For the Meeting of the TUU Council to be held at 6:00pm on Tuesday, 21st of march 2017
Via video conferencein
Burnie –B195and Launceston –TUU Boardroom
AndHobart –Stanley Burbury Boardroom
As per ActionList
Meeting Closed:
Since the last Council meeting I’ve undertaken meetings withuniversity representatives, external stakeholders, committees and studentrepresentatives.
Academic Senate: Attended the first Academic Senate meeting for the yearin Hobart. Discussed a wide range of topics.
UniPrint: Selected our new provider of UniPrint services, and now working onthe roll out and communicationstrategies.
Visited the Sydney Campus with the Northern Campus President and thePG President. Met with a number of campus leaders to discuss the widerstudent experience as well as upcoming challenges and issues facing the campus asa whole.
An announcement of the new opening times for the Launceston TUUstudent lounge will be made in the coming weeks. Newspaper services to the threemajorcampuses have begun. Charging Stations have beenpurchased.
All (5) five NeverOK pledge boards were filled within O-Week, the SouthernBoardswill be displayed in the Student Lounge, the Northern in the TUU Lounge, andthe CC in the Common Space. We’ve continued to receive attention on theproject, and will be launching a new online push thisweek.
The Campaign during O-Week was successful in gaining attention to the issue.The banner for cheaper textbooks is still flying high outside the TUU Building, muchtomy surprise.
Welcome Week /Orientation:
The largest part of the period since the last meeting was the outlay ofthe Welcome Week / Orientation. I visited every campus within the period. Itwasgreat to see the diversity of events, and activities the TUU and University hadput together for students. Congratulations to all the President’s and your Councilson the hard work over thebreak.
The new Togatus team is in place, with new Editors for Print and Digital as wellasassistance Editors have been hired. Thank you to the Campus President Southforassisting in the selection process.
Australian Students Association Attachment1
Prepared for: ClarkCooleyPrepared by: JackMcGuire
We provide administration solutions to education institutions with a heavy focus on efficiency andimprovingthe student experience. We work with Universities to help take their administrative services 24/7 at afractionofthecostofemployingstafftodothisin-house.Weincludeaprovenmarketingcampaignfocusedaroundthe1800STUDENThotlinethatallowstheUniontopermeatethebusystudent'spsycheandincreasestudent engagement and awareness by orders of magnitude. A win for the Union and a win forstudents.
Who arewe?
1800 STUDENT was developed at the QUT Student Guild out of a necessity to make the organisationmoreefficientwhilemaintainingservicequality.Whatwefoundwasinfactaneight-foldincreaseinstudentengagement whilst still being able to reduce the amount of staff required to service those students.Ouradvocacy staff went from seeing 130 cases per year to 1,500cases.
This was done through outsourcing the administrative burden, eliminating any duplication of dealing withthesame matter once over the phone and then again in person and of course moving towards a 24 hourstaffedhotline. The way the current system works is quite flexible and can be adapted to whatever the needs oftheUniversitymaybe.Forinstance,ourserviceshavebeenengagedtocomplimentonlinebookingformsthatalready exist in otherinstitutions.
There are two facets to the way this service wouldwork.
The first would be to simply use the service with your current phone system as a call overflow and afterhoursservice. This would mean that any calls that go unanswered due to high caller traffic would be directed toourcallcentretohaveanappointmentarranged.Further,yourcurrentphonenumbercouldbedivertedafterhours directly to our team to handle bookings. This means that usage would begin straight away andstudentuptake does not become anissue.
The second aspect of the service is to advertise the 1800 STUDENT number and divert all phonesreceivingincoming calls to this number. The 1800 STUDENT number would become the single port of call forstudentsrequiring assistance. We found this was effectively turned into a marketing campaign at QUT thatincreasedstudentcontact8fold.Wearemorethanhappytoassistyouwithtakinganyotheradministrativeservices24/7, however we feel that offering this to students who require counselling yields the mostbenefit.
Essentially, this allows for a more streamlined, efficient process on the university'send.
Onthestudent'send,itmeansbeingabletohearfromsomeonebasedinBrisbanestraightawaythateverythingwill be ok and that they have accomplished something by having a date locked in to seesomeone.
As the world moves towards operating 24 hours a day. Many education institutions are interested infollowingthis trend early and grasping the opportunity to increase service provision to theirstudents.
WiththeintroductionoftheSSAFcameanewlevelofstudentservicesthatbustedthroughtheplateauofpreviousyears.WeatASAarefullybracedtoworkwithyouinusingthesefundstotheirutmostcapacityinobtaining value for money. Aside from this, the major benefits for the studentsare:
•Call flexibility - allowing students, particularly those with full time employment, to call afterhours;
•Instant stress relief knowing that they have secured a booking;and
•A significant increase inawareness.
Whether the service is used at its full capacity where we handle all of your calls 24/7, or simply just takethecallsyoucannotcurrentlymanage;savingswillbemade.Casualstaffreceptionhourscaneitherberolledback,orthosestaffcanbefocusedonotherareasthatneedattending,inthefullconfidencethatamoreefficientservicehastakenthereigns.Inadditiontothis,othermainbenefitsfortheUniversityare:
•Monthly reports outlining call data regarding the nature ofcalls;
•Decreased administrative burden and staffingliabilities;
•Unlimited call volume capacity;and
•Increase service provision - 24 hourservice.
Wearewellawareofthisasanissueandwecansignprivacywaivers,usethescheduleassistfunctiontomake sure our call centre can't see who the counsellors are seeing and we would ensure that we workwithinany parameters you would require us to workwithin.
Our formal arrangement with crisis management lines allow us to deal with any serious issues as theyoccurand make sure that they are being captured 24/7, when previously they many not have known where togo.
In order to provide a more accurate estimate quote, could you please provide uswith:
1.The number of phone calls you think your admin staff would currently receive during theday;
2.How many, if any, students call after hours and leave messages;and
3.Are all of your counsellors currently working at capacity - do they have any free spots in theirdiaryin the comingweek?
Name / Quantity / Price / TotalSetup / 1 / $600 $480 / $480
Monthlysubscription / 1 / $400 / $400
Call handling (perminute) / 0 / $3.50 / $0
Total / $880
In the time since the last State Council meeting I have been, meeting with variouss local businesses to help organize work experience for students. And have put together a report for the upcoming Work Health and Safety Committee meeting.
Since the last Meeting I have been involved in:
- Enlisting support for BASS from the CPA
- Attended the Transformation Meeting
Academic Senate. N/A
University Research Committee. Attended my first URC meeting. The focus of RPEs seems to be moving towards supporting more postgraduates, which is good. The University has failed to meet new PhD targets though.
University Quality Standards Committee. Attended my first UQSC meeting. The major talking point was TEQSA reaccreditation.
University Learning and Teaching Committee. N/A
Student Experience Committee. N/A
Research Degree Committee. N/A
Discipline Appeals Committee. Attended another appeal, and subsequent hearings.
Northern Forum Committee. Was invited to be a part of the Northern Forum Committee.
Research Integrity and Ethics Unit. Was also invited to the RIEU.
Council of Australian Postgraduates Association (CAPA). Have made a request for fees to be paid for registration. Whilst CAPA does not have the same challenges as NUS, and the former Postgraduate President Simon Burnett is the Research Officer for CAPA, I fail to justify $8,000 in student fees versus $8,000 that we could spend on student events on campus. I have not recommended affiliation given the substantial cut of funding we have received from Student Experience Committee (SEC). The PGC will discuss this in the next meeting, but given the size of funding, the discussion needs to be had at the Council level also. I have attached the flyer sent. We may wish to hear from Simon Burnett, as a senior member of CAPA, before we choose to remove affiliation, however.
TUU Subcommittees.
Research Subcommittee. Dan and I are in the final stages of ethics, before the Postgraduate Student Experience (PSE) survey is to go out. This has been a major focus of the both of our times over the past month.
Policy Review Subcommittee. [Clark to brief on].
Strategy Review Subcommittee. [Dan to brief on].
Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (CAPA) Affiliation Fee Discount Form
Please complete and submit to both:
Natasha AbrahamsPeter Derbyshire
CAPA General Secretary 2017CAPA President 2017
Dear Affiliate,
The attached form is for those organisations seeking partial or complete remissions for their 2017 affiliation fees subject as approved by the CAPA Executive and required under s12 of the CAPA Constitution.
While the following form may seem intrusive, it allows Executive to make an informed decision regarding remissions and to make provisions for associations that find themselves genuinely short of funding.
Completed forms and documentation must be submitted before the first installment due date of28 April 2017 or as advised by the General Secretary for consideration. No Affiliation fee discounts will be accepted after the second installment due date of 31 August 2017 unless prior consent has been obtained from the General Secretary.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of this form or have questions about the process please do not hesitate to contact the General Secretary’s email.
Natasha Abrahams
CAPA General Secretary
Q1: Contact Details
Member Organisation:
Contact Person:
Q2: Would you like to designate a representative to CAPA in all matters; (yes/no)
Q3.Estimated total revenue of your organisation
Q4. How is your organisation’s funding derived?
- Independently funded post-graduate body with majority of funding coming from University/Student Services Amenities Fee (SSAF)
- Independently funded post-graduate body with majority of funding from commercial operations, grants or interest payments
- Receive funding from an undergraduate student association
If other, please specify below
Total Income:
Breakdown of sources:
Q5. What was your (estimated) total expenditure this year?
Q6. What were your total reserves last year?
(Please provide details and supporting documentation, including last year’s auditors report, bank statements if possible)
Q7. How much did your organisation pay in CAPA affiliation fees in 2016?
Q8. How much has your organisation budgeted to pay CAPA affiliation fees in 2017?
Q9. Are there any special circumstances of which CAPA needs to be aware?
Q10. Where applying for remission on the basis of financial hardship, we ask that you attach the following to aid in our decision-making:
Your organisation’s most recent audited financial statements, where possible; or,
Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss Statement for the most recent financial year.
Please also attach your budget for the current financial year.
I ______declare that the above information is a true and accurate reflection of the member organisation, which is applying for the reduction in affiliation fees. I acknowledge that any attempt to mislead CAPA in providing this information will result in this application becoming null and void and risks this application not being accepted.
Date: ______
Signature: ______
PO Box 510
South Melbourne
VIC 3205
ABN: 57 138 796 902
TAX INVOICE: 2017-017
14 March 2017
To: Tasmania University Union (TUU) Postgrads
1 Churchill Avenue, Sandy Bay TAS 7005
Your organisations affiliation fee is due by April 28, 2017. You may choose to pay the fee in full or in two instalments of 50% each. If instalments are preferred the second instalment is due by August 31, 2017. Alternatively a remission may be sought by submitting the CAPA fee discount form to the CAPA General-Secretary () by the due date.
DetailsItem / Enrolment / Fee / GST / TOTAL
CAPA 2017 Affiliation Fee – Associate Member discount 50%
Coursework Students @ $1.10 ea / 3869 / 4255.90 / 425.59 / 4681.49
Research Students @ $1.99 ea / 1461 / 2907.39 / 290.74 / 3198.13
Total Amount Due: / $ 7,879.62
Bank: Westpac
BSB: 033-178
Account No: 198633
Account Name: Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations Inc.
Please include your organisation’s name in the EFT transfer description.
Please ensure cheques are made payable to: Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations Inc
Please send through a remittance advice or detach and return the following slip:
Invoice Date: March 14, 2017
Due by: April 28, 2017
In the time since the last State Council meeting I have been, constantly working to organize Sunday Sesh and starting to discuss the Set up a meeting with the AMC Director regarding more silent study spaces in Swanson and 24hr access areas.
Since the last Meeting I have been involved in:
- Created feedback boxes for the AMC and the UTAS spaces.
- There was a Second-hand Sale in the South although Austin and Oliver took care of most of this. And I have heard it went well and was a great success.
- Transformation Meeting
- Education Council Meeting.
Over the summer break I have mostly been helping the South team organise Welcome Week, which I unfortunately could not attend due to being in India for my sister’s wedding. The first meeting of the full Societies Council was held and Launceston reps were able to attend via video. Sports Council have managed to make this work over five years so this is a pleasing start.
2017 Societies Council Budget
As the University has taken over some of the costs from Sports Council, $15,000 of the excess has been graciously flagged for Societies special events. In addition to this, the State Council has also very generously decided to boost Societies $15,000 from their own budget, fulfilling the Voice! campaign commitment. The Societies Council Executive has yet to determine how this 75% increase will be proportioned, but food events, special events and infrastructure have been suggested.
Clubs and Societies Day
Congratulations to all societies and everyone who made the day such a fantastic success! I had a lot of great feedback from students that it was the best O-Day ever and it’s so inspiring to see the hard work and teamwork come together! For next year, we would like to streamline the paperwork as it involved many forms for societies to fill out, and then for campus services to process.
Welcome Week South extended thanks
The staff worked ridiculously hard for Welcome Week. They stayed for unpaid overtime, skipped lunch and had to repeat themselves endlessly. They do work that isn’t in their PDs such as putting up posters for Welcome Week. They navigate complex bureaucracy with ease, always find a solution to problems and help reps with endless patience. James, Ingrid, Vicki and Jenny put in so much more time and effort than most will ever know.
Clark does the work of ten reps. He was at the office every day 9-6 over summer, managing to co-ordinate three Welcome Weeks between all his other commitments. He is truly passionate and it's not difficult to imagine the dizzying heights he will achieve in life. Maria and Rhys, are just a few working tirelessly on the Week never once complaining, but getting the job done with fantastic attitudes and mindsets.
In particular I need to thank Oliver. He was there for every step of planning over the summer, and worked tirelessly during Welcome Week. There weren't enough people on bar on the Monday TUGS barrel so he (and Maria!) were there in addition to taking photos. He was there on Market Day at the stall. He was there on C&S Day as my VP, running around setting up, helping societies, and manning the stalls. He even helped with cleaning up at the end of the day when the hired clean up crew didn't come. He was there on Thursday running the outdoor cinema. He was there on Friday ensuring Rafting had everything they needed. He missed classes. He worked 12-hour days. He was exhausted and even found the time to keep me updated with photos and ensured the whole week ran smoothly in my absence.
I would like to thank all the incredibly hardworking staff and reps, not least limited to the ones I have already mentioned but also EMS, Greek, TasPop, Rafting and MuSoc societies in making Welcome Week South possible and ensuring its success. Thank you all so much. I saw/heard about the long hours, negotiations and setbacks, and despite it all - great attitudes in purely wanting to put on a great event for students. I feel very honoured to be working with such amazing people.
In the time since the last meeting I have answered most of the many questions I had about my position and I am now comfortable in my role. I had a great time during Welcome Week and I was very impressed with the amount of effort that was put into making everything happen. I visited the 3 main satellite campuses, met all the new members of the Togatus committee, helped with the running of the second hand book sale and commenced my classes for the semester.
Induction for TUU councils
Along with several other Southern TUU council members, I attended the induction session for the TUU. I look forward to now participating in my full capacity in my position as Campus President South.