Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to be with you here this morning, to share with you this important occasion. This occasion is important in our calendar, because once again we have come together ( from all colleges and divisions), key staff in the area of records management, to discuss what we have been doing and to learn what we may not have done.
I am informed that during today’s programme, you are going to learn a few basic records management concepts and terminologies, the statutes that govern management of public sector records; receipt and control of mail, filing systems and integrity issues on records management just to mention a few.
As you are aware, we were awarded ISO 9001:2008 in the year 2008. It became clear to us from the beginning that good records management is the pillar to the continual improvement of our Management Processes and hence output. Towards that end, the University has since developed Quality Manual and Various Operation Procedures to help drive the Standard. The success of the improvement of our service delivery rests on your soldiers as officers on the ground. You are our ground soldiers whom we heavily rely on. And it is for that reason that once again this seminar has been organized.
Allow me to point out the objectives of this seminar. The overall objective is to enable you understand and appreciate best records management practices so as to make you as a participant and key player handle with care records in your custody , right from the time of receipt/creation, maintenance, use and disposal.
Specific objectives include:
· To make the participants appreciate the importance of good records keeping.
· To make the participants appreciate the values of records
· To enable the participants learn the relevant statutes that regulate the management of public sector records.
· To enable the participants learn policy, rules and regulations that the government and the University has put in place for the management of public sector records
· To enable the participants to learn a registry system, types of registries, registry functions and general requirements.
· To enable the participants to understand the objectives of records classification and its application and
· To explain to the participants the requirements of QMS – Operation Procedure for Control of Records – UON/OP/02.
Values of records.
Dear Participants we should be reminded of the values of records which include:
· Source of basic information resource which plays a vital role in the management of our institution.
· Records play a key role in the preservation of our organization’s identity, and also contribute significantly in the realization of good governance.
· Records ensure evidence of our activities on which we base our decisions.
· Properly managed records contribute to policy formulation that boosts faster decision making processes.
· Availability of authentic and reliable records directly impact on efficiency and effectiveness of our service delivery
· At the institutional level, records underpin business by supporting daily functions and operations. They act as a reference point and uphold knowledge and evidence.
· We continue to use records as tool for management, accountability, operational continuity and legal evidence.
I am aware that we have in the past, and even presently experience a few challenges in the area of records management. But admittedly we now have records management policy and sound systems and procedures that are able to promote efficient and effective creation, maintenance and use of records.
We therefore need to identify and play our roles actively. Administrators have part to play. Secretaries and clerks have much more to play and hence the reason why the two cadre form the bulk of the participants. The policy on records management clearly spells out what we are required to do as University employees.
I wish to assure you of support from Top University Management. The Management is doing everything possible to support records management activities including provision of financial resources, equipment and man power.
I challenge you to learn as much as you can to day by fully participating in the discussions and deliberations. Ask as many questions as time may allow. And once you go back to your offices, implement what you have learnt. Equally important is for you to pass the knowledge to your colleagues who may not have attended this programme. We should work as a team all the time and support one another.
In conclusion, I wish you the very best during this important exercise. We shall always ensure that our staff in key areas comes together for re-engineering – sharing of ideas, views and experience. I therefore officially declare this seminar officially open.