Advanced English 9 Course Syllabus
Ms. Jennifer Evans
Welcome to Advanced English 9. This is a class for students who want to push themselves to be stronger readers, writers, and thinkers. This is a course where your grade is dependent on the quality of the work you produce and the effort you expend on new or difficult tasks.
Texts for the year:
● The Once and Future King
● Oedipus/Antigone
● A Separate Peace
● Jane Eyre
● Choice Novels
● Poetry
● Non-Fiction Essays/Articles
● Romeo and Juliet
Materials needed for class each day:
● Folder or section in binder specifically for English
● Some type of notebook (Please do not keep a collection of loose papers.)
● An open mind and a willing attitude
● Respect for self and others
Academic Integrity:
You must be the sole author of all work produced in this class. If you are caught plagiarizing, you will be held accountable. The SCASD Academic Integrity Policy can be found in the SCAHS Handbook.
Inclusive Excellence:
Inclusive Excellence is an understanding that working, living, and learning environments benefit when diversity in thought, learning, and personal characteristics is recognized and utilized. Inclusive Excellence helps us to engage in civil conversation with those who hold views that differ from our own and to socialize with persons who have had different life experiences. In class experiences, inclusive excellence is addressed through ample opportunities to learn about diverse cultures -- both locally and globally. The State College Area School District does not tolerate racism, violence, or bullying by any individual or group. Just as importantly, we are actively working toward a more inclusive and caring environment to provide every student with a respectful, safe, and positive experience on a daily basis.
Grades are compiled on a point system. The eSchool system shows all grades. You should be able to find your up-to-date grades online through the SCASD portal (HAC -- Home Access Center). The late work policy is published in the student handbook. You have an open invitation to contact me for any help you may need. I expect your best effort on all work. You will create a shared Google folder for our class where we will create and uniformly title all assignments for submission for assessment. A blank in the system means that I have not assessed your work yet -- it will not lower your overall score. (A zero means that I do not have your work to assess.)
Class Participation:
Show up to class prepared to speak about the topic at hand with classmates in an articulate and mature manner. Your responsible class participation includes: attendance/promptness, level of engagement, listening skills, academic behavior, and preparedness. If you dislike reading and don’t complete it outside of class, you will struggle.
There’s only one rule: Be Respectful to the space, materials, others, and yourself. Disciplinary procedures are outlined in the student handbook.