Board of TrusteesFINAL

October 10, 2017

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Board of Trustees

Record of Electronic Votes

July 2017 – October 2017

Voting Members

Dr. Stanley W. Markiewicz (1)

Dr. Charles J. Incalcaterra (2)

Dr. Matthew A. Zale (3)

Dr. Maria J. Tacelosky (4)

Dr. Gary S. Davis (5)

Dr. John R. Coole (6)

Dr. David A. Schimmel (7)

Dr. Theodore J. Rockwell (8)

Dr. Samer Mansour (9)

Dr. James A.H. Tauberg (10)

The following is a record of electronic votes cast by the PDA Board of Trustees from
July 23, 2017 through October 10, 2017.

Approval of Board Minutes

The board voted online and in person while in State College, PA on August 26, 2017, to approve the minutes from the July 21 and 22, 2017 board meeting.

By a vote of 9-0-1, the board approved the minutes from the July 21, 2017, Board of Trustees meeting.

Resolved:That the minutes of the July 21, 2017, PDA Board of Trustees meeting 08/17BT20 be approved as amended.

(YES:1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) (NO: ) (ABSTAIN: 2)

Note: Dr. Schimmel (7) voted online to approve the minutes

By a vote of 9-0-1, the board approved the minutes from the July 22, 2017, Board of Trustees meeting.

Resolved:That the minutes of the July 22, 2017, PDA Board of Trustees meeting

08/17BT21be approved as amended.

(YES: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) (NO: ) (ABSTAIN: 2)

Note: Dr. Schimmel (7) voted online to approve the minutes

Approval of PDAIS Endorsed Vendor Concept

By a vote of 6-1-3, the board approved the PDAIS concept for amalgam separators and recovery product.

Resolved:That the PDA Board of Trustees approve the PDAIS endorsed vendor

08/17BT22concept for amalgam separators and recovery product.

(YES: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9) (NO: 10) (NO RESPONSE: 2, 3, 8)

Funding to Interview Former PDA Presidents for the 2018 PDM

Through the social network discussion thread, the board approved funding to interview, collect quotes and videotape former PDA Presidents for use throughout 2018 in celebration of PDA’s 150th anniversary. To minimize the expense, staff will make one trip to Western PA to meet with former presidents and hold an interview session on the day of the pre-meeting caucus when several former presidents will be in Harrisburg. A third session will be held at the Central Office on Friday, October 27.

Staff travel to Western PA: $85 for meals and $160 for overnight accommodations

Lunch for videotaping subjects: $675 for two events.

By a vote of 8-0-2, the board approved the funding to interview former PDA Presidents for the 2018 PDM.

Resolved:That PDA Board of Trustees approve funding in the amount of $920 to

08/17BT23interview, collect quotes, and videotape former PDA Presidents for use throughout 2018 in celebration of PDA’s 150th anniversary.

(YES: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) (NO: ) (NO RESPONSE: 3, 10)

Approval of Government Relations Committee Members

By a vote of 8-0-2, the board officially approved the appointments to the Government Relations Committee as presented.

DistrictGovernment Relations Committee

2ndDr. Bernie Dishler

2ndDr. Linda Himmelberger

2ndDr. Cynthia H. Olenwine

3rdDr. Craig Eisenhart

3rdDr. Richard Grossman

3rdDr. Darlene Oleski

5thDr. Steven Grater

5thDr. William Spruill

5thDr. Bernard Wujcik

7thDr. Brian Christian

Resolved:That the 2017-2018 appointments to the Government Relations Committee

09/17BT24be approved as presented.

(YES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9) (NO: ) (NO RESPONSE: (8, 10)

Proxy Approval

By a vote of 9-0-1, the board approved Dr. Fred S. Johnson to act as proxy for Dr. Maria Tacelosky, Fourth District Trustee for the October 13 and 14, 2017 board meeting.

Resolved:That Dr. Fred S. Johnson be seated as proxy for Dr. Maria Tacelosky (4)

10/17BT25for the Friday, October 13 and Saturday, October 14, 2017, PDA Board of Trustees meeting.

(YES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,9, 10) (NO: ) (NO RESPONSE: (8)