All students are required to sign the Department of Art Safety Contractstating that you understand and agree to comply with these policies. This contract will be filed with the Department of Art. If you have any questions, please contact Neal Pitak, 2D Lab Technician at 409.880.8949 or at , or contact Bobby Zokaites, 3D Lab Technician at 409.880.8949 or at .


When working in the building after hours, it is suggested that you work with a classmate, particularly in areas with tools or machinery.

Students should not let anyone unfamiliar into the building after hours. The exterior building doors should never be propped open and should be kept locked after hours.

The Department of Art is not responsible for any personal items that are lost or stolen. Contact your instructor of note for locker use.

A safety officer is available to escort you to your vehicle or dorm room afterhours. Please call non-emergency police dispatch at 409-880-8307 to request this service. Please call Lamar University Police if you see any suspicious behavior at extension 8307


Each classroom and studio has specific rules for personal safety and will be addressed by the instructor of note at the beginning of each semester.

Stairwells, aisles, exits, and access to emergency equipment must be kept clear of personal items at all times. Doorwaysshould not be blocked in any way.

Students are responsible for general cleanup in classroom and studio areas.

Proper apparel must be worn while working in studios with tools and or machinery. This includes closed-toe shoes and safety glasses. No loose clothing, long necklaces, scarves, or other suchitems are allowed. Long hair must also be tied back securely. Specific areas may have additional safety requirements.

Any student using the wood studio, metal studio, or foundry must receive proper training before using any equipment and always follow the posted Studio Rules. Students using tools borrowed from these studios must do so under supervision of a faculty or 3D technician. Students have access to these facilities during normal business hours (M-F, 8-5) and when building monitors are present.Contact your instructor of note with specific questions.

Flammable materials such as paint thinner may not be stored in lockers. Lockers must be emptied out at the end of each semesterby the end of the final examination period.Locks will be cut and contents removed at the end of each school year. The Department of Art is not responsible for any items left behind in lockers. Contact your instructor of note with specific questions.


A hazardous material is defined as: a fluid, liquid, slurry, paste, powder, particulate or any substance that may pose a physical hazard or health risk for a proposed application, or is potentially damaging to the environment. Various paints, inks, solvents, chemicals, and glues are a few examples of hazardous materials you may encounter with your coursework in the Department of Art. Students with specific allergies or health concerns are strongly encouraged to contact The Disability Resource Center (DRC). The office of (DRC) is located in the Communication Building, Rm. 105. Students also may write to P.O. Box 10087, Beaumont, Texas 77710, e-mail or call 409-880-8347.

Each studio has a MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Right to Know binder containing important material handling and hazard information. The Material Safety Data Sheets describe product toxicity levels, hazardous properties, and contact information in case of spill or misuse. Your instructor of note will inform you regarding safety concerns for all materials used in that course at the beginning of each semester.

A complete list of MSDS forms for all materials used in the Department of Art are kept in the art office. Contact Donna Singleton Wilridge at 409.880.8141 for more information.

Your instructor of note will inform you with specific safety equipment needed for your course. Please contact your instructor if using additional materials that are not required for your course, as there may be safety concerns for you and your classmates.


When not in use, all flammable items must be stored indesignated cabinets appropriate for flammable materials. Your instructor of note will inform you regarding safe material storage at the beginning of each semester.


All solvents, painting mediums, paints, inks, or any other materials (hazardous or non-hazardous) must be stored in one of the following ways:

1.) In the original manufacturer’s container as purchased if it has not been damaged and still seals securely.

2.) In any approved container other than the original manufacturer’s container as purchased (also called a secondary container) that meets the Department of Art standards. Containers must be fitted with a secure lid, be appropriate to the type of material being stored, and properly labeled. Your instructor of note will inform you with specific labeling instructions at the beginning of each semester.


Rooms AT101, AT207, and AT212, have Yellow Flammable Cabinets whichsafely hold hazardous materials for storage and disposal. Label all waste and non-waste materials. No items should block access to the yellow lockers. Contact the Department of Art Lab Technicians for assistance with all chemical spills.

Red Flammable Waste Binsare for all hazardous / flammable solid waste, including all paint- or ink-contaminated rags, paper towels, paper, palettes, gloves, oil sludge, or similar items. The lid should always be securely closed when not in use.

Absolutely no hazardous materials are to be disposed of in sinks. This includes: oil based paints, solvents, inks, dyes, photographic fixer, acids, or other similar materials. Your instructor of note will inform you with specific instructions for the safe disposal of materials used at the beginning of the semester.

Department of Art students are required to familiarize themselves and comply with the above Safety Guidelines and Policies.


By signing below, I certify that I understand the safe and proper way to handle hazardous materials in the course listed below.

Please print below:

Student Name______

Student LU #______

Student e-mail______


Instructor of Note______

Today’s Date_____/_____/_____

Student Signature______