· Dr. I. Rasa, the Vice-president of the Latvian Diabetes Association, took part in a meeting of the subcommission of the committee of Saeima on health and social problems. During the meeting, the members of Saeima have been acquainted with the point of view of the Association, the Ministry of Health and the Department of Pharmacy about the problem of the partial reimbursement of the price of test strips and its possible solutions.
· On November and December, 2002, I.Rasa and G.Freimane, the representatives of the Latvian Diabetes Association, met the new-formed government Minister of Welfare D. Staķe and the Minister of Health Ā. Auders. During the meeting, diabetes patients care problems was discussed, as well as necessity to return to the total reimbursement of the price of test strips for blood glucose analysis, as it was until December 1, 2002, was stressed. D.Staķe was given proposals about necessity to revise the system of social allowances, so that diabetes patients may receive allowance for self-control equipment and medicines.
· On December, 2002, I.Rasa and G.Freimane, the representatives of the Latvian Diabetes Association, met World Health organization experts on patients rights and submitted diabetes patients’ demands to improve the situation with patients’ rights in Latvia.
· In the end of 2002 and in the beginning of 2003, the Latvian Diabetes Association emphasised a problem of necessity to renew the right to obtain driving licence for diabetes patients repeatedly in various mass media (incl. radio station “Free Europe”, newspapers “Lauku Avīze”, “Час”). Dr. I. Rasa developed a project of regulation of Cabinet of Ministers related to this problem. Diabetes patients will have the rights to obtain driving licence again.
· From January to March, 2003, the Latvian Diabetes Association collected about 1700 signatures against the decision of Cabinet of Ministers to decrease reimbursement of the price of test strips from 100% of price to 50%. The Latvian Diabetes Association co-ordinated the gathering of signatures in Latvian regions, health institutions, diabetes societies. Collective letters was sent to responsible state officers.
· The Latvian Endocrinologists Association sent the letter about its support of proposal of the Latvian Diabetes Association to Ministers to renew reimbursement of the price of test strips from 50% of price to 100% to responsible state officers.
· On May 7, 2003, 7.maijā the Latvian Diabetes Association sent an open letter about the necessity to ensure full reimbursement of price of test strips and arranged press conference. Asoc. prof. A. Lejnieks, the co-chairman of the Latvian Endocrinologists Association, participated in this conference. After press conference, most of the Latvian central and regional newspapers, as well as information agencies and internet portals published the open letter of the Association and articles about the problems discussed on press conference.
· The problem of reimbursement of the price of self-control test strips was reviewed the meeting of the secretaries of the State on June 26, 2003. Dr. I. Rasa, the Vice-president of the Latvian Diabetes Association, took part in this meeting and asserted the diabetes patients’ rights. The representatives of the Latvian Diabetes Association are also planning to participate in the meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers and the committee of the Cabinet of Ministers, when the problem of reimbursement of the price of self-control test strips will be considered.
· In 2005, the Latvian Diabetes Association joined an umbrella organization for advocating patients' rights SUSTENTO, which comprises 25 organizations for patients and disabled people. It gives a possibility to co-ordinate necessary actions for advocating the specific needs of diabetes patients' in more successful way.
· In 2004-2005, the President Dr. Ingvars Rasa and the secretary Ms. Gunta Freimane repeatedly expressed an opinion about the necessity of increasing of funding for state-reimbursed medicines and diabetes patients' cure and care. The Latvian Diabetes Association had participated in discussions and press conferences, as well as published articles in press, about the critical situation in health care
· In spring 2005, the Latvian Diabetes Association repeatedly appealed to the Ministry of Health with a proposal to explain the principle of the reference system of state-reimbursed medicines, which has been implemented since July 2005 without public discussions and without clearing the procedure up for the society. The Latvian Diabetes Association publicly expressed its concern that introducing the system of reference prices could prejudice the interests of diabetes patients. As a result, the Association has got an explanation from the officers at the Ministry of Health. Now the Latvian Diabetes Association continues a following the process of the introduction of the system of reference prices in order to protest against the reforms, which could endanger the situation with diabetes care, in due time.