to their assigned areas.
- Proceed to shelter assignments:
- Buildings 4, 5, &6 – Exit your classrooms, remain in your building and assume the protective position outside your classroom in the hallway.
- Playground (Intermediate)/P.E.- should be escorted to the 5th Grade hallway, remain in the hallway in the protective position: Playground (Primary) go into Building 6.
- Pre-K/Head Start/Building 1 (ESE)– remain in your classrooms away from the windows and assume the protective position.
- Media Center / Computer Lab– Students move away from the windows and assume the protective position against the book shelves.
- Cafeteria – students remain in the cafeteria and assume the protective position.
- Front Office/Clinic – move to the storage room in the back and assume the protective position.
- Protective Position - Lie face down, draw knees up under you, cover your head with your hands.
- Remain in the protective position until the “ALL CLEAR” signal is given.
- Return to regular class activities
Code Yellow LOCKDOWN(Limited Movement on Campus- Safety Team)
Signal for “Lockdown- Code YELLOW” is as follows- “At this time we are moving into a Code Yellow Lockdown”
- LOCK the doors
- You may continue to teach and conduct classroom activities as usual.
- Place a GREEN marker in the window of the door to indicate – OK/ AREA SAFE andRED to indicate danger in your room.
- DO NOT unlock or open a door for anyone.
- Ignore any other bells, fire alarms, etc.
- Take attendance as soon as possible.
- Any person not in a secure area must proceed quickly to the nearest safe harbor room and lock door once entered. Safe Harbors areas: Teacher’s Lounge –lock door; Front Office When all danger has passed an “ALL CLEAR” announcement will be made via the intercom. The message will be announced five times (5).
Signal for “Lockdown- Code Red” is as follows- “At this time we are moving into a Code Red Lockdown”
- LOCK doors and turn lights OFF
- Close and Move away from windows.
- Place a GREEN marker in the window of the door to indicate – OK/ AREA SAFE and RED to indicate danger in your room.
- DO NOT unlock or open a door for anyone.
- Ignore any other bells, fire alarms, etc.
- Take attendance as soon as possible.
- Keep your students calm & in the room. DO NOT allow anyone to leave the classroom.
- NO TALKING during this time
- Any person not in a secure area must proceed quickly to the nearest safe harbor room and lock door once entered. Safe Harbors areas: Teacher’s Lounge –lock door; Front Office When all danger has passed an “ALL CLEAR” announcement will be made via the intercom. The message will be announced five times (5).
The Threat Assessment Team consists of the administration, guidance, support staff, security, and SRO.
Staff members are instructed to immediately report any threats to administration, and an administrator will initiate any further gathering of information and implementation of the district’s protocol.
Pompano Beach Elementary shares the district’s highest commitment to providing a safe environment for all students, employees, and visitors.
Threat Assessment Team Members
Steve Larson, Principal
Traci Porter, Assistant Principal
Debbie Salvatore, Family Counselor
Debra Melisi, Guidance Counselor
Kim Cohen, ESE Specialist
Deputy Nichols, School Resource Officer
Indicators ……..
- A Potentially life threatening situation exists (Active Killer)
- Free movement on campus will endanger personal safety & security
- Our SRO has requested backup, and has activated the BSO Emergency Plan
- Attempts are being made by law enforcement to isolate suspects
- A priority is to protect possible victims/hostages from harm
- Emergency is called into the office with the teacher name, location and color of code. If out on the field, go to the nearest portable.
- Signal for Lockdown is made on the intercom system “CODE RED” (announced by an administrator). “CODE RED-Lockdown will be repeated (2) times.
- Teachers should IMMEDIATELY lock doors, close windows, turn off lights and moveaway from doors (sight line). Consult RED safety folder (Place Green construction paper on the door’s securitywindow-visible-if okay and RED if there is danger in your room; no indication will denote that there is a problem)
- From this point forward, DO NOT unlock or open the door for anyone (those needing access will have a key). IGNORE any other bells, fire alarms, etc. Take attendanceas soon as possible for ALL students present in your classroom.
- Move away from windows. Keep students calm & in room if possible – DO NOT allowANYONE to leave the classroom. NO talking during this time.
- DO NOT use intercom paging or classroom telephones unless a medical emergency arises. Disable all pagers and cellular telephone-signals from these devices detonate explosives, and/or reveal your location.
- Communication will be through SRT, Email, BECON, closed-circuit television, or telephone land lines if available. (Do not tie up phone lines)
- Be prepared to stay in one place. NO MOVEMENT!
- Team goes into action.
SIGNAL: Fire alarm box will be pulled. A loud, continuous buzzing sound. – Followed by CODE ORANGE-EVACUATION- Evacuate
Classes exit according to prearranged evacuation routes posted in each classroom. (consult RED emergency folder) Walk briskly. No running. No talking should be permitted during the drill!
Children should be instructed carefully in this procedure so that it may be accomplished quickly and without any need for talking.
Children who are not in the classroom at the time of a drill should know that they simply leave wherever they are and join the nearest group on the outside.
Each year a new fire exit plan is displayed in each area of the school according to State law. Each teacher will familiarize the students with the proper evacuation routes from various areas of the building. Example: Exit from the library, art room, music room, etc.
Teacher should take the Attendance Cards/Grade book AND Emergency Dismissal Forms, and will be the last to leave the room or portable. Attendance should be taken once the children are lined up outside the building.
Students will be instructed to give immediate attention to their teacher for instructions on the proper exit routes to be used. Students and teachers are to wait for all clear signal (a long ring of the bell) before reentering the building.
If a fire drill occurs during the lunch period, children should leave the lunch trays in place and file out through the nearest exit. Pupils may be instructed to give immediate attention to their teacher for instruction on the proper exit to be used.
Students and teachers are to wait for the all clear signal (a long ring of the bell) before reentering the building.
Fire drills are conducted once a month. The first evacuation drill shall be within the first five (5) days after the opening date of school. Each teacher is to walk his/her students through fire drill procedures the first day of school.
A Tornado Watch announcement means that tornados are expected in or near your area. A Weather Alert Radio will broadcast information directly from the Weather Bureau. When a tornado watch is announced, watch the sky to the east. If you see any revolving, funnel-shaped clouds, report them to the office. Do not use the phone to get information and advice. DO NOT PASS ON RUMORS OR EXAGGERATED REPORTS OF DAMAGE.
Tornado Drill Procedures
A.Warning System
- Tornado Signals:
A series of two (2) long rings of the bell repeated five (5) times will be sounded.
- An announcement will be made -“Tornado Drill – all students and staff report to their assigned areas.”
Students must remain quiet at all times.
Secure all windows by closing the blinders.
Proceed to assigned locations.
All students and staff should assume the protective position. (see attachment)
Wait for an ALL CLEAR
B.Evacuation Route and Shelter Assignment
C.Instructional Command
When students are assembled in interior hallways or other rooms away from windows during a tornado drill or a tornado warning, they should be instructed to respond to a specific command to assume the protective postures, facing interior walls when danger is imminent. Such a command might be: “EVERYBODY DOWN! CROUCH ON ELBOWS AND KNEES. HANDS OVER BACK OF HEAD.” It is essential that this command be instantly understood and obeyed. Most tornado deaths are caused by head injuries.
TORNADO SIGNALS:A series of two (2) long rings of the bell
repeated five (5) times will be sounded.
1) Listen for teacher's command: "TORNADO WARNING
2) All students and staff should assume protective position. (Lie face
down, draw your knees up under you, cover the back of your head with your hands.)
3) Remain in the protective position until the all clear signal is sounded.
SIGNAL: ALL CLEAR: Three (3) short blasts of the bell after approximately one (1) minute of silence.
4)Return to regular class activities.
Who Should Help Create the Plan?
Universal Involvement
Administration, Students, Parents, Teachers, Counselors, Clerical Staff Members, Facilities Staff Members, Security Staff including SIU, SRO's, and/or Local Law Enforcement, other community members.
The School Safety and Security Plan was created by a committee representing all stakeholders. The city services, Emergency services, and Police Department meet with the school as needed to provide input and support. The plan is presented to the faculty, School Advisory Forum, and all other parent groups for input.
- Administration, support personnel and custodial staff carry walkie talkies.
- The intercom system is used to communicate with all classrooms. Telephones in individual classrooms will be used monitored as necessary
- The school has developed bell code system as follows:
•fire alarm signals evacuate
•3 short bells signals tornado- take cover
•one long bell signals all clear
- The support staff will go to all classrooms if the system is not working.
- Debriefing will be done by Principal after emergencies.
- Principal will be only media contact.
- Assistant Principal is responsible for keeping media away from students and staff.
- Parents will be informed by Administration either in person or by letter.
- Ms. Porter will make all public announcements.
- School Resource Officer will be our Police contact.
Clear and Effective Communication System
Signal for Emergency and the "All Clear"
Rumor Control (if needed)
Police Contact Person (only one or two)
Media Contact Person (if needed)
(Keep media away from staff and students)
Student Dismissal Debrief
Things to Consider
Intercom system Two-way radios Bell System If System is Out
General Emergency Evacuation and Notification
- The school bell communication system shall be used under any emergency evacuation.
- Mr. Dawes or an Administrator in charge shall declare the emergency and under what condition.
- Administration, Support Staff, and the Office Staff shall assess the immediate concern.
- All classrooms will have the evacuation map posted nearest to the exit door.
- Teachers shall supervise their children at all times. Support staff members shall be floaters to assist the teachers.
- Walkie Talkies shall be used to communicate within the school.
- Cell phones are available if necessary.
Signal for Each Emergency
Who declares the emergency under what conditions?
Assess the immediate concerns(event triage)
Evacuation maps posted
Student Supervision
Communications Procedures (within and outside the school)
Fire Drill
FIRE DRILLS - Fire drills are held each month throughout the year. Ten emergency evacuation drillsare required. Each classroom has an evacuation map indicating primary and secondary routes for leaving the classroom or special area. The map is located near the exit door of the room.
Each teacher is responsible for instructing students in the proper fire drill procedures and routes. The teacher is responsible for students under his/her supervision at the time of the drill.
Teachers are required by law to take roll books with them during a fire drill. The teacher must check and account for each child after the class arrives at its designated area outside.
Procedures to follow during a drill:
- Respond immediately to the alarm.
- Evacuate the classroom in an orderlymanner.
- Close all doors.
- Take roll.
- Remain outside until the all clear signal is given.
Fire Emergency Definition
A fire emergency
exists whenever the
school fire alarm is
activated from the
main panel or from a
remote pull station.
This emergency
requires the
immediate evacuation
of the building
according to the
establishedevacuation procedures posted, and the plan listed.
Bomb Threat
- Directions to evacuate the building will be made by the School Principal.
- Classrooms will be evacuated using the fire drill procedures – Color Code indicated.
- Teachers will be asked to notice any unusual objects in their classrooms as they leave.
- The bell system will be utilized for clear communications.
- Walkie Talkies may not be utilized.
- 911 will be called.
- Area Office will be notified.
- SIU will be notified.
- Search of the building will be conducted by appropriate personnel.
- Remain outside until the all clear signal is given
What is a bomb?
Bombs can be made to
anything. They can be
sophisticated or made
materials. Construction
of a bomb is only
limited to the ingenuity
and resources of the
bomb maker. Bombs
can be delivered,
thrown, or placed in
numerous ways. The
only thing certain about
bombs is that they can
explode. Remember,
when searching for a
bomb beware of any
suspicious or out of
place. Above all, never
touch or move a
suspicious item.
Information taken from Broward Sheriff's Office Bomb Threat Management code (BSOCR#4-ll/96)
If a building evacuation is ordered, it should be done quickly and orderly. Teachers and staff members should examine their own classroom and work areas for items that are suspicious or seem out of place. Every employee should know where to report suspicious or out of place items.
NEVER TOUCH, JAR, OR MOVE a suspicious item. Leave the area immediately.
Other Building Evacuations
SCHOOL PLANEmergency Evacuations
Drills are held each month throughout the year Ten emergency evacuation drills are required. Each classroom has an evacuation map indicating primary and secondary routes for leaving the classroom or special area. The map is located near the exit door of the room.