Developing Church Quarterly Report
For the quarter ending: r March r June r September r December 20______
Pastor ______Church ______
Evangelism events conducted this quarter:
What has been your greatest joy in serving your people this quarter?
What has been your greatest obstacle in developing your church for effective ministry?
r Please call me. Best day, time and number ______
How many souls did you lead to Christ this quarter? ______Baptize? ______
Did you tithe to your income to the local church? Yes ______No ______If not, why not?
Financial Information
Total income
Balance on hand (all accounts)
Total spent on evangelism
USF payments total
Were you paid your salary in full?
What one thing will you do next quarter to move your church toward greater health and ministry effectiveness?
Thank you for your diligence with these things!
Please email this report to the District Office