BirdLife Young Conservation Leaders Awards: Application form

Before completing this application form, please read the Applicant Guidance and Eligibility document. Once you have familiarized yourself with this document, complete the application form below. Pay attention to the guidance in red.

The deadline for applications is 30th November 2017. Once completed, email this form to , including ‘BirdLife YCL 2018Application’ in the subject line.


Project Title

Use a title that clearly describes the project and include the name of the country where the project will take place. (10 words)

Project Summary

Briefly summarise the project, including a background, project purpose, main methods, expected outputs/outcomes/products and how they will be applied to counter the identified conservation problem (200 words)

Project Start Date:e.g. 1stMay 2018

Project End Date: e.g. 31stApril 2019

Amount of funding requested from BirdLife (GBP)

Amount of funding requested must not exceed £10,000.


Conservation Priority

Project site:Provide details of your project site. The project should work towards improving the status of an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA). Please check the IBA database here to ensure your chosen site is eligible. Preference will be given to IBAs that have been identified as being ‘in danger’. A list of IBAs in Danger can be found here. (50 words)

Focal Species:List the species you’ll be working on, including the common and Latin name, and include the current Global IUCN Red List status () if applicable. Please provide sufficient justification to demonstrate that urgent conservation action is necessary. (50 words)

Links to BirdLife network

Outline your links to the BirdLife network. This could be a BirdLife International Partner organisation, Local Conservation Group/Site Support Group, or BirdLife Country Programme. (50 words)

Background and Justification

Describe the problems you are trying to address and the factors that are causing these problems. Summarize previous work and known information. If the project is species focused, explain the benefits of the project to the broader ecosystem. (100 words)

Long-term Goal

Briefly describe the higher-level objective to which your project will contribute. Note: it will not be entirely achieved by this project. (50 words)

Project Purpose

Briefly describe the immediate outcome of the project. There should be only one project purpose that contributes to the overall goal. (50 words)

Project Objectives

List the changes you will need to bring about to achieve the project purpose. The project should focus on 3 to 4 key objectives. (100 words)

Indicators: How will you measure the success of each objective?

Describe the quantifiable measure(s) of achievement i.e. how will the desired change in state be detected for each objective. (200 words)

Project Activities

Detail key activities (4 to 8) that will be carried out for each objective. Be sure to include specific fieldwork, education, awareness-raising activities and any community involvement, as well as post-fieldwork activities such as report write-up and dissemination, presentations to stakeholders, etc. Please add extra rows if necessary.

Objective 1:
Activity 1.1
Activity 1.2
Activity 1.3
Activity 1.4
Objective 2:
Activity 2.1
Activity 2.2
Activity 2.3
Activity 2.4
Objective 3:
Activity 3.1
Activity 3.2
Activity 3.3
Activity 3.4


Describe in detail the methods that will be used to undertake the activities listed above for each objective. Make clear the sampling effort e.g. number of days, size of area and number of times surveys will be conducted (for example, surveying, data collection, monitoring, analysis, education, community work, etc). Explain why you have selected these particular methods and include the number of days that will be spent in the field. (500 words)

Project Stakeholders

Identify which stakeholder groups will be impacted by the project; describe how you will work with them, what they will contribute (if applicable), and how they will benefit and/or be impacted by the project. (200 words)

  1. Examples of various stakeholder groups include:
  2. Regulators and Decision makers = Environment Agencies e.g. forestry/wildlife, Govt. local/state/politicians, local leaders/elders
  3. Local Community = Natural resources user groups/farmers,
  4. Research Institutions = Universities/Research institutions/Colleges
  5. Schools/Students = Teachers/Educators, School children/college & university students
  6. NGOs = Local/National
  7. Other = Land Owners/Industries/Companies, Media/Journalists


What will be the material outputs (e.g. research report, journal articles, education materials)? (200 words)

Assumptions and risks

Please outline any assumptions that you have made, and also identified or perceived risks that could impact the delivery of the project and what steps you have undertaken to minimise/mitigate for these. (100 words)

Project Timetable

Indicate when each activity will take place by placing an ‘x’ in the appropriate boxes below. Adjust the table to reflect your project start and end dates, and add more rows as required.

2018 / 2019
Activity / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / April
Objective 1
Objective 2
Objective 3

Project Budget

Details / Total Budget (£) / Requested from BirdLife (£) / Secured matched funding (£) / Unsecured matched funding (£)
Project preparation
e.g. Communications, field guides and other printed materials, insurance, medical supplies, research permitsetc.
e.g. scientific and other fieldwork equipment, photographic equipment, vehicle costs etc.
Project implementation
e.g. accommodation, subsistence stipends, travel and transportation (inc. fuel), workshops, outreach materials etc.
Post-fieldwork expenses
e.g. admin, report production and dissemination etc.
Contingency costs

Budget justification

Please provide justification for all single budget items over £1000 (including laptops and expensive equipment). Contingency costs for unexpected but necessary project activities should not exceed 5% of the overall budget. (150 words)


BirdLife-Birdfair Young Conservation Leaders Awards are designed to build the skills of early-career conservationists, and as such, we require that all team members have no more than 5 years of paid work experience in the conservation sector. In the space below, provide complete information for each team member. Please note that, if awarded, you may be asked to verify the information provided. All project team members undergo routine screening prior to funding. It is therefore important that the full legal name is provided for each team member.

Number and names of Team Members

Your project team should involve at least 3 individuals to be eligible. Please add additional pages if you have more than four team members.

How will the project build the skills, knowledge and experience of each member of the team? (300 words)


Project Leader

Full Legal Name:
Age as of December 31, 2017:
Email address:

Role in team:

Relevant skills and experience you bring to the project:

Describe the skills and knowledge you will gain through this project:

Highest level of education achieved:

All work experience starting with current job title, employer and number of years worked:

How many years of paid experience do you have working in the conservation sector?

Team member 1

Full Legal Name:
Age as of December 31, 2017:
Email address:

Role in team:

Relevant skills and experience you bring to the project:

Describe the skills and knowledge you will gain through this project:

Highest level of education achieved:

All work experience starting with current job title, employer and number of years worked:

How many years of paid experience do you have working in the conservation sector?

Team member 2

Full Legal Name:
Age as of December 31, 2017:
Email address:

Role in team:

Relevant skills and experience you bring to the project:

Describe the skills and knowledge you will gain through this project:

Highest level of education achieved:

All work experience starting with current job title, employer and number of years worked:

How many years of paid experience do you have working in the conservation sector?

Team member 3

Full Legal Name:
Age as of December 31, 2017:
Email address:

Role in team:

Relevant skills and experience you bring to the project:

Describe the skills and knowledge you will gain through this project:

Highest level of education achieved:

All work experience starting with current job title, employer and number of years worked:

How many years of paid experience do you have working in the conservation sector?

Team member 4

Full Legal Name:
Age as of December 31, 2017:
Email address:

Role in team:

Relevant skills and experience you bring to the project:

Describe the skills and knowledge you will gain through this project:

Highest level of education achieved:

All work experience starting with current job title, employer and number of years worked:

How many years of paid experience do you have working in the conservation sector?

External Advisors

Teams should seek to develop collaborative links with local and international institutions, such as local or national NGOs, universities and/or relevant governmental organisations that can provide further expertise. Projects must demonstrate links to the BirdLife Partner in that country. If you would like us to introduce you to the BirdLife Partner in your country, please get in touch.

Note: Project advisers should not also serve as referees to the project.

Please provide details of the project’s external advisors (100 words)


Please provide contact details for two people who know the team and are NOT relatives to any team member who will be willing to provide a professional reference for your project. These individuals should be from a national university, a local or international NGO or local government. Referees should be different people from the External Advisors and Collaborators listed above. If your project is shortlisted, we will be contacting your referees. Please let them know that we may be in contact.

Applicant's relationship with the referee: / Name:
Applicant's relationship with the referee: