Present:Apologies / Phil Wilson (PW) – Shropshire Council - Chair
Steve Compton (SC) – Shropshire Council
Tony Davies (TD) – Minsterley Primary (SDG-2)
Suzi Davies (SD) – Shropshire Council
Steve Beard (SB) – William Brookes (Secondary)
Andy Davis (AD)–Belvidere Primary (Primary)
Sharon Geddes (SG) – The Marches (Secondary)
Claire Collier (CC) – Belvidere School (Secondary)
Andrew Hodson (AH) – Newtown (SDG-10)
Sally Brayne (SB) – Market Drayton Juniors (SDG-9)
Neil Langford (NL) – Shropshire Council
Jo Haswell (JH) – Shropshire Council (note taker)
Judi Clarke (JC) – Weston Lullingfields (SDG-6)
Andrew Smith (AS) – Mary Webb (Secondary)
Geoff Pettengell (GP) – Shrewsbury Academies Trust (Secondary)
Fiona Pidduck (FP) – St George’s School Clun (Primary)
Claire Gaskin (CG) – Worfield (SDG-8)
PW welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologised for the meeting in the summer term being cancelled and proceeded with a round of introductions.
JH to ensure TD is on the mailing list. / Action
Minutes and Matters Arising of Previous Meeting
Accuracy of minutes agreed and nothing further to report.
Feedback from Schools
CC reported that she was getting mixed messages from Shropshire Council and Telford Wrekin Council and will forward an email she recently received from Telford Wrekin Council for SC/SD to follow up. / SC/SD
Schools ICT Network Charges 2015-16 onwards
PW reported that the schools network contract is currently with Unify. The Council has undertaken a reprocurement process unfortunately has not been in a position to share the outcomes due to a legal challenge which has delayed the contract award.PW was now able to advise that the contract has been awarded to BT and that the new contract will be in place from April 2015. Unify will continue to provide the service to schools up to this date under the terms of the existing contract.
There will be a substantial cost saving for all schools over the next three years, 2015/16 through to 2017/18. There will be a set price for primary and a set price for secondary (including academies).
The team leading on this project are currently liaising with BT on the implementation of new contract.
Shropshire Council will not be required to underwrite the costs for some schools as they have had to do in 2014/15. There are 5 schools that have moved away from the current IT network contract - they will be informed of the contract and will have the option to be part of the new contract.
Schools will have to sign up individually to the terms and conditions of the new contract. It is hoped that this will be done at the same time schools sign up for the 2015/16 SLAs.
SD reported on Unify’s service and stated that there were a few connectivity issues and a few others but generally Unify have been very helpful and provided the same response time as in the past.
PW raised that he didn’t anticipate a delay in changeover of connectivity between providers.
Management Information System (school) Procurement
NL tabled a copy of a PowerPoint presentation titled, ‘Schools Information Management System (SIMS).’ He provided the background, future options and recommendations and discussed the various points.
The group fed back the following comments:
- Many programmes are web based but SIMS currently is not.
- There are other programmes that can be used and are cheaper.
- Retraining on a new system will be costly in terms of resource and capacity.
- SIMS is not only a tool for admin but for teachers too, however the tool is not asuser friendly in the classroom environment.
- SIMS have yet to create an app.
PW suggested, going forward, that a Task & Finish Group could be set up to include headteachers and administrative staff to look into the required systems developments. NL agreed to look into doing this.
The group agreed that the option based on the existing contract between Hertfordshire and Capita was the preferred option.
NL will inform schools that the Local Authority will be giving notice to Capita on the existing contract and the preferred option recommended by the group.
JH to upload presentation onto the Shropshire Learning Gateway. / NL
SITTS Service Level Agreement 2015-16
SD reported that schools have been informed about the ‘Inspire to Learn’ branding of Council services and the traded services that will be on offer as part of this offer to schools. Schools will shortly receive a brochure providing further details.
SD will be publishing changes to the SITTS SLA as there are significant changes. There will be 4 contract options which will provide more options and flexibility for schools.
SITSS Update
SD reported that Impero provide schools with tools so that teachers can view and control all iPads/PCs on one screen. It allows teachers to share work and broadcast to all classroom machines in one easy step. It also enables teachers to assist students remotely.
Impero are offering schools a one year free trial of their classroom management software. Should schools be interested in taking up this offer they should contact SITSS who will instruct Impero to contact the school to install the software. If there is enough interest Shropshire Council will go out to procurement and secure a betterunit price. The free trial runs from the date it is installed at the school. Expressions of interest to be requested through SITSS update.
Conference and CreateIT awards 2015
SC reported that the 2015 conference will be taking place on 12 March 2015 at Shropshire Conference Centre and further details, including keynote speakers, will be sent to schools later this term.
The categories for the 2015 CreateIT awards are as follows:
- EYFS - My ICT creation
- Key stage 1 - Animation, Multimedia creation and e-safety
- Key stage 2 - Animation, Video, Programming and e-safety
- Key Stage 3 - Animation, Programming Video and e-safety
- Key Stage 4 - Animation, Programming, Video, e-safety.
Connecting Shropshire Update
PW referred to the paper title, ‘Update for Headteachers’ ICT and E-learning Group.’ The purpose of the papers was to share the learning opportunity for young people and for schools to promote with colleagues.
Nothing to report.
Closed 15:20
Dates of future meetings:
Thursday 22 January 2015, 14:00 – 16:00, STDC
Thursday 7 May 2015, 14:00 – 16:00, STDC
Thursday 9 July 2015, 14:00 – 16:00, STDC
Headteachers’ ICT & E-Learning Group - 1