The Eggplant: America’s Second Finest News Source

Assignment: Write two articles for our own classroom publication, The Eggplant. This satirical newspaper will be created in the style of The Onion, “America’s Finest News Source.” Your finished product should be crafted and edited using Google Docs, WikiSpaces, Prezi, or a similar platform.


  1. Examine examples of articles from The Onion. Note how trivial matters are made to seem very important, and how very important matters are made to seem trivial. Also, take note of how the writers employ a ridiculous and sarcastic tone. Lastly, note how the writers use a blend of actual and concocted facts and quotes to tell the story. Here are some examples of stories:
  2. “New Wearable Feedbags Let Americans Eat More, Move Less”
  3. “Cryptic Bill Belicheck Insists He’s Never Heard of a Man Named Tom Brady”
  4. “Stolen Bus Tour Leads Police on Chase of Historic Downtown Philadelphia”
  1. Brainstorm your own ideas for articles. You may like to list issues in and around the school community. You may want to dive write in to listing headlines. As an example, check out these headlines from some of my students of previous years:
  2. “Dr. Perella Performs Emergency Open Heart Surgery”
  3. “Homeless Man Refuses to Eat MHS Cafeteria Food”
  4. “World Embraces Global Warming; U.N. to Turn Polar Ice Caps to Tropical Resorts”
  1. Write your articles. Be sure to look to articles from The Onion as a model. Each student should write two fully-developed pieces:
  2. A one to one-and-a-half page article that could be featured in The Eggplant.
  3. A one to two paragraph news brief for The Eggplant.
  1. Using the platform of your choice (Google Docs, WikiSpaces, Prezi, etc.), present your articles in a graphically interesting way. Be sure to include interesting photos, graphics, and headlines.
  1. HONORS: Write a brief “meta-cognitive” reflection about your articles. In this response (which should be about a paragraph in length) state how you used satirical techniques (exaggeration, reversal, parody, incongruity, sarcasm, irony, etc.) in your pieces, as well as how you developed your satirical “voice.”


Due Date: ______

Student’s Name: ______

Grading Rubric:

One to one-and-a-half page article45 points

One to two paragraph news brief25 points

Presentation (headlines, logo, format)20 points

Meta-cognitive reflection on satirical techniques used10 points

Total value100 points

Extra Credit Opportunity: Up to 10 points of extra credit will be awarded for “extras,” such as original political cartoons, graphs, advertisements, man-on-the-street interviews, etc.

Note: You may work independently or with a group. If you work with a group, you are still responsible for writing the two articles, but you get the same “presentation” score as the other members of your group. If you work independently, the grade is entirely your own.

Your Score / Possible Points
One to one-and-a-half page article / 45
One to two paragraph news brief / 25
Presentation (headlines, logo, format) / 20
Meta-Cognitive reflection on satirical techniques used / 10
Extra Credit / 10
Total Score / 100


English 10Mr. Ambrose