Deliverable:Visual Identity Guidelines

Author(s):Margaret Pesuit, ISIS

Version:Draft 1

Quality review:Loredana Marmora, ISIS


Grant Agreement N°:645884

Starting Date:01/03/2015

Duration:36 months

Coordinator:Bart Verspagen, UN-MERIT


/ Page 1 of 10 / This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 645884. /
/ D11-1 Annex | Visual Identity Guidelines

Table of Contents

1.About These Visual Identity Guidelines

2.Introduction – The Visual Identity

2.1Why Do We Need a Visual Identity?

2.2 What Constitutes a Visual Identity?

2.3 When Should the Visual Identity Be Used?

3.The Logo

3.1 Position of the Logo

3.2 Incorrect Use of the Logo

4.I3U Colours

5.I3U Typography

5.1 Primary Typeface

5.2 Website

5.3 PowerPoint

6.I3U Templates

7.Legal Information

7.1 Information on EU Funding — Obligation and Right to Use the EU Emblem

7.2 Disclaimer Excluding Agency Responsibility

1.About These Visual Identity Guidelines

TheI3UVisual IdentityGuidelinesareanintegralpartofthe“DisseminationPlan”developedforthe I3U project, and they describethe “look” of the entire I3U project.This visual identity is comprised of severalelements, which are detailed in this document.

Theaimofthis guide is to ensure the consistent,memorable, attractive anduser‐friendly visual presentation of all the informational products deliveredwithin the framework of the I3U project. It is meant for users who need certain elements or templates for different products such as presentations, reports, etc.

Othertemplatesandspecificationsmay bedevelopedover the course of the project.In this case,theI3UVisual Identity Guidelineswillnotbemodified to include thisadditionalinformation,but an update will be provided as part of the periodic reporting for the I3U project.

Alllogodata,templatesandother material related to the visual identity will be providedfordownloadinthe internal section of the I3U website.

2.Introduction – The Visual Identity

2.1Why Do We Need a Visual Identity?

A common visual identity will ensure that all communication is branded with the aims of the Europe‐wide I3U project, thus increasing its impact. Having a memorable image, as well as a clear message, is essential in order to ensure that the target groups easily recall the project and its products. This way, a recipient of the I3U target group who reads through the “IU Commitment 33 Report” (WP8), then visits the website of I3U to learn more about the project and receives anI3U leaflet will automatically link all of these products, even without consciously thinking about it, because of the strong image created by the visual identity.

2.2 What Constitutes aVisual Identity?

Certain elements, such as a distinctive logo, an explanatory slogan, and specific typographical and chromatic choices,formI3U’svisualidentity.Theseelementslead users to easily recognizeI3U.All partners are expected to applythelogoandcorporateidentityforalltheirdisseminationactivities and respectivepublications.

2.3 When Should the Visual IdentityBe Used?

The visual identity guidelines should be applied to allexternalcommunicationregarding I3Uand itsactivities.

3.The Logo

The purpose of I3Uis to strengthen Europe’s potential for innovation, and the project has set out 13 general objectives and 34 specific policy commitments associated with these objectives, for which it will create a system of assessment. It is a project that seeks to understand what initiatives work, how we can encourage innovation, and how innovation, in turn, affects the economy.

TheI3Ulogo (to the left)isafigurativemark,consistingof fourmainelements:the name of the project,its slogan,its keyimage andits colours.Astheprojectname"I3U"isnot self‐explanatory,aslogan("Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union") isincorporated to communicatethe overall aim of the project.

The I3U logo consists of a green ”I”, a yellow ”3”, and a green ”U” with three parallel arrows curving upward and outward, with its slogan, ”Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union” below.

The most visually important part of the logo are the arrows, meant to evoke a sense of movement and direction and to symbolise the forward-looking vision of the project. The parallel positioning of these arrows represent the concerted effort of all partners in achieving this vision.

/ Page 1 of 10 / This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 645884. /
/ D11-1 Annex | Visual Identity Guidelines

3.1 Position of the Logo

As a general rule, the logo must be placed on the top left side in publications, reports, letters and presentations.

3.2 Incorrect Use of the Logo

Do not changethe shape andproportionsofthe logo.

Do not changethe typographyorposition ofthe slogan.

Do not changethecolours ofthe logo.

/ Page 1 of 10 / This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 645884. /
/ D11-1 Annex | Visual Identity Guidelines

4.I3U Colours

Here are the colours of the logo, given in Hex Code and then RGB. These colours are used in the document and PowerPoint templates, as well as in print materials, such as the leaflet. However, a more muted version of these vivid colours will be used on the website.


5.1 PrimaryTypeface

Segoe UIisourprimarytypefacethatshouldbeusedinalltypesetcommunications,suchaspublications, leafletsandreports.It should also be usedforallprintedcommunications(letters,forms,etc.). This font was chosen for its clean lines and ease of readability.

Title: Segoe UI, font size 24, bold

Subtitle: Segoe UI, font size 20, bold

Heading 1: Segoe UI, font size 16, bold

Heading 1.1: Segoe UI, font size 14, bold

Heading 1.1.1: Segoe UI, font size 12, bold

Paragraph: Segoe UI, font size 11

Table heading: Segoe UI, font size 12, bold

Table text: Segoe UI, font size 11

Captions: Segoe UI, font size 10, italic


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

5.2 Website

Our website, currently under construction,will use the Nuanceand Nobilefonts.

5.3 PowerPoint

Segoe UIisused as the fontin PowerPoint presentations. Segoe UI is preinstalled on both PCs and Mac computers.


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789


Title: Segoe UI, font size 40

Subtitle: Segoe UI, font size 28, dark green


Topic: Segoe UI, font size 36

Subtopic: Segoe UI, font size 24

Headline: Segoe UI, font size 24, bold, dark green

Bullet point1: Segoe UI, font size 22

Bullet point2: Segoe UI, font size 20

Text: Segoe UI, font size 18

Special text: Segoe UI, font size 18, bold, dark green

Text over graphics: Segoe UI, font size 28

6.I3U Templates

Sixtemplateshavebeendesigned for I3U andwill beavailablefordownloadin the internal area of the I3U website.All templatesdefinevariouselements,suchasdesign,fontandfontsize,headlines,bullet‐points,etc.These elements must be strictly respected by the I3U partnership.

There are three meeting-related templates, a report template, a presentation template, and a Publications/Dissemination Activities Form (for internal use).

  • The “MeetingAgenda Template” has beendesigned for project meetings.
  • The “MeetingEvaluation Template”has been designedto evaluate project meetings.
  • The“MeetingMinutesTemplate”hasbeendesignedtoprovideminutesforproject meetings.
  • The “Report Template”hasbeen designed for project reports,project deliverables, etc.
  • The “Presentation Template” has been designed for presentations at project meetings and for official presentationson behalf of the I3Uproject(e.g. during conferences or other events).
  • The “Publications/Dissemination Activities Form”has been designed for partners to submit their published papers, articles, presentations given at conferences, and any other relevant results/publications to ISIS, so that these can be publicised on the website and via social media channels. This form is to be submitted every three months.

7.Legal Information

7.1 Information on EU Funding — Obligation and Right to Use the EU Emblem

Unless the Agencyrequests or agrees otherwise or unless it is impossible, any dissemination of results(in any form, including electronic) must:

(a) Display the EU emblem, and

(b) Include the following text:

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovationprogramme under grant agreement No 645884”. This text must be in Tahoma typeface, rather than Segoe UI.

When displayed together with another logo, the EU emblem must have appropriate prominence. For the purposes of their obligations under this Article, the beneficiaries may use the EU emblem without first obtaining approval from the Agency.This does not however give them the right to exclusive use.Moreover, they may not appropriate the EU emblem or any similar trademark or logo, either byregistration or by any other means.

7.2 Disclaimer Excluding Agency Responsibility

Any dissemination of results must indicate that it reflects only the author's view and that the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

InadditiontotheEUprogrammebanner, thefollowinglegaldisclaimermust be displayed onany writteninformationproducedforprojectsorevents.Thisdisclaimercanbewrittenin asmallfontsizeandit canbeplaced in areas that arelessprominentthanthoseusedforthemainlogo,e.g.atthebottomof websitesorintheeditorialinformationofpublications.

“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

/ Page 1 of 10 / This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 645884. /