Hi Kris! Thank you for hosting a Fajita & Margarita Party with me on Saturday, Oct. 19th at 11:00am!Everyone will have a great time trying out great kitchen tools and sampling a tasty recipe.

Your Guest List:There's a sheet called"60 Guests in 6 Minutes"in your host packet. It’ll help you think of people to invite. Like the "Bulletin" flyer in your packet says…you and I work just as hard for 8 people as we do for 25 people so invite tons of people to your party so that you get the full benefits of our host rewards! The more people that come, the more fun we have and the less people feel pressure to buy! We usually get 1/3 of who we invite and then there are always those last minute cancelations so be sure to over invite! Our target attendance is 15+ guestsso you'll want to invite at least 40 people to get that number. It's a great idea to inviteat least 5 neighborsbecause all they have to do is walk over!J I LOVE giving gifts to people who bring friends or orders to the party too!

Email Invite:I sent you an email that you can forward to your friends with your theme on it and a link to your party. They can click on it and it’ll take them to your party page where they can see the whole catalog and shop away! Be sure to send that to out of town friends and family too! They can have their order shipped direct!

Facebook Invite: If you set up a Facebook Event for your party, be sure to invite me as your co-host. That way I can go in and post a cute banner about our theme as well as a few product posts to get your friends excited about coming to our party! The most important thing I can do for you there is to post a link to your party with instructions on how ANYONE can order…no matter where they live in the US! This REALLY helps with those outside orders! If we’re not already friends, here’s my Facebook link… www.facebook.com/jeaninemarshganier.

Create Your Wish List: (FUN!) You can go to my personalwebsite at www.pamperedchef.biz/chef4u and then click the top left corner where it says "Shows you’re invited to or hosting". There you can create an account with the email that you gave me if you haven't already. You can then go to your show page and create your BIG WISH LIST!

A Special Incentive for YOU:

Here's a link to your party!


Let me know if you need ANYTHING! Looking forward to your party!