Halfway Community Council Including the communities of Flemington, Cairns, Overton, Lightburn, Westburn, Newton, Drumsagard, Hallside and Greenlees.
Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 15thJanuary 2014at 7pm in Park View School, Halfway.
1. Sederunt
Council: John McGuigan (Chair), Jim Walker (Secretary), Jim Cunningham, Gillie Feron, Heather Ross, Margaret Ferrier (Vice Chair), Jackie Weldon (Treasurer), Marion Morris, Sandy Paterson, Graham Crombie, John Edgar and Jim Lynn.
S.L.C. Councillors:Christine Deanie
In attendance: Joe Wright, Emma Wright and Joe Pearce (Healthy n Happy).
Apologies:Councillor Clearie and Councillor Brogan
2. Minutes
The minutes of our previous meeting were accepted as a correct record.
Moved by Jackie Weldon Seconded by Jim Cunningham
3. Matters Arising
Jim Lynn asked if the update regarding the paths on the Clyde Walkway at Westburn promised by
Councillor Clearie could be carried forward to the next meeting.
Jim Lynn reported that Halfway Bowling Club have not received a request to site Portakabin
changing rooms within their grounds.
4. Correspondence
Weekly Planning Reports– Noted
Customer Forum for Water – Noted
Scottish Rural Development Programme – Noted
South Lanarkshire Community Planning Partnership – It was agreed that we respond on the
issue of Town Centre Planning.
Action: Jim Walker
Email from Margaret Armstrong informing us that our Constitution and AGM Minutes had been
accepted and we are now a fully recognised Community Council. - Noted
Planning and Renewable Forum from Planning Aid, Scotland – Noted
National Planning Framework and Scottish Planning Policy – Noted
Clyde Valley Strategic Development Planning Authority – Noted
Community Empowerment Bill – Noted as we have insufficient time to respond.
Correspondence cont’d
Letter from James Kelly MSPwith briefing notes on the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill
from the Scottish Parliament Information Centre.
After discussion it was agreed that we invite James Kelly MSP to our next meeting to get more
details on how the Bill will affect the Community Council with particular regard to planning issues.
Amendments to the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils – Jim Walker set
out the proposed changes and explained how these changes would affect our Community Council.
No objections were raised and no changes proposed.
5. Councillors Reports
Councillor Christine Deaniestated that Community Councils were at the heart of the local
government system and had an important role to play. She urged members to create a wish list of
priorities for Halfway and to work with Local Councillors to bring some much needed facilities to
our area. If we all work together we can make a difference
6. Healthy n Happy – New Alcohol Harm Reduction Initiative
Joe Pearce gave a report of the work the Healthy n Happy organisation are doing in
Whitlawburn and Burnhill, where clubs and events have helped improve the areas.
His team have now been focussing on North Halfway for the last 2 months doing door to door
consultations and speaking to young people. Joe stated that alcohol death rates are high in this
area, which is the 400th most deprived area in Scotland.
Joe gave details of the Thinking Differently Photography Project aimed at young people in the
The committee thanked Joe and his team for their efforts and had a full discussion as to how the
Community Council could get involved.
It was agreed that we consider a Public Forum involving our Elected Members, Police, Churches,
Happy n Healthy and other agencies to highlight the problems in our area and the need for action.
Action: Jim Walker
7. Treasurers Report
JackieWeldon gave a report of the problems incurred in setting up a bank account with RBS
which have now been resolved. Our account will hopefully be in place by our next meeting.
Jim Walker provided a detailed account of his expenditure on stationary, stamps and printing ink
cartridges. Total expenditure is £84.27
This was accepted by the committee for payment.
8. Police Report – No officers available
9. A.O.C.B.
Community Gains
John Edgar raised concerns that Community Gains from successful Planning Applications is being
diverted from local areas to areas outwith the original application area and cited several instances.
Action:Councillor Deanie stated that she could offer no immediate explanation and agreed
to investigate with a report back at our next meeting.
Q & A Closures
John Edgar reported that South Lanarkshire Council is proposing to close cash hall payment
facilities in the Rutherglen and Cambuslang Q & A Offices. John argued that this would create
great difficulties for pensioners and tenants within these areas.
After discussion it was agreed that we send a letter of complaint explaining our objections.
Action: Jim Walker
Fence Repairs
Marion Morris complained that a fence next to a disused bus stop on Overton Road is in need of
some repair work. Marion also asked that the bus stop be removed as it was no longer in use.
Action: Councillor Deanie
Break Ins
Joe and Emma Wright gave a report of a spate of break ins in their area which caused great
alarm to local residents, more so as the break ins occurred during daylight hours.
The committee empathised with Joe and Emma particularly as we had discussed break ins in other
areas at our last meeting.
We will endeavour to have a police presence at our next meeting.
Action: Jim Walker
John McGuigan proposed that we use the Archway Centre for ad hoc meetings, office and
storage facilities. John Edgar confirmed that the cost would be £20 per meeting. This was agreed.
Moved: John McGuigan Seconded: Jim Lynn
Jim Cunningham and Gilly Feron gave their apologies for our next meeting due to other
community business.
10. Next Meeting - Wednesday 19th February 2014
at 7pm in Park View School, Halfway
Secretary: Jim Walker, 15 Rowan Court, G72 7FX E-mail:
Mobile: 07969282647