RCT & Merthyr Outdoor Learning Wales Network Group Meeting
Greenfields School, Pentrebach
15th of January 2014
1. Welcome, introductions and apologies:
Janice Kemeys & Jude Jones – Greenfields School, Sheena O’Leary & Aled Hopkin – Natural Resources Wales, Karen Parker – University of Glamorgan, Nicola Kathrens – Cwmbach Community Primary School, Mark Tiernan – Dolygaer Outdoor Centre, Bev Haddock – Talkabout Talk and Play, RCT, Tim Orrell – Freelance and RCTBC.
2. Matters arising from the last minutes:
The FEI/OLW Biodiversity Day was discussed for new members.
3. Updates from those present:
Nicola – The grass area in school is fence off and the top area has drainage issues. These outdoor spaces are therefore unavailable for 3 months. The Foundation Phase are having welly Wednesdays as their Forest School sessions.
Tim – Tim has been at Dare Valley covering school visits when requested as Emma is off. Tim is also running a project called “Walk to the wild” in the South of the County and has started to expand this to the rest of the county. He had a successful Inset in November and is hoping to run it again, using local countryside sites. He has put in for funding next year to engage with other schools.
Karen – There are Forest school sessions running every week, depending on the weather.
Sheena – The Photography competition has finished and Sheena is now working on activities and visits for the windfarms sites. The Literacy and Numeracy training days have been popular. Sheena will be sending out a flyer shortly.
Greenfields school – Janice and Jude visited Rhydfelin Children’s Centre to cut willow and used it to make a small dome. They are trying to do weekly Forest school sessions.
Cherry asked if anyone needed willow as it needs cutting.
The group discussed a training twilight session with Claire Revera – Sheena has discussed this with her. The options are a full day or two half days. The Vale group did a day during the half term holidays learning about sculpture, craft and maintenance. The maintenance needs to be completed before the end of March.
AP – Group to e-mail Aled when they are available and Aled to liaise with Sheena.
Mark – Mark introduced himself as he used to attend the Merthyr meetings before the group was made dormant. Dolygaer is the outdoor provider for Merthyr CBC. Mark discussed the challenges of running Forest school for Merthyr as it was superceeded by the PE and Sports initiative.
3. OLW update:
Sheena updated the group on the changes to FEI and the group discussed the letter Karen Clarke e-mailed to the chairs.
7. Future projects
Tim suggested actively looking out for new members from new organisations.
The group discussed running a Biodiversity Event again this year.
AP – Aled to liaise with interested parties and fill in the application for the small grant.
Sheena offered to run a mini training day for Literacy and Numeracy. The group suggested running a training day to attract new members to the group.
AP – the next meeting to be arranged as a twilight session.
Nicola brought 2 cheques to be signed.
Tim handed the treasurer file to Karen
AP-Nicola to request new bank forms
8. Date and venue of next meeting:
TBC – Dare valley country park, 30th April 2014
AP-Tim to speak to Dare Valley to arrange the venue
OLW Network Group Minutes Last Updated March 2014