Academic Assessment & Planning Center 2010-11
Institutional Course Syllabus for ENG 270
Prince Sultan University
2nd Semester 2013-14
Course Code : ENG 270 Pre-requisite: English linguistics
Course Title : Introduction to Computational Linguistics
Credit Hours : 2 Credit Hours Instructor:
I. Course Description: This course aims to introduce the students from various disciplines to the field of Computational Linguistics. Computational Linguistics is an interdisciplinary field which focuses on the use of computers to process or produce human language (also known as 'natural language', to distinguish it from computer languages). To this field, linguistics contributes an understanding of the special properties of language data, and provides theories and descriptions of language structure and use. Computer Science contributes theories and techniques for designing and implementing computer systems. In this course apart from the theory, the students will be made to get familiar with the already available language processing tools like POS taggers, Morph Analyzers, Parsers, and systems like Machine Translation.
II. Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the student is expected to understand how computers understand and process language as we do.
KnowledgeHave linguistic background
Cognitive Skills
Understand and be able to analyze natural languagesInterpersonal Skills & Responsibility
Participate in classroom discussionsNumerical & Communication Skills
Use basic information & computer technology in language understanding
III. Course Content
Topics / No. of Weeks / Contact Hours1. Introduction – Goal of CL, CL and its relation with other disciplines, History, Levels of language processing, some CL applications and tools – spelling and grammar checkers, text to speech and speech recognition tools, search engines, machine translation system / 4 / 8
2. Morphology / 1 / 2
3. Morphological analyzers / 1 / 2
4. Regular expressions / 2 / 4
5. Text segmentation / 1 / 4
6 Stemming / 2 / 2
7. Natural Language Processing / 2 / 4
IV. Course Components
Component / Contact Hours / Contact Hours within semester for 13 teaching weeksLecture / 2 / 26
V. Teaching Strategies
Domain / StrategyKnowledge / Lectures
Cognitive Skills / Quizzes
Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility / Individual assignments
Numerical & Communication Skills / Group discussions
VI. Course Requirements
- Regular attendance
- Assignments, quizzes
- Group discussions and presentations
- Majors and Final examination
VII. Office Hours
Sunday: 10am– 12pm
VIII. Student Assessment
A. Assessment Task
Domain / Assessment TaskKnowledge / Midterm and Final exam
Cognitive Skills / Quiz
Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility / Individual assignments/ exercises
Numerical & Communication Skills / Group discussions
B. Schedule of Assessment
Assessment / Assessment Task / Proportion of Final Assessment1 / Assignments/exercises/quiz / attendance / 35%
2 / Midterm / 25%
3 / Final / 40%
v No make-up/late exams will be held at any condition. All students must write the exam on the scheduled date.
v If a student arrives 10 minutes late to the class, she will be marked absent for the hour.
IX. Learning Resources
A. References
Title / Author / PublisherEssential reference / Lecture Handouts / Instructor
Recommended book / Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition / Daniel Jurafsky & James H. Martin / Pearson Education Inc.
Recommended book / Natural Language Understanding / James Allen / Benjamin/Cummings
Best of Luck!
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
~Les Brown