1.  Portfolio: Materials are to be submitted in a hard-back, black or white, three-ring binder with plastic cover that allows you to insert your name in the front and the spine. Please indicate your name as follows—LAST, First I. (whereby only your entire last name is capitalized).

o  Contents should be separated with tab dividers that allow you to clearly label that section. Your tabs should be labeled “Tab A,” “Tab B,” all the way to “Tab H,” for a total of 8 tabs. If you do have additional information, you will end up with 9 tabs, A through I. See below for specific information to include in each section.

2.  Please, DO NOT…

o  …do not place documents in sheet protectors.

o  …do not double side, single side pages only.

o  …do not include self-portraits. Photos that are related to the items contained in your portfolio are okay (i.e., research imagery, community service images).

o  …do not use scrapbooking materials to decorate your portfolio.

o  …do not include original documents as evidence of scholarly achievement (Tab H). Legible copies will suffice. If originals are required, you will receive a formal request.

SPECIFIC PORTFOLIO INSTRUCTIONS: All nomination materials must be submitted in an appropriate binder, single side pages only, separated by tab dividers, labeled and ordered as follows:

Tab A: Student Information Form. The Student Information Form may be found at http://studentlife.buffalostate.edu/student-awards . Please complete and submit this form via email to and include a hard copy in Tab A of your portfolio.

Tab B: Letter of Nomination. The nomination letter must be submitted to you by a SUNY Buffalo State faculty or staff member on the appropriate college letterhead. The faculty or staff member should state explicitly that s/he is nominating you for the President’s Medal, the Chancellor’s Award, or both. This letter should be placed in Tab B of your portfolio.

Tab C: Letters of support from SUNY Buffalo State faculty or staff. At least two (2) letters of support must be submitted to you on the appropriate college letterhead. The faculty or staff member should state explicitly that s/he is recommending or supporting your nomination for the President’s Medal, the Chancellor’s Award, or both. These letters should be placed in Tab C of your portfolio.

Tab D: Letters of support from community members. These letters of support should be submitted to you state explicitly that you are being supported for the President’s Medal, the Chancellor’s Award, or both based on the merits of your observed service/work to/for that specific agency or organization. These letters should be placed in Tab D of your portfolio.

Tab E: Personal Statement. The personal statement should detail the impact the specific medal/award (or both) will have on your future. It must be typed, 12pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced, 1” margins throughout, with pages numbered consecutively on lower right corner. Generally, this document does not exceed five (5) pages. This document should accompany your Student Information Form in an email attachment to and included in Tab E of your portfolio.

Tab F: Biography. Please include hometown, major, specific awards and accomplishments. It must be typed, 12pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced, 1” margins throughout, with pages numbered consecutively on lower right corner. Generally, this document does not exceed 500 words. This document should accompany your Student Information Form in an email attachment to and must be included in Tab F of your portfolio.

Tab G: Resume or curriculum vitae. This document should accompany your Student Information Form in an email attachment to and must be included in Tab G of your portfolio.

Tab H: Evidence of scholarly or creative activities. There is no limit to the amount of documents you submit as evidence of scholarly activities. Generally, documents include (but are not limited to) copies of certificates, newspaper clippings, published journal articles, unpublished papers presented at conferences, conference programs listing your presentation/paper, and letters of recognition to name a few. This information should be included in Tab H of your portfolio.

Tab I: Additional documentation, written statements, or letters. In this tab, you are free to include additional information that may provide a more complete picture of how you meet the criteria for the award/medal that was not requested/provided in the previous tabs. Generally, documents include (but are not limited to) copies of recommendation letters received for positions or service oriented projects, congratulatory letters, certificates, and newspaper clippings to name a few.