_____l. Jema. respected lawyer in town
_____2. Simon Finchb. is the main “character” actor in the plays performed by the children
_____3. Boo Radleyc. never brings a lunch to school because his family is too poor
_____4. Atticusd. A big sin because they are innocent; known for their sweet song
_____5. Jacke. only comes the first day of every school year; whole family lazy
_____6. Calpurniaf. Atticus’s brother; he is a doctor
_____7. Mrs. Dubose (Doo-bwah)g. Dill’s Aunt
_____8. Miss Rachelh. Arthur
_____9. Dilli. Sixth grade teacher
____10. Stephanie Crawfordj. Setting of book
____11. Mr. Radleyk. Place where gifts are exchanged
____12. Alexandral. narrator of the story
____13. Young Arthur Radleym.described as “looking and smelling like a peppermint drop”
____14. Charles Harris Bakern. town gossip
____15. Nathan Radleyo. Scout
____16. For Boo, From Jem & Dillp. nanny, housekeeper, yells at Scout a lot
____17. Scoutq. Atticus’s sister
____18. Maycomb, Alabama in 1933r. arrested with Cunningham gang for locking Mr. Conner in outhouse
____19. Miss Caroline Fishers. compared to a chameleon; makes individual cakes for the kids
____20. Miss Maudiet. Ancestor who settled Finch’s Landing
____21. Jean Louis Finchu. wishes his dad would play tackle football
____22. Walter Cunninghamv. Boo’s older brother
____23. Mr. Cunninghamw. mean neighbor who sits on his/her porch; two doors down
____24. Miss Blountx. owed an “entailment” to Atticus
____25. Radley’s Oak Treey. A note to Boo, asking him to come out, ice cream as a reward
____26. Burris Ewellz. supposedly stabbed in the thigh by his son
____27. To Kill A Mockingbirdaa. Dill
1. Give a good explanation of what “entailment” is. Look on page 21, two paragraphs starting with, “Atticus said professional people…”
2. METAPHOR: In reading a good book or story, we are interesting in what happens, but it is equally interesting to observe HOW the story is written. Miss Maudie is called a ‘chameleon.’ Explain what a chameleon is, then how this applies to her. Look on page 42, the paragraph starting with, “Miss Maudie hated her house…”
3. EVALUATION THROUGH PREDICTION: Think about the two sticks of chewing gum that were put in the knothole of the tree. Write your answer after the question in the space below:
- Why do you think that the outer wrapper was taken off, and the tinfoil was left on?
- Why do you think that there were two pieces instead of just one?
- Why do you think that the person chose to put gum in the knot-hole instead of something else?
4. COMPARISON AND CONTRAST: The Cunninghams and the Ewells represent a JUXTAPOSITION (putting two things side by side) of “two kinds of poor.” Make lists of how they are similar and how they are different.