Ooltewah High School

English 11 Syllabus

Mrs. Herfurth

423-238-5228, Ext. 2260

Welcome to English 11! It is a continuing study of skills in grammar, vocabulary, composition, and literature. This course offers a study of American Literature representing the works of American authors ranging in time from colonial days to the modern period. Practice in the practical use of communication skills will be emphasized along with practice in using the principles of the writing process for the TCAP Writing Assessment. A research paper will be completed, and the required summer reading, assigned at the end of every school year, will be tested for comprehension.







Course Objectives

-Over the period of this course, students will:

  • Expand upon their ability to analyze and critique literature
  • Understand and apply the writing process
  • Continue to develop a firm understanding of grammar and mechanics in their own writing and speech
  • Respond to peers’ work orally and in writing
  • Develop vocabulary, acquiring an awareness and appreciation of words, how others use them, and how we can use them in our own speech/writing
  • Write for a variety of purposes
  • Read actively, learning to self-monitor comprehension, and to apply strategies when needed
  • Participate actively in various forms of oratory—class discussions, collaborative work with peers, interpretive reading of literature, etc.

Grading Scale

The Grading Scale will be in accordance with the OHS Student Handbook and is aligned with the TN Dept. of Education.

  • 37.5% Daily (quizzes, class work, class participation/discussion)
  • 37.5% Assessments (tests, essays and projects)
  • 25% EOC Exam (second nine weeks only)

Attendance Policy

Attendance is critical to academic success! Roll will be taken and recorded in accordance with OHS policy. Tardiness will be recorded and assessed in accordance with OHS policy as well. Students are responsible in communicating with me for making up any missed assignments or tests, and the maximum period for making up assignments is FIVE school days.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Cheating is NEVER tolerated and will result in a substantially lower grade or zero. Plagiarism (use of three or more words written by another person without giving proper credit) is a serious violation of academic standards, resulting in a zero on the assignment with no opportunity for make-up work. Students must use proper documentation on all papers. The highest standards in regard to academic honesty and integrity are expected from all students!

*Cell phone and Electronic Devices-powered off/put away in ELA class:

ONLY under the consent and the direct supervision of a classroom teacher, for the purposes of enhancing educational instruction, may a cell phone or other electronic device BE OUT and used in an academic setting during instructional time. ANY classroom use is at TEACHER DISCRETION. TEXTING during class is NOT allowed; pleasedo not text or call your student during English class in theevent the phone is not turned off. LISTENING TO MUSIC during ELA is PROHIBITED. If phone is used, it will be taken until the end of class; after two times of misuse, I will turn into the office per district policy. Please understand that English education time is limited; after class/learning, phone usage is unlimited!

My Expectations

  • Always come to class prepared. This means that you have completed any assignment due that day and that you have all necessary materials with you: book, library book, notebook, writing utensils, etc!
  • See me for any missed work.
  • R E S P E C T. Above all, it is essential that we respect one another, our surroundings, and ourselves. This classroom is a place where we should all feel comfortable in expressing opinions; therefore, it is encouraged as long as it is never at the expense of another student.
  • To have FUN learning! 

Classroom Supplies

  • A one inch ring binder with loose-leaf notebook paper.
  • One basic composition book any color/design.
  • Number 2 pencils, hand held sharpener or extra lead, and blue or black pens.
  • Textbooks will be provided as well as being available on-line.
  • $10 English fee; donations welcome anytime of Clorox/disinfecting wipes, reams of paper, hand sanitizer, tissue paper, paper towels, etc. and will be GREATLY appreciated!! ALL benefit your student.

Parents and Students:

Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understood all the information provided in the syllabus and return to me. After I have recorded a daily grade for the return, you may keep for your records. ***Please make sure you understand and have discussed the cell phone requirements during class time.

Thank you, and I look forward to a wonderful semester!


Parent’s Name (print) Student’s Name (print)


Parent’s SignatureStudent’s Signature

Returned for grade:______(TEACHER’S INITIALS).

You may now keep for your records.