For the Icklesham Parish Council Meeting, Monday 8th July 2013 at
Winchelsea New Hall at 7:15pm
(Please note that proceedings will be recorded.)
1. Welcome to the meeting by the Chairman.
2. The Chairman will invite members of the public to comment or ask questions on any matters they wish to raise relating to the business of the Council (15 minutes.)
3. To receive reports and ask questions of Cllrs Keith Glazier, Nick Ramus and Paul Osborne concerning County Council and Rother District Council matters (10 minutes.)
4. Formal opening of the meeting.
5. Apologies for absence.
a. To receive and record apologies for absence.
b. To consider any requests for approval of reasons for absence, if any.
Members are also asked to complete and sign the circulated sheet.
6. Disclosure of Interests - to receive any disclosure by members of personal interest required under the Council’s Code of Conduct and to consider any written requests made by members for dispensation to allow them to participate in, and vote on, an agenda item for which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest. Members are reminded to repeat their declaration immediately prior to commencement of the item in question.
7. To consider and approve the signing by the Chairman of the attached minutes of the Council meeting of 10th June 2013.
Matters Requiring a Decision by the Council
8. Financial Matters
a. Receipts and payments report for June 2013. Enclosed.
b. To approve items for payments for July 2013. A list of payments will be tabled at the meeting. Members to note that this includes grant payments to The New Hall Winchelsea and Icklesham Memorial Hall of £1650 respectively from 2601 Village Hall Organisation as allocated in 2013/14 budget. As required the Clerk has scrutinised the attached accounts and approved them. Accounts outstanding from Rye Harbour Village Hall and Winchelsea Beach Community Association.
c. Council are asked to note that the final grant payment from BIFFA has been received.
9. Stagecoach. Update on the action points from the last meeting. The Clerk has contacted other local councils to for information on any problems they are having with Stagecoach. Rye report anecdotal evidence of poor service but are struggling to get specific examples to escalate to Stagecoach and ESCC. Other councils will ask their councillors at their next meetings and get back to the Clerk. Clerk has offered to co-ordinate a response for all other councils affected. The Clerk has written to Stagecoach and to our ESCC Councillor.
The Clerk would like members to consider whether a notice should be put up on Parish Noticeboards to encourage more residents to come forward and to include this matter in the newsletter.
10. 2013 Tree Survey Results. A report from the deputy clerk and quote is attached. Members are asked to consider the report and note costs of £3,025 are higher than anticipated when budget set. Council is asked to approve the recommendations in the report and authorise the Clerk to proceed.
11. Streetgames. Ken Dullaway met with Cllr. Warren at the youth club on 28th June to confirm dates for the summer sessions and to review the programme of activities. No more information is available at the time of writing this but further details about the activities on offer will be available at this meeting.
Council are asked to review the programme of activities and approve the times and dates for booking of Streetgames for the summer sessions.
12. Flooding Issues at Winchelsea Beach. Update on the action points from the last meeting. 1. The Clerk has written to East Sussex County Council requesting a Surface Water Management Plan and has copied the letter to ESCC Cllr Glazier asking for his support. The Clerk has phoned ESCC for an update and they have advised that the plan is being considered. 2. The Clerk has written to ELAB the water testing company to obtain quotes for testing of the water course and has chased a response by phone; at the time of writing the agenda the quotes have not been received. 3. The Clerk is arranging the next flooding meeting for the third week in July.
Council are asked to note progress and comment as necessary.
13. Sports and Recreation Committee. The Committee met on the 24th June. The group’s first project will be to look at providing new play equipment in existing play areas in Winchelsea, Winchelsea Beach and Rye Harbour. The group will endeavour to get as much funding as possible by way of grants. There will be a stock check of current play equipment in each site and there will be consultation with residents initially via the newsletter.
Council members are asked to note update and comment as necessary.
14. Deep Cleaning of Bus Shelters and Benches. The price received to clean all five shelters in £520. The unit price for cleaning benches is £30. The Clerk will do a stock take of benches requiring cleaning but does not anticipate more than 12 benches so costs not to exceed £360. The cleaning contractor has maintained last year’s price. Members are asked to authorise the Clerk to proceed to a maximum spend of £880.
15. Newsletter. The Clerk would like members to propose subjects to be included in the next newsletter. The Clerk has already received an item from the Sports & Recreation Committee.
Members to discuss and confirm items for the newsletter.
16. Entertainment Workshops.
The Clerk has emailed and telephoned Entertainment Workshops to express our interest and find out more about the project. At the time of writing the Clerk has not received any further information. Any further information received will be tabled at the meeting for discussion.
17. Social Media. Members are asked to consider whether they wish to use social media to consult and communicate with residents. Social media is free and generally popular with young people. At a time when the Council is looking to consult on Play Equipment and with a newsletter imminent it could be a good time to investigate social media possibilities.
Members are asked to consider authorising the Clerk to investigate social media for Icklesham Parish Council.
18. Programme of Works for June/July. Enclosed. Council is asked to note progress and raise any issues it wishes to discuss.
19. Future agenda items. The Clerk would like members to discuss and put forward future agenda items.
20. Road safety issues: Rye harbour and Winchelsea Beach. Further to the issues raised by residents at the June meeting, members are asked to discuss the issues raised and propose a course of action.
21. Rye Bay Football Club. Rye Bay FC seeks permission to use and install a new set of 16 x 7 socketed goals from Rother District Council at Harbour Field. A copy of the email is attached.
Council members are asked to approve the use of the socketed goals by Rye Bay FC at Harbour Field.
Matters for Information or Noting
22. Report back from Planning Committee. Minutes of 10th and 24th June 2013 are attached for information.
23. Reports of Councillors and Officers on Outside Bodies and Attending Events. Councillor Warren attended the WARR Partnership Celebration Tea; a copy of his report is attached. The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Stanford and the Clerk attended a meeting with Rye Council about Neighbourhood Planning. This will be on a future meeting agenda for a full discussion. The Chairman and Councillor Warren attended the Rother District Council Annual Meeting. A report from Councillor Warren is attached.
24. Correspondence.
a. Letter received (attached) from Rother District Council to confirm that an election will take place to fill the casual vacancy on the council.
25. Date and venue for next meeting. The date of the next full council meeting is confirmed as Monday 12th August 2013 at Winchelsea Court Hall Commencing at 7:15pm. This will be followed by a ward walk of Winchelsea.