Request for Proposals
General Accounting and Audit Related Services
The Gulfport Redevelopment Commission, the urban renewal agency of the City of Gulfport, Mississippi (the “GRC”) will accept sealed proposals from qualified firms for professional general accounting and audit related services.
Proposals for this accounting work will be reviewed and rated in accordance with the following rating factors/criteria:
1. EXPERIENCE: With coordinating and providing general accounting services, financial analysis, preparing financial reports detailing operating revenue and expenditures, and conduct an annual audit or review and compilation of financial statements.
2. QUALIFICATIONS: Educational background, knowledge, professional and technical expertise in performing similar general accounting and audit related services.
3. CAPACITY FOR PERFORMANCE: The capacity to complete the work in a proper and timely manner given the current workload and staff of the proposer.
4. COST: The proposed cost of performing the work requested in this request for proposals.
All proposals will be rated based on the following rating system which will be used to determine the best/acceptable offeror:
· Qualifications – 25 Points
· Experience – 25 Points
· Capacity – 25 Points
· Cost – 25 Points
Proposals will be reviewed by the GRC using the above selection criteria. A written contract will be awarded to the firm whose proposal is within the competitive cost range and determined to be the most advantageous to the GRC, cost and other factors considered. The contract will include scope and extent of work and other essential requirements. The GRC reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any irregularities or informalities in the proposal process. The GRC is an equal opportunity employer.
Copies of the RFP may be obtained by contacting Steve M. Hendrix at , facsimile number (601) 960-8609, or telephone number (601) 960-8603.
Proposals shall be sealed and properly labeled as PROPOSAL FOR GENERAL ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT RELATED SERVICES, GULFPORT REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, MISSISSIPPI and may be delivered or mailed to the following address no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, April 10, 2015:
Gulfport Redevelopment Commission
Attn: Carole Lynn Meadows, Chairperson
15029 Laurelwood Drive
Gulfport, Mississippi 39503
The proposals will be received by Chairperson and referred to the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners will review and rate each proposal and select the best proposal, cost and other factors considered. The Board of Commissioners will select the firm/individual. Five copies of each proposal shall be submitted.
Direct contact with any City employee, GRC Commissioners, including the Administration and City Council on the subject of this proposal is strictly forbidden. Violation of this paragraph will result in disqualification of your submission.
Publish Two (2) Time in Legal Section: 03-13-2015 & 03-20-2015
Send Invoice and Proof of Publication To: Gulfport Redevelopment Commission
Attn: Sal Domino, Treasurer
14224 Duckworth Road
Gulfport, MS 39503
Send Additional Proof of Publication To: Steven M. Hendrix
Forman Watkins Krutz & Tardy LLP
200 South Lamar Street, Suite 100
Jackson, Mississippi 39201