lecture: E-231 Mon & Wed 10:00-10:50
seminar: B-328 1: Tue: 11:00-11:50, 2: Fri 10:00-10:50
lab: A-101 (Biology Lab) open (you should be there approximately 2 hrs. per week)
Office: B-318
Phone: 244-0394
e-mail: (please put “GEL 1008" in the subject heading)
web site: (then follow the links)
Office & Lab Hours: posted on line, also available by appointment
Make me your friend on Facebook (you can use the messaging system to contact me).
By the end of the semester you will be able to:
· Explain and use scientific methods of inquiry.
· Use maps and aerial photographs to examine and illustrate geologic features.
· Explain what a mineral is and identify the properties of minerals.
· Explain the three rock types, describe their characteristics, and explain the processes that produce them.
· Explain the rock and hydrologic cycles.
· Explain the concept and magnitude of geologic time and use the techniques of relative geologic dating.
· Explain the following geologic processes and describe the landforms they produce: soil formation, mass wasting, surface water flow, groundwater flow, glaciers, wind, coastal and oceanic processes, crustal deformation, and earthquakes.
· Explain the structure of the interior of the earth and the concept of plate tectonics.
· Reynolds, S. J.,, Exploring Geology, 2nd ed.
· Jones, N.W., Laboratory Manual for Physical Geology, 7th ed.
GENERAL EDUCATION GOAL: The purpose of general education at IVCC is to enhance students’ abilities to think and act responsibly as citizens in a changing world.
The following IVCC general education goals will be addressed in this course:
1. To apply analytical and problem solving skills to personal, social, and professional issues and situations.
2. To communicate orally and in writing, socially and interpersonally.
4. To understand and use contemporary technology effectively and to understand its impact on the individual and society.
5. To work and study effectively, both individually and in collaboration with others.
8. To appreciate the ongoing value of learning, self-improvement, and career planning.
Lectures will cover topics from the text, you should bring your textbooks to class so you can refer to the topics, figures, and diagrams.
Seminars are designed to give you an opportunity to discuss lecture topics and lab exercises with me in a more relaxed setting. Always bring your lab book to seminar!
Laboratory exercises are assigned to reinforce lecture topics. The laboratory is an open lab and while you may work on assignments at your own pace, you should plan to spend approximately two hours per week in the lab. I will be available in the lab at scheduled times to guide you through the assignments and answer your questions, Mrs. Johnson is also familiar with the labs and will be able to help you. You are encouraged to work with others from the class; however, you should always submit your own work in your own words. (Lab help is also available on my web site.)
WARNING: This handout includes lab assignments, reading assignments, exam dates, and a study guide. You are responsible for the material covered in this outline.
CLASS PARTICIPATION: In order to check your understanding I will ask you questions about the material being covered. “I don’t know” is commonly a favorite response to questions, but it is not acceptable in this course. I expect an honest attempt at an answer, even if it is incorrect
TEXT: You are expected to read the textbook. We will not be able to cover all of the material in the text during lecture and seminar. If you read the text prior to attending class, you will be able to ask me for clarification about things you don’t understand
LABS: Lab assignments should be submitted as indicated on the course schedule. You should expect to spend 2 hours in the lab each week. Most students find it helpful to complete their labs during my lab hours. Please use the lab help web site when completing your labs.
QUIZZES: Unannounced quizzes will be given in lecture throughout the semester to ensure that you are keeping pace with the course schedule.
EXAMS: Exams will cover the material in the text, lectures, seminars, and labs. The exams will be a combination of multiple choice and short answer. The attached study guide should be used to prepare for the exams.
LAB PRACTICAL: An oral lab practical (covering minerals and rocks) will be given during the second half of the semester. A sign-up sheet will be circulated in class and posted on my office door. You will be expected to identify the characteristics of rocks and minerals but will not be required to know specific names. (Items covered on the practical are noted on the study guide.)
ASSESSMENTS: I will occasionally ask you to assess my exams and instruction and your preparation and progress. These assessments will not affect your grade.
READ THIS OUTLINE AND REFER TO IT DAILY. This handout includes lab assignments, reading assignments, exam dates and a study guide. You are responsible for the material covered in this outline. Not knowing that there is an exam will not excuse you from having to take it.
ATTENDANCE: You are expected to attend all class sessions. You should always notify me prior to missing class.
WITHDRAWAL: I may withdraw you from the course at your request or at my discretion. I may withdraw you for any of the following reasons:
· failure to complete a missed exam within one week
· failure to submit two homework assignments
If you want to ensure withdrawal, you should request it. Failure to request a withdrawal or complete the course may result in a grade of “F.”
Waiver from this policy requires a written request to me and will be at my discretion based on the circumstances.
The last day to withdraw is April 14.
· Exams must be made up within one week and may be essay or oral exams. You must notify me prior to missing the exam.
· Homework must be turned in prior to the date indicated on the schedule. Five points will be subtracted for each day late.
· Late exams and homework will not be accepted after one week without a written excuse.
· No work will be accepted after the last day of classes (Monday, May 10).
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: You are encouraged to discuss class and lab work with other students; however, all assignments must be your original work in your own words. If you cheat on an exam, you will be given a failing grade for the exam and will be required to have a conference with me and the Division Chair.
CONTACT ME: If you have conflicts, concerns, scheduling problems, study difficulties, test anxiety, a learning disability, or anything else that may interfere with your success in this class or if you have questions about the college, geology, your career path, or just about anything else, please stop by my office or send me an e-mail. I will do my best to help or direct you to someone who can.
The student handbook and the college catalog should be reviewed to become familiar with all IVCC policies.
If you are a student with a cognitive, physical or psychiatric disability you may be eligible for academic support services such as extended test time, texts on tape, note taking services, etc.... If you are interested in receiving academic support services, please contact the Special Populations Office at 224-0284, office B-204.
The class is worth 735 points.
Exams (3 @ 100, 1 @ 50) 350 pts.
Quizzes (4 @ 10 pts.) 40 pts.
Lab practical (50 pts.) 50 pts.
Labs (15 to 25 pts. each) 215 pts.
The grading scale will be
90% and above A
80% to 89% B
70% to 79% C
60% to 69% D
below 60% F
Grammar & Spelling are worth 10% of all assignments and exams. Answers should be in complete, grammatically correct sentences. All words should be correctly spelled. If you need help you should ask me, an English instructor, or the Reading, Writing, and Study Skills Lab (in LRC-B) for assistance.
Term Paper/Project: You may apply the concepts learned in the class by writing a term paper or presenting a project discussing a geologic topic in greater detail than presented in the class.
§ You must have the topic approved by me.
§ Points will be assigned based on the depth of knowledge expressed in the paper.
§ You are expected to cite all references.
§ The term paper must be typed and proper English and spelling must be used.
If you are assigned a paper in another course and you choose a topic related to oceanography, you may be able to submit the paper to me as well; just ask.
Field Trips: On several occasions throughout the semester, you may have opportunities to participate in geoscience related field trips. Field trips will be announced in class and participation is strongly recommended, but optional. Field trips are worth 15 points per half-day; you must write a short paper describing the field trip and what you gained. Please bring field trip opportunities to the attention of the instructor.
§ River testing: Saturday mornings, March ___ and April ___, 8:30 to 12:00, meet in front of IVCC at 8:15.
Skip class often. (Sleep in, nothing important will be covered.)
Sit in the back row and chat.
Leave your book at home.
Don’t write anything down.
Work on the labs alone, avoid discussing them with others
Don’t open the book.
Lose the study guide.
Don’t ask questions about the material.
Don’t turn in work.
Schedule appointments during class time.
Do not work on the labs when I am in the lab.
Copy someone else’s work.
Pretend like you already know the material.
Take a vacation for a week while classes are in session.
Come to class late.
Avoid me.
If you’re in the middle of a game of Euchre, finish the game, class can wait.
Don’t talk to any of your classmates and do not study with them.
Do not ask any questions, ever.
Turn in your work late, if at all.
Do not use proper English and spelling on any assignments.
Do not e-mail me.
Do not make me your friend in Facebook.
Rush through the labs, put as little effort into each lab as possible, do not answer all of the questions.
Avoid the Tutoring Center in LRC-D (244-0479)
Do not study for exams. The day it is scheduled, skip your 9:00 class, go to the lab to look at the rocks, and give up when no one can help you immediately.
Do as little as possible.
If you must stop by my office, check my schedule first, and stop by when I am in another class.
Have no goals.
SCHEDULE (subject to change) /week of / READING
T: text sections to be read / SEMINAR TOPIC / LAB EXERCISE DUE (Friday at my office or in the Bio Lab)
LE: lab exercise from lab text
Textbook: Investigation exercise from the textbook /
1/11 / Introduction to Geology
(off Mon) / Geologic Reasoning
T: 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 2.0-2.4, 2.6-2.12, 9.8 / Topographic Maps
1/25 / Rock-forming Minerals
T: 4.0-4.13, 15.13 / Physical Properties of Minerals / LE 6: Topographic Maps
1 (except d3, d4, g)
§ for f, consider the entire map
§ for h, i, j, k, l, use IVCC
§ for m, use IVCC and the Peru Mall
§ for n, use the Vermillion River
2f, 4
15 pts.
2/1 / MON: Minerals & Rocks
MON: Exam 1: Geology, Minerals & Maps (take home, 50 pts.) / Introduction to Rocks & Sedimentary Environments / LE 1 & LE 2: Minerals
use the worksheet provided to record the properties of the samples provided
15 pts.
WED: Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks & Environments
T: 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 7.0-7.5, 7.7, 15.1, 15.2
2/8 / MON: EXAM 1 DUE Continental Environments
T: 7.1, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10, 13.8, 13.9, 14.10, 14.12-14.14, 16.2, 16.5-16.10, 18.3 / Continental Environments & Sediments / LE 4: 4, 6, 7
Textbook: 7.16
15 pts.
(off Mon) / Coastal & Marine Environments
T: 7.2, 7.9-7.11, 10.9-10.11, 14.1, 14.4, 14.5, 14.8, 18.1 / Coastal & Marine Environments & Sediments / LE 8: 1(b-e), construct a topographic profile along the line A to A' on page 163
LE10: 2a(3-5), 4
15 pts.
2/22 / Fossils & Sedimentary Rocks
T: 9.5-9.7, 7.5, 7.6 / Fossils & Sedimentary Rocks & Environments / LE11: 1, 4b
LE12: 1(a,b), 5(a,b), 6(a,c)
15 pts.
3/1 / Sedimentary Environments
T: 1.7, 7.0-7.4, 7.12, 7.13, 7.15
WED - Exam 2: Sedimentary Rocks & Environments (in class, 100 pts.) / Sedimentary Rocks & Environments
Fri: Volcanoes / Sedimentary Rocks: use the worksheet provided to record the properties and identify the rock samples provided
15 pts.
3/8 / Volcanoes & Extrusive Igneous Rocks
T: 5.0, 5.9, 6.0-6.5, 6.7, 6.9, 6.10 / Tue: Volcanoes
Fri: Igneous Rocks
(off Fri) / Intrusive Igneous Rocks
T: 5.3, 5.9-5.12
Igneous Rock Composition & Classification
T: 5.0-5.2 / Tue: Igneous Rocks / LE 7: 1(a,f,g,j), 2(a-c), 3(a-d,f), 4(a,b), 5c
15 pts.
3/29 / Folding & Faulting
T: 8.0-8.5, 8.10 / Structure / LE 3: Igneous Rocks
use the worksheet provided to record the properties and identify the rock samples provided
4/5 / Metamorphism & melting
T: 8.6-8.9
Metamorphism & melting
T: 5.4, 5.5, 8.10, 8.14, 8.15 / Metamorphic Rocks / LE 14: 1, 2(a,b), 5, 7, 8(a,c)
§ check out a kit in the bio lab
§ (for 8, use the Geologic Map of Illinois & name the structure)
LE 15: 1(a-e) & 4 (a-e)
20 pts.
4/12 / MON - Exam 3: Igneous & Metamorphic Rocks & Environments (in class, 100 pts.)
WED: Fit of the continents
T: 2.5, 3.0-3.3, p. 68 / Mapping and Rocks / LE 5: Metamorphic Rocks
use the worksheet provided to record the properties and identify the rock samples provided
4/19 / Seafloor
T: 10.0-10.2, 10.4, 10.5
Sea-floor spreading & divergence
T: 3.4, 5.6, 8.12, 10.3, 10.8 / Plate Tectonics: Divergence / mapping and rock identification: use the map of the area in front of the college to locate and identify rocks.
20 pts.
4/26 / Rifting
T: 1.3, 11.4, 11.7
T: 5.7, 5.13, p. 225, 10.6, 10.7 / Plate Tectonics: Convergence / LE 17: 1, 3, 4a
15 pts.
5/3 / Convergence
T: 3.5, p. 224, 8.16, 11.0-11.6, 11.11-11.13
T: 11.9, 11.10, 11.11 / Plate Tectonics: Accretion & Offset / LE 17: 2
Textbook: 10.14
Textbook: 5.14
25 pts.
5/10 / Offset faults
T: 3.6, 8.13
WED – no class / FINAL EXAM: FRIDAY, MAY 14, 10:00 am (100 pts.)