/ Colorado Artists Guild Membership Form
Please mail this form with payment to: Colorado Artists Guild – Stan Schwartz
(payable to Colorado Artists Guild) 7423 Rattlesnake Dr., Lone Tree, CO 80124
Member Information:
Name: / Date:
Address: / City:
State: / Zip: / How did you hear about us:
Phone #s: Home / Cell
Email: / Website:
Main art medium in which you work:
Other art organizations of which you are a member:
Are you presently an art student? ------>
Where? ______(must be over 18) / YES_____ / NO______
Newsletter: We send our monthly newsletter to you via email. If you do not have a computer and would like a copy of the newsletter mailed to you, please check the box to the right……………………………… / Mail_____
I would like my name to appear in the CAG online Directory: / YES_____ / NO______
ACTIVE MEMBER / $35 / Entitled to vote, hold office and submit your work to all Guild sponsored exhibitions. It is recommended but not required to show 1-3 pieces of your artwork at one of your first monthly meetings.
  • 1 thumbnail plus link to your website ------> OR
  • Link to your website, short biography and 5 images of your artwork------>
/ Free with membership
$20 Initial Fee,
$5/yr renewal / Email your images (your photo & 1 photo of your original artwork),no larger than 2mb to:
Email your images (your photo & 5 photos of your original artwork), no larger than 2mb to:
MILESTONE / Free / Senior members in good standing for 25 or more consecutive years
SUSTAINING MEMBER / $10 / Interested in the arts and the advancement of the Guild. They may attend meetings and participate in discussions but do not have the right to vote or exhibit.
TOTAL REMITTANCE: / $______ / For example $35 (free thumbnail) or $35 + $20 = $55
  • Renewing members: The current year renewal dues, as listed above, are to be paid by January 31st.
  • If a new member joins after 11/1, payment goes towards the upcoming year .
    (And they are welcome to attend the end of year November Potluck)

Volunteers are a key component of our organization. CAG has a fun, inventive and encouraging group of volunteers, and we appreciate everything you do! Without your help, we would not be able to provide the demos, exhibits, newsletter and all the other benefits to our members. Please consider volunteering and being part of what makes our organization strong. And believe us, this is the kind of volunteering that you will enjoy!
Thank you for your membership and support!