Online Health or Personal FinanceCourse

2018-2019 Incoming 9th-12thGraders

This is a great opportunity for incoming Elkins High School students to experienceonline coursework and earn their health credit during thesummer!

1.This opportunity is only for students who will be in the 9th – 12th grades in the 2018-2019 schoolyear.


3.StudentswillneedtoattendanOrientation/Start-Upsessiontoobtaininstructionsand logininformation.

4.Students must have an active email account to communicate with CampusStaff.

5.Final exams must be taken at the home campus and may be taken only ONCE. Students must have a photo ID to verify identity. All coursework must be completed before taking the finalexam.

6.Toearncredit,studentsmusthaveanoverallaverageofatleast 70 ANDachieveaminimumscoreof65onthefinalexam.

IMPORTANT NOTE: While it is unlikely that a student athlete will need the local elective Health credit for NCAA eligibility purposes, please be advised that Edgenuity coursework in FBISD does not meet approval criteria for the NCAA at this time. Please see your counselor if you have questions or concerns regarding this information.

Summer hours: 8:00am –5:00pm

FBISD will be closed on Fridays and during the week of July2-6.

Registration:April26 -May318am-3pmatElkinsoranytimeonRevtrak (instructionsbelow)

Orientation: Mandatory to start course and receive login information. (30minutes one day only)


Session1:June 5- June 28 8am-1pm M-Th (virtualhours)OrientationJune5-78-10am; 1-3 pm Elkins HighSchool

*FinalExamJuly9-118- 10am; 3-5 pm ElkinsHighSchoolSession2:July 9-July27 8am-1pm M-Th (virtualhours)Orientation July9-11 8-10 am; 3-5 pm Elkins HighSchool

*FinalExamJuly23-278- 10am; 3-5 pm Elkins HighSchool

Cost:$100.00 for students not on free/reducedlunch(cash or RevTrak)

$50.00 for students on free/reduced lunch (cash orRevTrak)

Cost is non-refundable after June14.

How to AccessRevTrak:

Option 1: (Click “School Stores” & select yourcampus)


Ifyouhavequestions, or phone281-634-9147