Touching Lives: Health Project
The purpose of this project is to:1. Meet critical shortage of hospital facilities in Nigeria, 2.To meet the need of local people, 3. To provide high-quality care in a responsive way. 4. To train physician, nurses and health workers to be at par with colleagues in Europe and United States of America.
Economic benefits are: 1. Access to affordable health care delivery. 2. Employment opportunity for health workers.3. Improvement on level of awareness on health education.
What is the issue, problem, or challenge?
The best health care in Nigeria is available in private and nonprofit medical facilities. However, even these facilities typically fail to meet international standards. The quality of government medical facilities is unacceptable in Europe and United State of America. The quality of health care providers ranges from poor to fair. Most physicians and nurses do not meet international standards of training. Recent graduates lack experience with modern equipment and sophisticated procedures. Nigeria imports the majority of its pharmaceutical and medical supply needs, primarily from European sources. Medical material shortages have hindered medical practice, research and training in Nigeria.
The blood supply is not safe. Blood-banking services are unacceptable by international communities. National disaster management is not effective or functional. The civilian sector’s disaster management capabilities are poor to nonexistent.
How will this project solve this problem?
Through this project, health clinic will be established where the teeming population especially those in rural communities can access quality health services. Medical personnel like Physicians, Nurses and health workers will be trained on international best practice and how to use new medical equipment. The health services now at affordable compare to thepre project era.
Potential Long Term Impact
This project will contribute to achievement of UN Millennium goals, reduce maternal death (goal 5). It is an effective long-term investment, reduce child mortality (goal 4) and reduce maternal death. This project will contribute to the achievement of the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS) in Nigeria.
MATRIALS / NO / AMOUNT / DAYS / =N=Sharp Sand / 400 / 10,000.00 / 4,000,000.00
Cement / 1,800 / 1,500.00 / 2,700,000.00
Labour / 100 / 2,500.00 / 15 / 3,750,000.00
Furniture / 2,000,000.00
Painting / 1,000,000.00
Medical Equipment / 5,000,000.00
Drugs / 3,000 / 1,000.00 / 3,000,000.00
Vaccines / 3,000 / 500.00 / 1,500,000.00
Mosquito Net / 3,000 / 800.00 / 2,400,000.00
Safety Birthing Kits / 3,000 / 400.00 / 1,200,000.00
Salary / 4,000,000.00
Nutrition Support to Orphans / 6,000,000.00
Mobility: Vehicle / 4,000,000.00
Training: Health Workers / 4,000,000.00
Total in Naira / 44,550,000.00
DOLLAR AMOUNT / 257,514.45