Tallapoosa County Public Schools
Grade 2 Math
These content standards are what the Alabama State Board of Education has identified as what students should know and be able to do at the end of the grade level. Therefore, teaching these standards to mastery is the goal for each classroom in Alabama.
Grading Period / Math StandardsDomain & Cluster / Common Core Standards
1st and 2nd
9 weeks
Go Math!
Pacing Guide
Chapter 1:
Number Concepts (MP3, MP7)
12 Days
Chapter 2:
Numbers to 1,000
(MP7, MP8)
15 Days
Chapter 3:
Basic Facts and Relationships
(MP2, MP3)
14 Days
Chapter 4:
Two-Digit Addition
(MP2, MP6)
15 Days
Chapter 5:
Two-Digit Subtraction
(MP5, MP6)
14 Days
Chapter 6:
Three-Digit Addition and Subtraction
(MP5, MP8)
13 Days
*MP = Mathematical Practice / Key Learning: Numbers can be broken apart in many ways. Strategies can be used to add within 100.
Unit Essential Question:
How can numbers be broken apart to make addition easier?
Additional Resources: Go Math! Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Vocabulary Words and Definitions: Ch.1 page 9H, Ch.2 page 53H, Ch.3 page 117H, Ch.4 169H, Ch.5 page 225H, and Ch.6 page 277H.
· Fluently add using place value within 100.
Lesson Essential Question(s):
What are two different ways to write addition problems?
What strategies would you use to add and subtract fluently?
· Add up to 4 two-digit numbers
Lesson Essential Question(s):
What strategies can I use to add or subtract multi-digit numbers without regrouping (through three digits)?
· Explain why addition strategies work using place value
Lesson Essential Question(s):
When do you regroup in addition?
Unit Essential Question:
How do we solve word problems and build fluency with addition and subtraction?
· Solve problems using addition
Lesson Essential Question(s): How do you write a number sentence to write a problem?
· Solving addition and subtraction problems to 20
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How do we use adding and subtracting to solve word problems?
What strategies do we use to add and subtract within 20? / 2NBT5
2OA1; 2OA2
Grade 2 Math
Grading Period / StandardsDomain & Cluster / Common Core Standards
3rd 9 Weeks
Go Math!
Pacing Guide
Chapter 7:
Money and Time
(MP1, MP8)
*14 Days
*Additional time recommended for time and money concepts.
Money: approximately
12 Days
Time: approximately
12 Days
Chapter 8:
Length in Customary Units
(MP5, MP6)
12 Days
Chapter 9:
Length in Metric Units
(MP4, MP7)
10 Days
3rd 9 Weeks
Continued / Key Learning: There are many ways to represent the same amount of money.
Unit Essential Question: How is counting money useful in real life?
Additional Resources: Go Math! Chapter 7
Vocabulary Words and Definitions: Ch. 7 page 333H
· Solving word problems with dollar bills and coins
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How do you show the same amount of money using different sets of coins?
How can you use money to solve word problems?
· Using the money symbols appropriately
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How do you write the value of money?
Key Learning: A clock, analog or digital, is a tool to measure time. Minutes are a smaller more precise unit to measure time than hours. Hours are a smaller more precise unit of time than days.
Unit Essential Question: How do I measure time?
Additional Resources: Go Math! Chapter 7
Vocabulary Words and Definitions: Ch. 7 page 333H
· Analog and Digital Clocks
Lesson Essential Question(s):
What is the difference between an analog and digital clock?
· Five Minutes
How can I measure time to the nearest five minutes?
How many minutes are in an hour?
· A.M and P.M.
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How can we tell the difference between a.m. and p.m.?
Key Learning: The real world can be measured using customary and metric units using appropriate tools. Two systems of measurement, English standard and metric can be compared.
Unit Essential Question: How can we use a variety of tools to compare the length?
Additional Resource: Go Math! Chapters 8 and 9
Vocabulary Words and Definitions: Ch.8 page 385H and Ch. 9 page 429H
· Using appropriate measuring tools (meter stick, yard stick, etc.)
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How do I measure the length of an object?
· Estimating Lengths
Lesson Essential Question(s):
Can you estimate the length of an object?
· Comparing Lengths
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How do you describe how two measurements relate to each other?
· Using addition and subtraction to compare different lengths
Lesson Essential Question(s):
Can you add and subtract using standard and metric units?
· Using line plots and measurement data
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How can a line plot be used to show measurement data? / 2MD8
2MD1, 2MD2, 2MD5, 2MD6
2MD3, 2MD6
2MD4, 2MD5, 2MD6
Grade 2 Math
Grading Period / StandardsDomain & Cluster / Common Core Standards
4th 9 Weeks
Go Math!
Pacing Guide
Chapter 10:
(MP4, MP6)
9 Days
Chapter 11: Geometry and Fraction Concepts
(MP1, MP4)
13 Days
4TH Nine Weeks
Go Math!
Pacing Guide
End of Year Planner: Getting Ready for Grade 3 / Key Learning: Bar graphs, charts, and tables help organize our data.
Unit Essential Question: How do we use graphs, charts, and tables to organize our data?
Additional Resources: Go Math! Chapter 10
Vocabulary Words and Definitions: Ch. 10 page 465F
· Drawing graphs, tables, and charts
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How would a table differ from a graph?
· Interpreting data from graphs, charts, and tables
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How do we use graphs, charts, and tables to organize data?
Key Learning: Geometry consists of shapes and their attributes.
Unit Essential Question: How can I recognize and describe shapes?
Additional Resource: Go Math! Chapter 11
Vocabulary Words and Definitions: Ch.11 page 505H
· Shape Attributes
Lesson Essential Question(s):
What makes a shape a shape?
· Identify shapes
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How do you recognize a shape?
· Dividing Shapes
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How many squares can fit into a rectangle?
· Divide circle and rectangles into equal parts
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How do you divide a circle into two, three, and four equal parts?
Key Learning: The relationship between addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
Unit Essential Question: How can I use multiple strategies to solve multiplication problems?
Additional Resources: Go Math! Getting Ready for Grade 3
· Counting Equal Groups of Objects
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How do we count equal groups of objects and write equations for the groups of objects?
· Repeated Addition
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How can arrays help me solve multiplication problems?
· Arrays
Lesson Essential Question(s):
How are addition and multiplication related?
· Multiplying by a ten
Lesson Essential Question(s):
When can I use place value to help solve multiplication problems? / 2MD10