Senior Housing Management
The resident charge summary sheet is the accounting document from which resident charges are entered into our computer system and subsequently billed to the residents. It is extremely important that time and care be taken to complete these reports. Errors can be embarrassing and costly to correct.
Each resident should have a charge summary sheet in the Charge Summary Sheet File, usually a notebook in the facility office. As residents move in during the month a new sheet should be added on the day they move in. The sheet has all the information bookkeeping will need to do billings.
In general, whenever there is a move-in, move out, a service plan done, a change of information, or a change in charges (either an increase or a decrease), a Charge Summary sheet should be filled out and emailed to the corporate office. The original should then be placed in the facility’s Charge Summary sheet file, usually a notebook kept in the front office area.
A Charge Summary sheet should also be filled out and emailed whenever a resident has:
1. Physically moved out. This will stop the level of care charges since care is not being provided. Rental charges, prorating, and refunds will be processed in accordance with the Refund Policy section of SOP# A144 Assisted Living Rights, Responsibilities, Policies, Rules, and Regulations.
2. Gone to the hospital AND been discharged to an alternative setting for rehabilitation or care and it is uncertain that they will return. This will stop the level of care charges since care is not being provided; however, rent will continue to be paid until the requirements of the Refund Policy section of SOP# A144 Assisted Living Rights, Responsibilities, Policies, Rules, and Regulations are met. NOTE: Before a resident returns to the facility a new assessment will be done to determine the level of support needed to promote their independence.
3. If a resident is going to be absent from the facility for an extended period of time AND he/she provides the company with two (2) weeks advanced notice, we can stop the level of care charges since care is not being delivered. Level of care charges will commence with the processing of a Monthly Resident Charge Summary, upon the resident’s return.
If a resident is admitted to a hospital with an acute care problem, level of care charges should continue until the facility has a definite disposition on the length of absence of the resident.
When a resident moves in during the month, a full month’s rent and level of care charges should be collected; corporate bookkeeping will prorate charges based on the number of days the resident will be there that month.
Upon move-in a Charge Summary sheet should be completed on the day of move in and faxed to bookkeeping. The original is put in the facility’s Charge Summary File.
To fill out the sheet the following information will be needed:
1. Residents name
2. New?: Is this a new resident? Yes or No
3. Apartment number
4. Facility: Facility Name
5. Date of Move In: Rental charges begin on the Lease Commencement Date found in section 1.2 of the Residential Lease Agreement SOP# A141.
6. Changes: Does this form represent changes only - circle yes or no.
7. Date of Change or Charge: Enter the date that the change or charge becomes effective. If the change or charge involves an assessment the Date of Change or Charge should match the service plan date or the service plan’s effective date.
8. Number of Points: Enter the Regular points, the RN points, and the ES (Errand Services) points from the service plan.
9. Cost per Point: Write the cost per point that your facility charges.
10. Pay Status: Circle either Private Pay or Medicaid. Other is not currently used.
11. Charges (Check your facility’s marketing materials for your current rates.)
A. Base rent amount (varies from facility to facility)
B. Level of care charges: Level of care will come from the service plan document summary sheet. The service plan will be completed no more than one (1) week prior to admission, 30 days later, and every 90 days after that. The most current service plan can be found in the service plan file. (Example: 10 points * $35 = $350)
C. Double occupancy (If two people share an apartment there is an additional charge for the second person (see your facility’s marketing material for current specific rates). Level of care charges and other ancillary charges may apply. A separate Monthly Resident Charge Summary should be filled out for each resident with the charges that apply to that particular resident.)
D. Cable Charge: The rate varies from facility to facility, enter yours here. (This only applies to those facilities that have an in-house bulk cable contract.)
E. Miscellaneous (List): List miscellaneous charges.
1. Any one time charges, such as carpet cleaning, special transportation, etc. See SOP# A144 Assisted Living Rights, Responsibilities, Policies, Rules, and Regulations for current rates.
2. Personal Attendant See SOP# A144 Assisted Living Rights, Responsibilities, Policies, Rules, and Regulations for current rates.
Accuracy is extremely important. Billing errors are embarrassing, costly, and time consuming to correct.
Billing items that are reported on separate forms and should not appear on SOP# A136 Monthly Resident Charge Summary are:
1. Resident Supplies: Would be any items ordered by the manager for a specific resident. Use SOP# A170 to record charges for billing.
2. Laundry Charge: See SOP# A144 Assisted Living Rights, Responsibilities, Policies, Rules, and Regulations for the current rates. Use SOP# A171 to record charges for billing.
3. Meal Trays: See SOP# A144 Assisted Living Rights, Responsibilities, Policies, Rules, and Regulations for the current rates. Use SOP# A172 to record charges for billing.
4. Guest Meals: See SOP# A144 Assisted Living Rights, Responsibilities, Policies, Rules, and Regulations for the current rates. Use SOP# A173 or SOP# A173b to record charges for billing.