Can you please provide a list of the Recreational Steering Committee Members including their organization and contact information?
Recreational Steering Committee:
- SuelingChing, YMCA of Brockville and Area CEO, 613.342.7961
- Marg Fancy, Every Kid in Our Communities Coordinator,
- Keith McPhee, Every Kid in Our Communities Past Chair,
- Sue Dunfield, Recreation Director Rideau Lakes Township 613.928.2251
- Suzanne Rivard, Health Promotion Specialist,
- Randy Hopkins, Kids Christian Hockey League, 613.345.5001
- Krista Gill, Brockville Braves Entertainment, Business Manager, 613.498.1394
- (Previous ED of Big Brother Big Sisters and Past United Way Campaign Chair)
- Lois Dewey, Healthy Communities Partnership, Health Unit of Lanark, Leeds and Grenville, 613.283.2740
- Lorena Crosbie, Children’s Mental Health of Leeds and Grenville Program Director, 613.498.4844
- Beth Kent, Children’s Mental Health of Leeds and Grenville Executive Assistant, 613.498.4844
- Catherine DePlaedt, Brockville Canadian Tire Owner, JumpStart Representative, 613.246.3608
- Beth Steele, YMCA of Brockville and Area, 613.342.7961
If it is of any assistance, we would be happy to have a Trillium representative have a discussion, via teleconference with our full committee during one of our scheduled meetings.
The committee is also dedicated to requesting participation from other service providers, education and businesses in the area. They are working towards identifying partners who are currently missing from the table.
Information Taken from Grant Application
The RSC will be responsible for thehiring and support of the Sustainability Contractor, who will have a one year target of generating approximately $75,000 dollarsrevenue. These dollars will be held and accounted for by CMHLG in an account for the RSC, who will determine the use of thefunds. The RSC will determine how to best leverage dollars to support the work of MPP. Organizations will apply back to theRSC for MPP operational and recreational dollars.It is our intent to secure the services of a consultant with experience in raising funds and writing grants. It is our expectation thisrole will be primarily independent. The role of the RSC will be to guide and support. The committee is well positioned to do sowith several members experienced in raising funds in our committee for the benefit of children and families including but notlimited to Jumpstart, YMCA, Big Brothers Big Sisters. In addition, the committee has members working in recreation and children’s services with the ability to identify and leverage funding opportunities.
Our plan is to generate revenue in the first year to support the subsequent year. Our target is $75,000. The growth plan willrequire a multi-pronged strategy including collaboration with community agencies, agreements with recreation service providersand a realignment of program structure to strategic goals. This is the main thrust of the sustainability plan. However the revenuetarget plan will be as follows;
Individual Donations 25,000
Corporate Donations 15,000
Service Clubs 10,000
Events 10,000
Grants 15,000
Total $75,000
If the RSC deems it necessary to sustain the work of the Sustainability Contractor past one year on a part time basis, specificasks will be presented to EKIOC, community grants and or corporate sponsorship. A maximum of 10% of fundraised fundswould be applied back to this position. With EKIOC potentially applying another $10,000 back to the program, this will leave$17,500 to support fundraising efforts the year after the grant. Recognizing that a portion of the work of the sustainabilitycontractor in the first year is creating a strategic or operational plan, providing branding and awareness for MPP and the RSCand conducting an audit of the MPP program and implemented policies and procedures, it is not anticipated that the contractwould be needed to the same extent the second year. The long-range plan of the program would be to transfer the responsibilityfor fundraising and marketing aspects back to member agencies of the RSC. The operational plan will remain as a workingdocument for the RSC and will be reviewed and updated annually.
In summary, fundraising efforts in the first year will support another year of part-time service from the Sustainability Contractorand maintain MPP front line staffing at or above 0.7FTE. If $75,000 dollars is successfully raised, $30,000 worth of program orrecreational subsidies can be applied to the 2014-15 fiscal year. The community based Recreation Steering Committeeresponsible for Making Play Possible will help identify budget concerns and generate options and ideas for addressing thoseneeds effectively. Partnerships and networking will help position Making Play Possible as a community owned program. Thesepartnerships will help leverage the program and create a community desire to support and maintain core programming.
Supplementary information:
Can you provide more information on the $75,000 you aim to raise and if successful how it will be spent in future?
As mentioned in the grant application 0.5FTE of the Sustainability Contractor position for the duration of the grant will be dedicated to developing a framework and plan for sustainability. This plan will develop a clear set of events, programs and opportunities aimed at raising awareness and funds for Making Play Possible. While the committee has the expertise to support the role of the Sustainability Contractor, each of the partnering agencieslack the human resources to develop the Sustainability Plan. We recognize that this creates a moving target with regards to how the money will be raised and revenue estimations associated with proposed programs, events and corporate campaigns that are outlined in the diversified sustainability plan. We are dedicated to sharing with Trillium throughout the grant year the plans and timelines that are developed, as well as regularly moving towards determining if targets are realistic and attainable. At anytime targets look like they should be revised, we will contact Trillium and invite them to be part of the revision discussion.
We are confident there are $75,000 dollars available in the community to support Making Play Possible. In the past the community has rallied around the program ensuring programming has been maintained in times of crisis. However, the lack of formal networking between the stakeholders associated with Making Play Possible has resulted in a fragmented approach to gaining such support. By strengthening the community network and working together we are confident that this program will be sustainable.
Part of the Sustainability Contractor’s role will be to develop and put into place the mechanisms and process needed to generate $75,000 in additional revenues. Below are the objectives and initial targets, which will be reviewed and revised as necessary on an ongoing basis.
To arrange meetings with a minimum of five (5) agencies, such as Family and Children’s Services, Big Brothers, who currently spend dollars on recreational opportunities for their clients, to see if these dollars can be spent under the umbrella of Making Play Possible. This would result in better coordination of dollars and resources. This would be followed by exploring whether subsequent cost savings could be reinvested into program dollars.
- To meet with a minimum of 5 larger businesses and 20 smaller businesses who operate in Leeds and Grenville to generate corporate donations. The contractor will develop a recognition plan by which all corporate donations can be publicly recognized.
- To develop an advertising campaign and programto reach out to 100 to 200 additional potential individual donors, using the current Angels Campaign as a starting model.
- To meet with 4-6 Service Clubs to explore and pursue possible annualized donations to Making Play Possible.
- To meet with 4-6 other fund raising organizations to explore feasibility of joint fund raising events.
These are estimated targets that will be further developed by the sustainability contractor and implemented into the sustainability plan along with additional ideas.
Children’s Mental Health of Leeds & Grenville is not in the business of fundraising. Our one effort being a direct mail campaign with only 180 recipients that generates over $10,000 annually. This mail campaign has the opportunity to grow to represent a larger demographic area of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, however, CMHLG lacks the capacity to work with this program to support this growth adequately, which has resulted in a ceiling of raised funds. In addition a few third-party events held by stakeholders have been quite successful, with one raising over $5,000 dollars in support of Making Play Possible. This success shows that Making Play Possible is a program that funders are willing to support, both with respect to fundraising events and direct asks. However, we have never been able to build on our success and generate a strong donor base that is diversified. We have relied on sporadic connections, one-time asks, regular community grant supports to maintain core programing. The complication is that without having an organized approach to asking the community for support, we have focused on a small pool of resources that are becoming drained. Having the ability to hire a Sustainability Contractor will result in the human resources required to create a diversified approach that reaches more donors and supporters from across the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville.
If the Sustainability Contractor is successful in raising the entire $75,000 the rough construction of the next year’s budget would be as follows.
Salary & Benefit Dollars to maintain additional 0.2 FTE MPP Program Coordinator$15,130
Salary Dollars to maintain a 0.5FTE Sustainability Contractor$25,000
Admin Costs $6,000
Program Subsidies$34,864
Administration Costs would be decreased by $1000 to accommodate the 0.5FTE reduction of the Sustainability Contract position. The increase in cost for the salary and benefits associated with the MPP Coordinator is due to a scheduled increase associated with collective bargaining.
We are confident that we will be able to decrease the Sustainability Contractor position the year following the grant as thegroundwork andSustainability Plan will be well underway. The work will be focused on annualizing program components, requests and events for a second year. This decrease in cost associated with sustaining a full time position will have a direct impact on Making Play Possible as additional dollars can be allotted to program subsidies for children and youth. We are hoping to continue this plan in subsequent years, creating a sustainable framework for the program. Should the program grow beyond the capacity of a 0.7FTE Making Play Possible Program Coordinator, the Recreational Committee will look at avenues to increase the position while still maintaining an adequate amount of program subsidy dollars.
Can you provide more information regarding the admin expenses listed in your MPP budget?
Since the inception of Making Play Possible we have required our HR and Finance Admin Assistant to complete the required accounting entries and cheque writing responsibilities by absorbing these duties into her regular 0.5FTE position. The result was that her other duties were adversely affected and timelines were a challenge to meet. It was deemed necessary to ensure that an additional 0.1FTE be added to her portfolio to dedicate completely to Making Play Possible. We have been unable to implement this change with the realities of tight budgets. This 0.1FTE position would cost approximately $5000 dollars. Should the grant be successful, an additional strain would be placed on our finance department and would result in having to move forward and increase this position. The remaining $2,000 dollars in administration feeswould be to cover the administrative costs a partnering agency will be shouldering by taking on the responsibility of the Sustainability Contractor.