Promoting and strengthening

the Universal Periodic Review

Application Form

UPR Pre-session 29

(12-15December2017, tbc)

The Pre-session for each State under Review (SuR) will last one hour. The National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) will be given between 5 to 7 minutes according to the number of participants.

In order to coordinate NHRIs and CSOs during the Pre-session, your statements should be made available two weeks in advance to UPR Info. Please note that the statement should be made in English. It is therefore very important to have an excellent level of spoken English.

It is important that NHRIs and CSOs focus on potential questions and recommendations for the review and not describe the work of their organisation/institution. Copies of key questions and recommendations can be distributed to Permanent Missions in the room.

Permanent Missions will have some time at the end to ask questions. All Permanent Missions will be invited, including the State under Review. Please note that these meetings are public.

Several Pre-sessions will be organised each day and it is therefore important for participants to be on time and respect the time allocated to speak.

Application process

Please fill in (1) theapplication form below and send it to with “Application_[NAME OF COUNTRY]_Session 29” in the subject line, along with (2) your UPR submission for the third UPR cycle. Kindly note that on account of time limits, not all applicants can be accommodated on the speaker panel.

On which countrydo you want to speak?
Name of the institution
Contact details of the institution (address, phone number, website, email)
Please describe the aim and work of the institution – 200 words max.
Since when does the institution exist?
Is the institution ECOSOC accredited?*
Speaker’s last name
Speaker’s first name
Speaker position
Email address and phone number of the speaker
Gender of the speaker**

Which issue(s) will the statement address?

On behalf of which institution(s) will the statement be made?If the statement will be made on behalf of a coalition, please list the members.

Has your institution submitted a report for previous UPR cycles?

If yes, on which issue(s)?

Please describe the engagement of your institution in previous UPR cycles to date (national consultation, individual/ joint submission, lobbying at the national level) – 200 words max.

*ECOSOC accreditation is not a selection requirement. It is used to evaluate whether the institution has independent access to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Palais des Nations, or whether access will be arranged by UPR info.

**UPR Infoadopts a broad understanding of the term gender to include more than a binary distinction of men and women.