Oregon Dental Hygienists’ Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday, July 23, 2017 – Tiffany Foy amended Minutes on 7/28/2017
12:37 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Voting Members Present: Jodi Murray, AJ Sinclair, Deb Johnson, Lori Killen Aus, Kyle Isaacs, Lisa Rowley, Cassie Button, Tiffany Foy, Claudia Devens, Kathryn Moore, Kyle Johnstone and Elisa Schofield.
Ex-Officio Present: None
Guests: Suzanne Hankins, Kelly Ross
Call to Order & Establish Quorum
President Deb Johnson called the meeting to order at 12:37 a.m. A quorum was established to conduct business.
Welcome, Introductions & Appointments
President Deb Johnson welcomed everyone to the meeting. Secretary Tiffany Foy was appointed to record the minutes. Kyle Johnstone and Kathryn Moore were appointed to the minutes review committee.
Motion made and approved to approve today’s agenda. Add to agenda “Executive Session” after discussion.
Motion made and approved May 2017 Board of Directors minutes.
Motion made and approved to move the legislative assessments into a separate banking account at Bank of the West.
Motion made and approved to have five signers for all ODHA bank accounts. The signer’s positions will be: President: Deb Johnson, Vice President: Jodi Murray, Treasurer: Kyle Johnstone, Immediate Past President: Cassandra Button, and the acting management company representative.
Motion made and approved that the board directs Lisa Rowley to discuss PAC and related issues with Paul Cosgrove, with billing not to exceed $500.
Motion made and approved to move that the board direct Kyle Isaacs to execute two events in the South West component area to create interest in association leadership, with a budget not to exceed $500. These funds would come from the general budget funds that were earmarked for component #4.
Motion made and approved regarding the financial policy, as written.
Motion made and approved polices and procedures that were edited on July 23, 2017.
Motion made and approved to contract with Western Advocates for agreed upon short-term tasks.
Motion made and approved to ask Western Advocates to execute the agreement for the 2018 ODHC at the Portland Sheraton November 9-11, 2018.
Motion made and approved to ask Western Advocates to release the dates for the 2018 EPDH Conference, which are currently reserved.
ADHA Update: Cassie Button gave update and the report is attached.
Policies and Procedures: The following were reviewed and edited: Finance, Awards, Membership, Scholarships, Advocacy, Speakers, Sponsors and Continuing Education.
2018 Conferences: Suzanne Hankins reviewed the proposal for venue for ODHC 2018 at the Portland Sheraton.
Tooth Wisdom: Lori Killen Aus gave an update on Tooth Wisdom and how they are partnering with OHSU and Oral Health America (OHA). Oregon has one of the highest rates of seniors with poor oral health in the country.
ODHA Committee Reports
Membership Committee: AJ reviewed her strategic plan goals for membership.
Finance Committee: Kyle Johnstone reviewed the current actuals compared to our budget.
Advocacy Committee: Lisa Rowley reviewed advocacy updates.
Management: Western Advocates gave their letter of resignation on July 11, 2017.
Executive Session: Session called to order: 2:34 p.m.
Session recessed: 3:03 p.m.
Written reports from officers, component directors, and committee chairs are included as attachments to these minutes.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Addendum to July Board meeting
On July 26, 2017 at 7:17am, President Deborah Johnson sent the following via email:
“I propose that we address the items we decided were needed during our transition in the following manner and terminate our relationship with Western Advocates at the completion of our current contract:
· Limited updates in the website in conjunction with training Tiffany Foy on the content management system.We will use our log-in and password to update our website if needs arise during the transition
· Maintain phone number and pass messages onto appropriate director -503-893-8564 is a google number thatisset up to receive ODHA calls. We will update this on our website and give it to WAI so if someone calls them, they can refer to the website or give out the number. We can link anyone's phone number who is interested in receiving the calls. It has an ODHA voicemail greeting.
· Maintain mailing address and pass on mail (should we open it and scan it to the appropriate person or should we forward it all to once person?) -forward mail to Jodi's home during the transition
· Bookkeeping in QuickBooks. -register for one month free of Quickbooks to keep files updated with current financials. Will purchase one month of service if needed but will be transferred to new management for audit and future upkeep
· Store physical files and supplies-store files at WAI if Kelly Ross is still willing. Otherwise, recruit volunteer to move and store boxes or pay acompanyto move them to storage or a volunteer's homewith a budget limit of $300
· Collect outstanding speaker contracts for conference and develop schedule, course descriptions and registration form.Jodi and committee will do this”
Email responses from all board members were received by the end of 7/28/17. Votes were 100% unanimous and in favor of moving forward without Western Advocates and addressing the aforementioned items in red. There were no abstensions.
Respectfully submitted,
Tiffany Foy
Quarterly Report of the President / p. 4Quarterly Report of the Vice President / p. 6
Quarterly Report of the Immediate Past President / p. 7
Quarterly Report of the Treasurer / p. 8
Quarterly Report of the Secretary / p. 10
Quarterly Report of the North West / p. 12
Quarterly Report of the Metro West / p. 14
Quarterly Report of the High Desert / p. 16
Quarterly Report of the South West / N/A
Quarterly Report of the Advocacy / p. 18
Quarterly Report of the Membership / p. 20
Quarterly Report of the Director at Large / p. 22
Quarterly Report of the Director at Large / p. 23
Quarterly Report of the Lois Whitford Memorial Scholarship / p. 25
Quarterly Report of the Dennis Muir Scholarship / p. 26
Report of the Oregon Delegation to ADHA / p. 28
Quarterly Officer Report 2017
Strategic Plan Goals:
1. Continue working on P&Ps – goal to finish by the first half by 11/2017
2. All components complete online training and engage in activities
3. BOD Strategic Planning in July
4. Annual meeting in Nov
Goals/Tasks Accomplished:
1. P&Ps assigned and drafts completed
2. EPDH Meeting completed
3. Newsletters – president’s msg
Ongoing Activities:
1. P&Ps
2. BOD Strategic planning Event planning
3. Annual Session event planning
Meetings Held:
1. Monthly Exec meetings plus extras
2. Weekly meetings with Suzanne
3. Board of Directors meeting in May
Financial: (how much money has been used to facilitate this work?) None
Disclaimer: This report is information only.
Respectfully Submitted,
Name: Deborah Johnson
Leadership Position: President
Date: 7/2/2017
Phone Number: 530-515-5761
Email Address:
Quarterly Officer Report 2017
Vice President
Strategic Plan Goals:
Attain speakers for our conferences, learn from our ODHA president and also bring back ideas and information from the ADHA conference for our constituent.
Goals/Tasks Accomplished:
Participated in virtual executive meetings (once a month)
Attended the ODC member event in April
Attended the ADHA annual conference in June including HOD, advocacy update, mega-issue and leadership workshops
Attended the EPDHC in May including board meetings
Contacted dropped members via email to encourage renewal
Ongoing Activities:
Coordinating speakers with our association manager and ODHA members
Meetings Held:
Executive team (April, May, June), BOD meeting in May, reference committee meetings for ADHA HOD, leadership training at ADHA
$300 of ODHA budget for ADHA costs and $700 of personal funds toward ADHA costs
Disclaimer: This report is information only.
Respectfully Submitted,
Name: Jodi Murray
Leadership Position: Vice President
Date: 7-5-17
Phone Number: 541-554-3213
Email Address:
Quarterly Officer Report 2017
Immediate Past President
Strategic Plan Goals: Support incoming leaders/officers, support new president
Goals/Tasks Accomplished: Planning ODHC with Jodi Murray, submitted quarterly client report for OGEC, communication with ADHA and state officers as needed, member recruitment, phone calls for dropped members, reviewed and edited Awards, Speakers, Scholarship and Sponsorship sections of Policies and Procedures, reviewed and give feedback on new Policies and Procedures manual, attended ADHA Annual Session in Jacksonville, Florida
Ongoing Activities: Meeting planning, exec meetings, chair of Delegation to ADHA, member recruitment
Meetings Held: Exec meetings (June, July), phone conversations with officers, component chairs and board directors as needed, Webex with Western Advocates for future planning, ADHA District XII web meetings, District XII business meetings in Jacksonville, ADHA House of Delegates, ADHA plenary sessions and membership events in Jacksonville, phone and web conferences with District XII trustee Annette Lincicome as needed
Financial: (how much money has been used to facilitate this work?) $250 as ADHA delegate
Disclaimer: This report is information only.
Respectfully Submitted,
Name: Cassie Button
Leadership Position: IPP
Date: 7/12/17
Phone Number: 503-453-4882
Email Address:
Quarterly Officer Report July 2017
Strategic Plan Goals:
To maintain or increase ODHA reserves, work with components to smoothly manage finances during a year of transition, transition scholarship funds from individual scholarship funds to a formal internal committee, and work on restructuring the ODHA budgeting and finance process. Establish an updated finance policy and structure a committee to manage scholarship activities sponsored by or affiliated with ODHA.
Goals/Tasks Accomplished:
Reserves have still not been touched since the last BOD meeting. I’ve worked with new representatives of components on how to properly submit financial requests. Following ongoing efforts and communication, both Lois Whitford and Dennis Muir scholarships are open to and interested in becoming parts of a scholarship committee within ODHA - continuing to work with the Board to facilitate this, including creating a Scholarship policy to enable us to do this. Also participated in the creation of the initial draft of a financial policy, reimbursement policy, and continuing education policy. New revenues and costs have been tracked and incorporated into the ODHA budget to date and are prepared for presentation and discussion at the July BOD meeting. Created a draft of financial training for components to be presented at the July BOD meeting. Attended the ADHA annual conference as one of Oregon’s National Delegates. On District XII policy and by-law review committee.
Ongoing Activities:
Facilitated and authorized component reimbursements, disbursed payments to vendors, monitored and reviewed constituent and component finances. Working on component trainings and policy development.
Meetings Held:
Attended ADHA Annual Conference in Jacksonville, FL; pre-ADHA Annual session policy and by-law review committee meetings; ADHA House of Delegates meeting minute review training; multiple Executive Committee meetings; phone conferences with Exec members and Western Advocates.
$300 in ODHA funds were used to help subsidize my national delegate trip along with roughly $1,500 in personal funds.
Recommendations for the board for approval: ODHA has been asked to take in funds from an outside scholarship account that is discontinuing. I recommend to add outside funds to the Lois Whitford scholarship account
Disclaimer: This report is information only.
Respectfully Submitted,
Name: Kyle Johnstone, MHA, BSDH, EPDH
Leadership Position: ODHA Treasurer
Date: 7/18/16
Phone Number: 503-504-6683
Email Address:
Quarterly Officer Report 2017
Strategic Plan Goals:
Support the ODHA in maintaining and organizing records.
Goals/Tasks Accomplished:
· Attend and record minutes/notes for meetings.
· Help update leadership roster, component calendars and monthly newsletters.
· Obtain quarterly and annual officer, component and committee chair reports for Quarterly Board of Directors meeting.
Ongoing Activities:
Member of executive council
Meetings Held:
May- Attended EPDH Conference and recorded minutes for Board of Directors Meeting 05.19-20.2017. Attended District 12 Delegates meeting 05.21.2017
June- Attended ADHA Annual Session/House of Delegates/District 12 Meetings 06.14-19.2017. Attended executive council meeting 06.26.2017
July- Attended executive council meeting and recorded notes 7.11.2017. Obtained quarterly officer, component and committee chair reports for Quarterly Board of Directors meeting
Financial: $300 in ODHA funds were used to help subsidize my national delegate trip along with about $1,000 in personal funds.
Disclaimer: This report is information only.
Respectfully Submitted,
Name: Tiffany Foy
Leadership Position: Secretary
Date: 07-17-2017
Phone Number: 541-280-7293
Email Address:
Quarterly Committee Chair Report July 2017
North West - 01
Strategic Plan Goals:
Support and promote the goals of ODHA by:
· Help promote ODHA and the many benefits of membership
· Act as a resource for ODHA in the community, at OIT Salem Campus Dental Hygiene Program, Boys and Girls Club of Salem, Oregon, and at ODHA events.
· Help advance oral health care and access to oral care for all as an advocate at local community, state legislative, ODHA , and ODA levels
Goals/Tasks Accomplished:
· Worked with Jody Loper of Salem Boys and Girls Club to organize and recruit volunteers to assist with backpack "stuffing" on July 25 ,5:30-8:00pm, in preparation for their annual Back to School Health Fair and Backpack Giveaway Saturday ,August 12.
· Screened Grades K-12 Migrant Summer School Program at Molalla Elementary with the assistance of the Senior Dental Hygiene students from OIT Salem Campus
· Contacted by phone , email and snail mail , assigned expired ADHA members
Ongoing Activities:
· Attend Board of Trustees meeting in Corvallis, Oregon July 22nd-23rd.
Meetings Held:
· EPDH conference in May 2017.
Financial: (how much money has been used to facilitate this work?)
· No money has been spent by ODHA for this work.
Recommendations for the board for approval:
Disclaimer: This report is information only.
Respectfully Submitted,
Name: By Elisa Schofield Leadership Position: Director NW Component
Date : July 20, 2017
Phone: Number: 503-580-2541
Email Address:
Quarterly Component Report 2017
Metro East - 02
Component Goals:
1. Meld creative attributes and cultures of former ODHA Mt. Hood and Portland components by forming Metro East component
2. Partner with Mt. Hood and Portland Community dental hygiene programs as a student resource and mentor access as well as facilitating new graduates