Top Sporting Organizations & Pros Get on Board with the LEAGUES App!
LEAGUES Endorsed by National Pool, Dart & Ping Pong Leagues
New York, (July 26, 2012) -- LEAGUES, the leading social network for real world champions, has officially launched partnerships with the AmericanDartersAssociation (ADA), the NationalAmateurPoolLeague (NAPL), and TableTennisNation (TTN), and has received endorsements from several of the top professionals in their fields. These organizations represent some of the best players and most respected governing bodies in the country, and LEAGUES is positioned to help raise the level of competition in the field.
"The enthusiasm these professionals have for their game is contagious, and we are excited to have developed an app that helps them find places to play and connect with others who share their passion,” said LEAGUES Founder Bradley Albert.
LEAGUES just returned from the ADA national championship in Las Vegas, where LEAGUES’ sponsored athlete Christian Haggmark, one of the ADA's top professionals, captured the 2012 ADA National Championships singles titles in Cricket and 501.
“LEAGUES always helps me find the closest places around to throw darts, even when I’m on tour. The ability to meet new competitors and to track my record against my friends is a lot of fun, especially since I always seem to win … and they always seem to forget,” says Christian Haggmark.
LEAGUES, along with new friends CardParlourDarts and MagicDarts, also served as goodwill ambassadors for the ADA teams from Spain who took part in an international Darts duel with Team America. The LEAGUES Ladies were in full effect at the event, getting players from all countries excited about the app. LEAGUES Lady, and first time darter, Bria Sison even scored a double bulls-eye with her very first dart!
Pool and Ping Pong professionals are also on board with the innovative app and proudly displaying their affinity for the brand.Pool Hall of Famer Tony ‘The Silent Assassin’ Robles of the NAPL was spotted at Amsterdam Billiards in New York’s East Village neighborhood last week donning a LEAGUES patch; while TTN’s Ping Pong legend Marty Reisman, rocking his iconic fedora at SPIN NYC, also gave a tip of his hat to the app.
““LEAGUES is the best interactive app I’ve ever seen for pool!”, says Tony Robles “As a professional player, I know the importance of building experience in the game of pool. LEAGUES covers all the bases by providing players with bar and player locations.”
This fall, LEAGUES and Table Tennis Nation have a college tour in the works and will be hosting events to promote Ping Pong on college campuses featuring live music and great prizes.
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LEAGUES was selected as ‘Best in Show’ among the nearly 250 entries across 15 awards categories at the 2012 CTIA Emerging Technology (E-Tech) Awards. Entries were judged by a panel of media and industry analysts and scored on innovation, functionality, technological importance, implementation and overall “wow” factor.
Download the APP by clicking the links below:
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LEAGUES, a mobile app designed for iPhone and Android platforms, is a social community for Real-World Competition that raises the stakes of the casual game. The app features the most comprehensive database of game-friendly venues in the country, enabling players to get off their devices - and couches - and play face-to-face. Games include Pool, Darts, Ping Pong, Beer Pong and Foosball. Bowling and Tennis are already in the pipeline.
Media Contacts: Bradley Albert
SynApps Media LLC O: 914-980-8427