Cabinet update for Monday Oct. 14, 2013
Director of Academic Affairs: Courtney Cavignac: Stress Less Breakfast: So, I called Aramark on Friday to see how much the price would be but the lady they said I needed to talk to wasn't there. So I left her a voicemail and I should hear from her on Monday, and if not I will call again. Once I get a price for the biscuits, I will get prices for different snacks to pass out at the carnival and have a senator write legislation to pay for it.
Carnival: I need some game ideas or even just de-stress things we could do as students walk past in the union. I've been researching to see what there is, but I'm completely open to ideas. I'm going to try to meet with CK probably next week to see if she has any additional ideas for the carnival
Big Event: Taylor Petit / Brennen Mcandrew: We met with ck this past week to discuss some changes to the way things are done. We are in the process of getting a Big Event email address. We are also working with someone to get the waivers done electronically to eliminate some paper.
Committee applications have been made. We will be sending those out hopefully this week. I'll email it to everyone on the cabinet.
I also spoke to Greg this week about having a bill written to allocate funds for the week. That will be done within the next couple of weeks.
We are presenting the philanthropy section at the Greek new meet orientation this Tuesday. It will include the Big Event, The Green Pig and a couple of other things.
If you are in a Greek organization if you could send me your groups philanthropy so we can include it, that would be greatly appreciated!!!!
Community Outreach: Megan Brathberry: No Report
PR: Anna Espey: No Report
Alumni Relations: Crystal Gonzalez: I met with Ms. Kathy Pittman last Tuesday and she gave me an update on what is going on with the Alumnae Association and how SGA can help! I have attached an update and events they would like us to attend or help out with!
FALL 2013
Homecoming 2013
Could use volunteers for:
· Information Desk
· Hayride
· Will sign volunteer hours if you work these events
Grad Fair
· October 16 &17
· This is for anyone getting ready to graduate---(One stop shop).
· Alumnae Association would love SGA members to attend this event.
Senior Salute
· This is a send off party for graduation seniors
· It is usually the Wednesday of finals
· If finals allow: Alumnae Association would love Greg to give a farewell speech to the Seniors.
· They would also love graduating SGA seniors to attend.
· Everything is taken care of for Fall 2013 Commencement.
· Greg speaks at commencement.
· Champagne Bingo----> GREEK LIFE is in charge of this
Rock N Roar
· February 22, 2014
· Alumnae Associations wants SGA to have a booth.
o Booth Ideas:
§ Maybe play a game and get a t-shirt if you win
§ They want SGA to have a big banner to attract attention and maybe have the booth in the center of Student Union Park
Grad Fair
· Same as Fall Grad Fair
Senior Salute
· Same as Fall Senior Salute
FLC: Chris Simoneaux / asst. Katherine Weimer: This week FLC has as meeting on wed at 7pm in the ballroom!!
Director of Financial Affairs: Yen Nguyen: No report
Webmaster: Santosh Aryal: I updated SGA website and posted meeting minutes. I also fixed the bug related to images. I sent to CK for approval. Thank you.
Campus Beautification: Stephanie Travis: No Report
Student Involvement: Kayla Turner / Jennifer Jareau: No Report
Homecoming: Samantha Williams: No Report