Kit Menkin’s Leasing News Tuesday, June 5, 2001
MidAmerica Hits 140 members
Count is Corrected for Eastern Association of Equipment Leasing
SDI Capital Employee Lament
Positions Open
Santa Clara Valley Unemployment 2.2%/Traffic is still murder
Peoplestreet Teams Up with Bank of America
eBusiness Conference and Expo Announces Impressive Speaker Lineup for 2001
Textron Financial Expands Presence in Small Business Market with Acquisition of
Assets of STI Credit Corporation
MidAmerica Association of Equipment Lessors Membership Up 4%
140 Members for 2001
Alison J. Huhn
Executive Assistant
Facility Capital
333 West Wacker Drive
Suite 1750
Chicago, IL 60606
312.541.6000 phone
312.541.1275 fax
135 members at the end of the year.
The smallest and youngest leasing association, Mid-America Association of Equipment Lessors has the less expensive dues. Mid-America primarily consists of lessors, those who carry their own leases, their website states. It is more a "club," similar to how the well-established non-profit associations started
Their website states the organization consists of members of the industry from the upper Mid-Western states, including Illinois, Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Minnesota, Tennessee, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas.
Eastern Association of Equipment Leasing Count Correction
It appears the original membership number used last year was incorrect. It should
have been 240. Executive Director Alison Pryor was not aware what we had posted
or used in prior stories. The membership change would then be only 11% as today’s
count is 213.
She stated the board really did not appear to want to get larger than 300 as the association
was local, not national, although they have many members who belong to two or three
other leasing associations. She also said while they lost Unicapital as a member, there
were three new members from the organization, plus there were others who were not
as active who appear to becoming more active, some old names back, she said, and
appeared glad to have them back.
The invitation to me for the September 24 at the Sheraton Meadowlands in East Rutherford, NJ, is still open. It is their big event, and perhaps I will take her up
and try to attend myself. Maybe I could get some of the Leasing News advisory
board together and we could have another dinner again. Is there a Emeril’s Restaurant
in New Jersey?
The third annual crab feast at Gunnings Restaurant in Hanover, MD on June 7 ( Friday ). I wish I had the money and time to attend. My mother’s side of the family is from
Baltimore, and there also are some H.L.Mencken ties there too. I sat on his lap,
they said, which I don’t remember, but I do remember the crabfests and clamfests.
I have a cousin who is a oyster fisherman, owns a farm on the water. Pop an oyster
or crab on the open fire at the beach. Some great Chardonnay. I love fresh
Maryland soft-shell crab. My favorite. I would go just for the food, and the networking would be a bonus.
Just because I live in California doesn’t mean I don’t have ties on the East Coast.
I was born in Manhattan, raised in the Queens and Westchester County ( Port Chester
and Larchmont ). Crab fest sounds great to me.
If you haven’t signed up, call Alison Pryor at 914 381 5830 or email her at
Bay View Capital
As reported last week, Bay View Commercial Leasing is no longer originating deals.
It is requested we notify readers who wish customer service, please call: 800-266-3255
SDI Capital Not Paying Employees
Just came on your mailing list after losing my job at SDI Capital on the day
my salary check was due. According to the HR person at SDI, she told me on
Wed. May30th, that my check was being Fed Ex'ed to me so that I would receive
it on Thursday. Needless to say, my salary check, my expense check and
commission due me never showed up. According to Stanley Daniels, V.P. of SDI
Capital. The merger with Total was imminent. At that time the
new company would be responsible for paying my salary.
A call to Alan Collier, President of Total, resulted in a
completely different story than I received from Mr. Daniels. Mr. Collier said
that when and if the merger takes place, he will NOT be responsible for any
unpaid salaries.
I know that putting my name at the end of this e-mail may jeopardize any
chances of me ever getting paid, but I am looking for a sales position.
I work out of my home in Paradise Valley, AZ., have been in the business for
3 years, and have my own vendor base.
Thank you for the time and space to hear me out.
Gene DeMarco
5525 E. Lincoln Dr.
Suite 101
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Phone: 480-998-2785
Fax: 480-483-8801
Cell: 602-390-4447
( Congratulations. You have courage. While we have not completed the classified section, we did state we would publish employers looking for leasing personnel,
such as from SDI Capital, Bancorp, among many others. We have many readers with
home e-mail addresses, who we may be able to help. Thus we are printing again
other employers who are seeking people. You can also go to our archive section.
We have also confirmed Mr. DeMarco’s e-mail and it is basically correct. Alan Collier
will not comment for the record, but it appears TotalFunding interest is primarily with
the assets, meaning portfolio and perhaps furniture, computers, and other assets, and
is not interested in the company itself with its liabilities. He says they have no intention
or inclination to pay past salary or monies owed and has signed an agreement not to
discuss the negotiations. editor
ex-SDI Capital Employees Wanted
AmeriLease Corp. in Newport Beach,CA has positions available for both Administrative and Sales positions.
Any former SDI employees are encouraged to apply.
Tim Jewell
(800) 619-4532 x-420
= =
Taycor Financial (Formerly Media Capital of California) is always interested
in recruiting proven sales people for their Los Angeles and East Coast
(Massachusetts) offices. The compensation package is very competitive!
Please visit our web site and apply discreetly on-line or call Andrea Pesta
at the number below.
Taycor Financial
6167 Bristol Parkway, Suite 320
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 568-9900, Ext. 15, Fax (310) 568-9922
= =
PowerNet Financial Group always has opportunities available for experienced
lease salespeople nationally.We offer an experienced professional support staff and
lots of funding options. Please visit our website for more info or send me
an email and I'll email you a Word document outlining our program.
John Craine, VP Sales
PowerNet Financial Group Inc.
Your Professional Equipment Leasing Network
Fax (781) 461-9449
- - -
American Financial Network, Inc. is a 13 year old company located in
Cleveland, Ohio and specializing in small ticket, lower middle market (i.e.
$100K - $500K) and municipal leasing transactions. AFN is a member of NAELB
and MAEL. We are actively looking for two more leasing sales reps. Please
feel free to contact Spencer Richman, CLP, President, at 216-360-9020 x221.
- Spencer Richman, CLP, President
American Financial Network, Inc. - member NAELB, MAEL
4635 Richmond Road, Suite 106
Cleveland, Ohio 44128
Phone 216-360-9020 x221
Fax 216-360-9252
We are an equipment finance company which specializes in the
medical industry. We are always interested in talking to medical
sales people about employment opportunities with our company.
We have the infrastructure in place to provide a high level of service.
Please contact me at 800-233-1574 or via e-mail.
Stephen P. Sambor
Vice President of Credit and Funding
Americorp Financial, Inc.
877 S. Adams
Birmingham, MI 48009
from yesterday
Innovative Lease Services currently has positions available in our Carlsbad,
CA office. We have an immediate need for Vendor Service Sales
Interested parties may view a job description on our website at or may contact Neil Clark, HR Manager at (800)438-1470 Ext.
With the recent demise / changes in many Southern California Lessors and
Brokers we invite any inquiries from sales orientated personnel.
Andrew S. Nere
Innovative Lease Services, Inc.
(800)438-1470 Ext. 204
- - -
We would also be very interested in employing sales reps that are looking
for work. I believe we have a good thing going and would like to expand our
Andrew Thorn
Thalman Financial, Inc.
Apple Valley, Ca.
- -
Name: John Power
Address = 7545 Irvine Center Dr.
City = Irvine
State = CA
Zipcode = 92618
Phone = 9494537517
Fax = 9494283117
Email =
Source =
Add me to the mailing list = yes
Comments = I would like to offer former SDI Capital employees, employment.
= = =
Any sales people in the Metro-Portland area who are looking for a placement should contact Paul Bob or John Taylor at Ablenet. We
have 3 private offices waiting for Mr. or Ms. Right.
Our business as seen continued growth and we would like a few (more) good men to join the team.
Paul: Ext. 21
John: Ext. 13
Paul D. Bob, CLP
Chief Executive Officer
5050 SW Griffith Dr., Ste 101
Beaverton, OR 97005-2932
800-255-7430 ext. 21
Fax: (253) 660-8796
Unemployment in Silicon Valley is still 2.2%...You can’t find a parking space
in the large shopping malls, traffic is murder, people still bid on houses, often
higher than the asking price, and try to get a plumber or electrician to your
house here.
Mike Cassidy: Bubble of dreams still floats high for some valley newcomers
San Jose Mercury News
Sometimes it's good to look at an old place with new eyes.
Like the four sets around a table at Ubicom, a Mountain View Internet processor company. Sure, Silicon Valley's bubble A) has burst; B) has lost some air; or C) is just resting, depending on the analyst.
And for anyone who's been around the past five (or 35 in Internet time) years, the bounce is out of the valley's step. Traffic is still bad. People are still self-absorbed, and our glory years seem behind us.
But that's not the way software engineers Meliksah Ertugrul, Volkan Civelek, Semsa Kantaroglu and Gunay Ozkan see it. They all recently left everything familiar to travel to new jobs, a new place and a dream.
``We want to succeed at some things,'' says Civelek, 23, who, like his three co-workers, moved from Turkey. ``I want to succeed at a really big thing.''
The big thing. Boom or bust, it's brought people to Silicon Valley. The valley remains a place of fantastic potential, and dreamers know that.
They've come from throughout the United States. They've come from Mexico, Vietnam, China and India, and more recently they've come from Turkey. Together they've created a valley bubbling with diversity.
Turkey has been a good place to leave lately. Its economy is in a shambles. But the engineers talk about the pull. Kantaroglu, 22, sought tech challenges.
``I knew I would find them in Silicon Valley,'' she says.
There are other challenges, too. Ertugrul left a wife and baby daughter in Turkey. They'll join him in July.
``Each day, we can communicate by the Internet.''
The immigrants, working on H-1B visas, may face resentment as the economy sours. Complaints about outsiders taking jobs will increase. The newcomers say they've heard no such talk. Instead, they're energized by our differences.
``I don't think anywhere in the world, we could have such an opportunity to meet so many different people from so many different countries,'' Ozkan says.
Silicon Valley is a wonderful place, they say, and some of us who've been around ought to listen. The valley is not congested. (Hey, they're from Istanbul, pop.: 10 million.) Drivers are courteous. (I'm not making this up.)
Which at least says some places are worse off than we are.
But more than that, it says something about the promise of opportunity that Silicon Valley offers in good times and in bad.
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eBusiness Conference and Expo Announces Impressive Speaker Lineup for 2001
Industry Experts to Present Content-Rich Insights on Customer Care,
Infrastructure, Execution, and B2B Business Models
NEW YORK, -- More than 70 expert speakers will share their industry knowledge and proven practices at this year's eBusiness Conference and Expo ( Taking place June 12 - 14, 2001 at the San Jose Convention Center, the event focuses on the Realist's Guide to Integration & Innovation.
This year's eBusiness Conference and Expo is about realistic solutions that can be applied right now, whether to a bricks-and-mortar enterprise or a next-generation dot-com. It's about the hard work of E-Business integration and implementation, and the work of driving customer retention rates up and costs down. This year's speakers will show how to achieve success from business models to customer partnerships, technical infrastructures to finance.
Top executives from Amazon, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners, MP3, Omnisky, along with leading academics from MIT and New York University will discuss the many facets of E-Business, including B2B, supply chains, application integration, and outsourcing/e-services offerings.
Keynote speakers include Irving Wladawsky-Berger, Vice President Technology and Strategy at IBM Server Group, Louis Burns, Vice President and former CIO of Intel Corporation, and Timothy Chou, President and CEO of
"Today's economy requires companies to be one step ahead of the game at all times, and the only way to do that is to be exposed to the real innovations continually developing in this fast-paced industry," said Paul O'Reilly, general manager of the eBusiness Conference and Expo. "The eBusiness Conference and Expo is the ideal place to do exactly that -- we've created an extremely varied and stimulating program consisting of compelling content that will guarantee success for our attendees."
Featured speakers at the eBusiness Conference and Expo include:
* Martin Bean, Chief IT Strategist, Thomson Learning
* Abhay Bhushan, Chairman & CEO, MobileWebSurf
* Erik Brynjolfsson, Co-Director, Center for eBusiness at MIT