Long-Range Planning Menu-Grade 5/6
Health / Growing Up (USC 6.1, 6.4)(5.4)(5.6)•What are the standards that I will expect myself to live by at all times?
• What are my standards for dealing with challenges/ problems?
• What are the boundaries for the attitudes and actions that I will accept for myself, my peers, my family, and my community?
•What standards are parts of my cultural heritage?
•How do personal values change?
•How are standards linked to identity?
Do grade 6 students feel anxiety or stress?
What can I do to handle stress in my life? What can’t I do?
How can I prepare myself for stressful situations?
How does stress affect me and others?
How does stress impact my personal standards and ability to make decisions?
How much can I depend on what I hear in ads and promotions?
How do I know if I am getting all the information I need?
How do companies use health as a way to promote their products? Why does it work?
How do I know if I am eating healthily?
How does the choices I make in eating affect my health and the way I eat?
Why are processed foods different and how do they affect me?
How will my eating practices change over time?
How has society’s eating changed over time?
How does prejudice develop?
Why do some people have realistic self-images while others have more distorted self-images?
Why are some stereotypes more common than others?
How is “diversity in thought” necessary for community well-being?
How is our self-image determined?
How can different be fair?
Who says who we are and what we believe?
How does self-image develop?
Why do people treat others unfairly and what can we do about it?
Why is peer pressure often more prevalent during adolescence than during any other time in one’s life?
How and why does peer pressure change as we age?
Why can peer pressure be so powerful?
How do my thoughts, feelings, and actions influence my peers?
Why do our peers pressure us?
How does peer pressure feel?
When is peer pressure good? How will I know? / You in the World (USC 6.6)
Is community safety everyone’s responsibility?
Can you ever be too safe?
What is safe? How do I stay safe?
Who helps to keep you safe?(home, school, in town, at the rink...)
At what age can you take full responsibility for your own safety?
What happens when I don’t follow rules, regulations and laws?
How does stereotypes/bias/prejudice affect people and relationships?
How can you break free of stereotypes/bias/prejudice?
What characteristics does a healthy relationship have?
How do you maintain a healthy relationship?
How can I change a preconceived notion about someone? Why should I? / Your Choices (USC 6.3, 6,5, 6.7)
What precautions should be taken to prevent transmission of an infectious disease?
How are infectious diseases transmitted to others?
What myths exist about HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C?
Why is health about more than the physical self? How do all parts relate?
How do non-curable infections affect uninfected people?
How do personal standards affect the decisions we make?
Why are stereotypes harmful?
How are how we look, how we feel, and how we behave connected.
Why do advertisers portray an “ideal look” that is difficult to achieve?
How is a community affected by perceptions of body image?
How can I become comfortable with my body type? How do I balance self love with health?
Why are young people a valuable market for manufacturers?
Why do advertisers promote unrealistic body shapes?
Do you see more health-enhancing ads or health-compromising ads?
How cans ads compromise our health?
How do ads convince?
How does government have some control over advertising? / The Changing Me (USC 5.2, 5.7)
How do I know when I am in puberty?
How will I be affected? What can I expect?
Where can I go for information that is reliable?
How can I manage all these changes?
How can I remain calm when things are crazy around me? Why should I do so?
How can I feel different ways at different times? What makes me feel the way I do?
How does owning our actions and choices help us?
Why should I apologize?
What impacts my decisions?
What happens when I do certain things?
How are rights and responsibilities connected?
Appraise the importance of establishing/maintaining healthy relationships with people from diverse backgrounds who may or may not express differing values, beliefs, standards, and/or perspectives (i.e., people of various ages, cultures, socio-economic status, faiths, family structures, sexual orientations, and cognitive/physical abilities)
Summative Assessment / Record and Review food consumption for a 5 day period. Analyze data and reflect on factors that influenced choices.
Create a collage reflecting on ‘the way you see yourself”. What do you believe about your appearance, abilities, and character. / Create a “make belief” community that does not have rules or regulations. What would be the consequences?
Review community responsibilities in your own community and explain them. / Create a visual representation of ads that compromise our health vs. ads that are health-enhancing. Positive and negative body images. / Visually represent the following three questions?
- How are people the same?
- How are people different?
- How are individuals unique?