Title I / School News

April 30, 2015

Good Rectangles and

From the Principal’s Desk…

Dear Gordon Elementary Families,

The teachers and students are working hard to prepare for the SC PASS Tests for Science and Social Studies. The tests will be given May 7-8, 2015. Please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep, has a good breakfast, is present at school, and that he/she does their best on the test.

As our school year draws to a close, we want to thank all of our parents, grandparents, and guardians for your tremendous support. You have helped us to improve and enrich our school. I deeply appreciate the time and effort you have given us. With great families and support from community, Gordon Elementary will continue to do great things. As always, we encourage you to give us a call or come by and visit with us. I extend my best wishes to you and your family for a safe and fun-filled summer.

Educationally yours,

Famon V. Whitfield, III


P.A.W.S. Awards

Congratulations to our Positive Attitudes and Working Students (P.A.W.S.) Award winners for April! These students were chosen by their teachers based on good grades and/or good behavior. Students received a certificate and pencil, along with recognition over the announcements and in The Dillon Herald. One student will be chosen from each class every month.

4th Grade

Jarrett Wright, Mlliyah McKoy, Saniah McNeil, Gabby Locklear, Zykemeon Davis, Nikeeia Murphy, Zyterria Corbin, Hunter Herring, TaQuan Harley, Jakayla Fling, and Caleb Davis

5th Grade

Mason Tompkins, Darius Ladson, Frankie Locklear, Nyesha Wright, Jazmyn McGill, Devron Davis, Juan Villagomez, Kaeyonsay Galloway, Kelly Norton, Au’Mareon Pinkney, and Tyler Pinkney

L. Page – Gage Norton

M. Smith – Deondre Carmichael

Spring BringsTesting

… by K. Burgess, 4th Grade Teacher

Spring marks the beginning of testing season at Gordon Elementary. Over the next few weeks, the students will be taking a variety of tests such as the ACT Aspire, MAP, and the SC PASS Science and Social Studies. This time of year can lead to raised levels of anxiety for children, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are some tips for helping your child through this busy and stressful time of the year:

  • First, be sure you’ve studied properly. It sounds like a no-brainer, but it you’re sure of the information, you’ll have less reason to be worried.
  • Get enough sleep the night before the test. Yourmemory recall will be much better if you’ve had enough rest. In a scientific study, people who got enough sleep before taking a math test did better than those who stayed up all night studying.
  • Listen closely to any instructions. As theteacher hands out the test, be sure you know what’s expected of you.
  • Focus on addressing each question individually. As you take the test, if youdon’t know an answer, don’t obsess over it. Instead, answer the best way you can or skip over the question and come back to it after you’ve answered the other questions.
  • Relax. If you’re so nervous that you blankout, you might need a mini-break. Of course, you can’t get up and move around in the middle of the test, but you can wiggle your fingers and toes, take four or five deep breaths, or picture yourself on a beach or some other calm place.

Beta March Madness

…by G. Graham, Resource Teacher

Gordon’s Junior Beta Club members participated in the National Beta Club’s “March Madness Service Project.” Our members raised $230 to go toward the Beta Club Scholarship Program. 100% of the money that was raised will be invested in the Beta Scholarship Program. The National Beta awards over $300,000 in scholarships each year! As we continue toLead by Serving Others, our students have an opportunity to invest in fellow Beta members' futures and gain recognition for their service! Since our club raised $100+, our school’s name will be listed on the Beta March Scholarship Madness banner that will be displayed at the National Convention in Nashville, TN, in July.

Social Studies is an

Eyewitness to Change

… by E. Gerald, 5th Grade Teacher

From the beginning of time, the world has been in a change cycle. The ways of living, as we know today, could all change by tomorrow. Change is inevitable.

As 5th grade continues studying Social Studies, we’ve learned that a lot of changes have swept through the United States. A big change happened in 2001 with the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City. This disastrous attack, yet again, brought about change.

Not only did this change affect lives, it affected the environment as well. The environmental changes are related to the use of natural resources by the United States; recycling, climate change, and environmental hazards. We, humans, have changed the physical environment and these changes have consequences. What can we do to CHANGE our outcome?

GT Stock Market Results Soar!

…by S. Webster, GT Teacher

What would you do if you were given $100,000? Would you spend it all at once? Would you think about putting some of it in the bank? The 4th and 5th grade GT students have been faced with this problem twice this year, and they “beasted” the other 4th and 5th graders in South Carolina through careful research and teamwork.

Through participation in the SC Stock Market Game, the GT students at Gordon worked in teams of 3-5 collaborating and virtually purchasing publically owned stocksfrom the NYSE and NASDAQ in real-time.During this experience, the students practiced several math skills, including estimation and multiplication with whole numbers and decimals. They also learned the importance of working together as a team and communicating with each other concerning their money!

Awards will be presented to the 1st – 3rd place teams in South Carolina at a banquet held in Columbia, SC, on May 15th. Congratulations to the following teams for placing 1st and 3rd in the Elementary Division!

1st Place Team

L to R: Victoria Fowler, Christopher Hayes, Jesse Miller, Donnez

Alford, and Hailey Williams

3rd Place Team

L to R: David Ryan Camp, Caroline Williams, Mo’Nazia Sowells, Makenly Powers, and Thomsy Niyibitang

Hold On Tight!!!

…by B. Fox, 5th Grade Teacher

The school year is coming towards an end, and it’s time to reward our students for all their hard work during the year! Our 5th grade will be traveling to Carowinds in Charlotte, NC, on May 22nd. This will be their last field trip as elementary students before heading to the new adventure that

awaits for them at Dillon Middle School. The students are going to experience different speeds along with twists and turns that will be sure to leave memories for a lifetime. Also, this will be a chance for students to meet some of their favorite cartoon characters!!

4th Grade to WonderWorks

… by A. Smith, 4th Grade Teacher

The fourth grade is planning a trip to WonderWorks in Myrtle Beach on May 12th. WonderWorks is a hands on, high energy atmosphere where students are given the chance to experience many of the concepts discussed in school. The facility is located at Broadway at the Beach in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and has a scenic wrap- around deck overlooking a pond. Students will enjoy a slice of pizza for lunch while watching the ducks swim and play in the pond.

However, the main excitement will begin as students enter the building.Three floors of activities are sure to engage students, teachers, and parents with activities such as: a ropes course suspended above arcade games, a terrifying bed of nails, a ride powered by the students, and somuch more.

Not only will this trip be anexciting learning experience, it will also be a reward for the students working hard on the ACT Aspire and SC PASS. Only students with positive behavior will be allowed to attend, so make sure your student is trying their best each and every day. We can’t wait to take on WonderWorks as a team!

Thanks to all…

Our SpringTitle I Meeting/Family Night SLAM for the 2014-2015 school year was held on April 23 at 6:00 PM. Most of the sessions for family members and students were presenting information onthe new ACT Aspire for Writing, ELA, and Math as well as SC PASS Review Strategies for Science and Social Studies. We had approximately 80 in attendance. Our previous Family Night SLAM nights were held on October 16, 2014, and February 19, 2015. Supper was served and door prizes were awarded at each.

Gordon’s faculty and staff appreciates each family member and student who participated in any or all of these events. We look forward to seeing you next year!


The mission of Gordon Elementary School is to develop

students who will be responsible citizens by providing a safe

and secure environment where the students, staff, family

andcommunity work together.

Title I News…

The Title I Planning Team met on April 14, 2015. Discussion included updates on the Title I Budget and

Expenditures, Parent Involvement Activities, Title III, The Great Kindness Challenge, and Upcoming Events. A report was given on the results of the Title I, II, and III Needs Assessment Survey that was sent home to parents on February 23, 2015.Parental input from this survey will be used to help plan the GES Title I Project for 2015-2016. Information about Summer School Programs for 2015 was given.

Our Title I Schoolwide Project is available for review Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM until

2:30 PM at 926 Perry Avenue (phone: 774-1227) in

our school’s main office, media center, or Title I office. You may also view Gordon Elementary’s Title I Project and other Title I documents on the Gordon Elementary school page at .

GES Motto

One Team

– One Mission!

Dillon School District Four is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, color, disability, religion, national origin, marital status, immigrant status or English-speaking status.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act