We, the students of Wasatch High School, do organize, adopt, and pledge support for this constitution that we may achieve effective roles within student government and provide equal opportunity for involvement in school activities. In order to establish an effective student government; to create positive student/faculty/ and school/community relationships; to encourage student participation in extracurricular programs, to promote citizenship, scholarship and sportsmanship; to increase school unity, loyalty, and spirit, do ordain and establish this constitution.


School Information

Section I.School Name

The school name shall be Wasatch High School.

Section II.School Motto

The motto of Wasatch High School is “Expect to Excel”

Section III.School Song

The song of Wasatch High School is:

We will sing of our high school

Of our alma mater too.

And its name will gain renown,

There’s no other like her can be found.

For we always shall be true.

To the emblems of our school.

We will ever be glad to come back

To our dear old gold and black.

Then come and join in song,

And cheer our Wasatch High School dear.

With its morals high and its name

We will ever work for its fame.

And we will strive unceasingly,

Towards the glory of our school.

We will raise our flags to the sky

For we love our Wasatch High! Hey!

(clap) WE’RE WASPS!

Section IV.School Fight Song

The fight song of Wasatch High School is:

Team fight for dear old Wasatch

Our dear high school

Fight for her victory always is the rule.

For we’re the friends of Everyone

Gold and the black

Team fight for Wasatch High

Wasps pep ne’er lack!



Section V. School Colors

The official colors of Wasatch High School are black, white, and old gold. Any attire sponsored by Wasatch High School should be these colors. Optional contrasting colors may be used as long as 75 percent of the uniform is black, white, and/or old gold. Certain exceptions can be made for organizations such as Drill Team and Choir. Additional exceptions can also be made if passed through the administration.

Section VI.School Mascot

The mascot of Wasatch High School is the Wasp.

Section VII. School Publications

  • The Wasatch High School student body newspaper shall be knows as the “Vespine.”
  • The Wasatch High School yearbook shall be known as the “Wasona.”
  • The Wasatch High School TV station shall be known as “Sting TV.”

This constitution shall be posted on the Wasatch High School webpage in order to ensure that all students have access to a copy of this document. A copy will also be available from the student government at all times during the school year.


Student Government

Section I. Membership in the Association

Membership of the executive student government consists of the following elected student officers:

  • The Student Body President shall:
  • Coordinate between the Student Body and Administration
  • Represent the Student Body through broadcasting and public outreach programs
  • Conduct or delegate the conducting of all student government meetings
  • Delegate responsibilities to all student government members, but not personally conduct them.
  • The Student Body Vice President of Legislationshall:
  • Keep minutes, create the agenda and keep track of all assignments of student government members
  • Keep a history of all activities and results which can be passed on to the next year of student government.
  • The Student Body Vice President of Service shall:
  • Search for and fulfill opportunities to serve the student body, the community and the world
  • The Student Body Vice President of Activities shall:
  • Organize and recruit members for committees over all major student government-led activities
  • Take the lead in committee meetings and delegate responsibilities to committee members
  • Call upon other members of student government for help with activities as needed
  • The Student Body Vice President of Clubs shall:
  • Coordinate between Club Presidents, Sports Captains, and Student Government
  • Plan and coordinate activities to encourage club participation.

Membership of the Student Government Cabinet shall consist of the following appointed student officers:

  • The Graphic Design Specialist shall:
  • Design material as needed to represent student government in public relations.
  • Create digital and printed advertisements to promote Student Government initiatives throughout the school
  • Create logo(s) for student government.
  • Audio & Visual Specialist
  • Create commercials for activities.
  • Direct Student Government’s social media campaigns.

Membership of the general student government consists of the following elected representatives unless appointed:

  • Senior Class Representatives- 2
  • Represent and advocate for the senior class throughout the year
  • Chair any senior related activity
  • Speak at graduation
  • Plan class reunions
  • Junior Class Representatives - 2
  • Represent and advocate forthe junior class throughout the year
  • Chair any junior related activity
  • Plan and chair Junior Prom & related fund raising dance
  • Sophomore Class Representatives - 2
  • Represent and advocate for the sophomore class throughout the year
  • Chair any sophomore related activity
  • Freshman Class Representatives - 2
  • Represent and advocate for the freshman class throughout the year
  • Chair any freshman related activity

Section II.Eligibility

  • In order to run for office, a student must have a 3.0 GPA. The student must then maintain the 3.0 GPA throughout the term of their office.
  • A candidate must have no U’s or UA’s in Citizenship
  • A member of student government must not partake of alcohol or drugs. An officer in student government must uphold the council’s good reputationand abide by the Code of Conduct.

Section III: Elections and Appointments

  • Student government elections at Wasatch High School shall be held at a specific time jointly agreed upon by the administration and current student body officers. No student may hold more than one student government office at the same time.
  • Student government officer elections as well as class officer elections will operate the sameand will be held at the same time.

Section IV.Oath of Office

“I (name) having been given the trust of the students of Wasatch High School, do solemnly pledge to be a loyal member of the student body of Wasatch High School; to uphold and defend the constitution of the school and to honor the traditions of Wasatch High School. I further pledge to fulfill the duties of (office) effectively and to the very best of my abilities.”

SectionV.Removal from Office and Impeachment

Any student government officer found in violation of the code of conduct will be withheld from any student government planned activity in the academic term of their violation. If found in violation of the code of conduct, during their time of probation, officer will be dismissed from office.A replacement will then be appointed by the executive council.

Student Officers: Any student officer elected or appointed—found in violation of the Oath of Office, of the required academic standards, of conduct unbecoming a student officer, of adherence to this constitution shall be subject to removal from office. An officer suspected of impeachable offenses will be summoned to the student government.The counciland administration will determine if they should be removed.


Clubs and Organization

Section I: Starting a Club or Organization

Any student who has a particular interest in an area shall havehas the right to form a club, so long as the club has an administration-approved advisor, a constitution setting forth main objectives, and is approved by administration and the Student Body Vice President over clubs, and has a minimum of five members. If a club has not gone through the official process of becoming an official club, they do not have the opportunity to advertise in the school or to hold meetings at or during school. An official club has the right to use the student governmentadvertising supplies or materials and the opportunity to apply for grants from the student government.


Ratification & Amendments

Section I.Amendments

Any student may present an amendment to this Constitution, in writing, signed by 50 active members of the student bodyto the Student Body President. He/she will present it to the Student Body Executive and General Councils who will discuss and vote on it. If the amendment passes with two-thirds majority vote, it will be presented to the administration. Once the administration has approved it, it will be voted on by the student body and will need to pass with two-thirds majority vote.

Section II.Enacted

Upon ratification, constitutional changes will take effect at the beginning of the next school year.

Section III.Appeal

If a new amendment does not pass with two-thirds majority vote, it will be tabled indefinitely. However, a student can appeal the decision and resubmit the amendment.