University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Graduate Student Organization (GSO) Grants and Awards (G&A) Program Reallocation Policies
A Reallocation Application allows a student to amend the original terms of their GSO Grants & Awards funding. A Reallocation Application should only be submitted by students who have already been awarded GSO Grants and Awards funding and their Reimbursement Deadline has not yet passed.
Application Policies:
- A Reallocation Application should be submitted when one or more of the following events have occurred (please contact the Grants and Awards Chair to confirm your eligibility for Reallocation):
- The dates of travel or research have changed, and therefore the Reimbursement Packet cannot be completed and submitted by the Reimbursement Deadline, or
- The items to be purchased have changed (the item itself, not the item’s price).
- Reallocation Application’s must be submitted electronically here. Reallocation Applications must be received at least one (1) week prior to the next GSO General Assembly to be reviewed. Otherwise, the Application will be reviewed at the next upcoming General Assembly meeting.
- A Reallocation Application must include the following:
- OriginalItemizedBudgetForm
- RevisedItemizedBudgetForm
- Twocopies (one anonymous, one non-anonymous)ofabriefcoverletterexplainingwhyreallocation of funds is requested.
- Reallocation requests must be for less than or equal to the amount in the original award. Funds can be transferred between budget line items (e.g. Airfare, Accommodations, Conference Registration, etc.), but only if said line items were requested in the original GSO Grants & Awards Application. Please note that the line items must have been requested, but not necessarily approved, to be eligible for Reallocation.
- Reallocation Applications are reviewed by the GSO Grants & Awards Review Committee under the same policies and guidelines as GSO Grants & Awards Applications.
- Ifapproved,theG&AManagerwillnotifythe applicant with the new Award Packet, including the new approved Budget and new Reimbursement Deadline.
- Ifdenied,the applicant caneitheraccept the terms of the originally fund Grants & Awards Application,orresubmitan alternative ReallocationApplication for review atthenextGSOAssemblymeeting.ThesameReallocationApplication cannot be submittedmorethanonce.
- Note:If the Reallocation Applicationis denied, and the decision notification is sent after the original Award’s Reimbursement Deadline, the application will have an additional two (2) weeks from the date of notification to complete and submit their Reimbursement Packet.
- Note: Denial of a Reallocation Application does not change or cancel the original Award.
Adoptedby GSO General Assembly1/31/07
Revised by R. Wade GSO G&A Chair 11/24/16
Revisions Approved by GSO General Assembly 12/1/16