Parents, Teachers & Friends Association (PTFA)

Registered Charity No. 1087501


2014 / 2015

Christchurch Infant School PTFA

Addiscombe Road, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 2AE
Telephone: (01202) 485851


Parents, Teachers & Friends Association (PTFA)

Registered Charity No. 1087501

TrusteesPenny Jones, David Jalim, Lisa Weston, Amy Bratley

ChairPenny Jones

Deputy ChairLisa Weston

SecretaryAmy Bratley

TreasurerDavid Jalim

BankersLloyds Bank PLC, Christchurch, Dorset.

Charity Number1087501

ContactChristchurch Infant School PTFA

Addiscombe Road, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 2AE
Telephone: 01202 485851 E-mail:


This report covers a period of eleven months from September 2014 to July 2015.

The Treasurer submits our Annual Return to the Charities Commission usually October of each year.

The charity is run by parents, friends and school staff, with the purpose of raising funds for the school to provide activities, facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.

Financial Summary

In the period covered by this report our income was £22,307.06. We have spent £22,304.11 and a detail list of expenditure is included in the Treasurer’s Report.[1] A large amount was spent on the purchase of 30 iPads for the school.

With the money raised from the 2015 Summer Fair we intend to purchase outdoor play equipment to replace some old equipment and complement the existing equipment in the main playground.

We currently have £12,491.15 in our main bank account, and a £6,500 will be ‘ring-fenced’ to purchase the new playground equipment once the old equipment has been removed.


During the school year of 2014-2015 the PTFA purchased 30 iPadsand iPad charging equipment for the school with the money raised from the Summer Fair 2014 and Christmas Fair 2014 which was a significant achievement. These iPads are now available for use by the classes and an iPad Club was formed for the children.

We continued to fund “Wow” Moments, for example Space Odyssey,during the year for each of the year groups too in the spirit of the PTFA ethos of “Fund Raising to Keep our Children Smiling”.

We successfully transitioned Chair and Secretary Roles this year keeping the smooth running of the PTFA, and built upon the PTFA activities previously established like the Quiz Night. We introduced a new events such as the Christmas Social.

We partneredfor the first time with The Friends of Christchurch Junior School (CJS PTFA) and hosted our first ever cinema event on the Junior School field and showing “Paddington”. A very fun evening was had by everyone who participated.

Fund Raising

Our most popular events every year as they endorse our mission to ensure the children have fun and are a very successful way of raising funds are:

  • Christmas Fair
  • Santa Surprise
  • Discos Years 1&2 (3 x times per year)
  • Sponsored Sports Event (e.g. Sponsored Bounce, Mini Marathon)
  • Recycling Day
  • Summer Fair

We have added a few events aimed at entertaining parents and/or grandparents and carers while raising funds too which have been successful:

  • Quiz Night
  • Christmas Social

Aside from the Christmas Social we tried two other new events during 2014-2015:

  • Outdoor Cinema (joint event with CJS PTFA)
  • Second –hand Children’s Clothes Sale

The Cinema event was well attended and if Ian Walker (of Fonix Ltd)is willing to donate his time and loan the school the use of the “big” screen as well as the Junior School letting us use their school field, then this event is one which is worthwhile doing again and building upon lessons learnt this time.

The Second-hand Clothes Sale was less well received and involved sorting the clothes prior to the event which took up time and space at the school.

We are very fortunate our local sponsors and donors (parents & local businesses) were very generous. We need to continue to work with the local community businesses to explore new opportunities and build upon current support.

We werelucky to have the support of both Nationwide and Lloyds Bank at our fairs which is most beneficial, and gives us people and financial resources. We should continue to seek their support.

It would be great to expand our list of sponsors especially asking if anyone has contacts or who work for companies which support local community projects/charities.

Penny Jones


6th October 2015

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[1] Full details of Accounts (income, expenditure) for 2014-2015 are in the Treasurer’s Report and not repeated in the Annual Report so as not to duplicate information.Financial data correct as at date of AGM.