August 20, 2009
Officers Present:Tammy Davis, CPCS, CPMSM, President
Fran Fallon, CPCS, CPMSM, Program Chair; President Elect
Rhonda Boyd, CPCS, Secretary
Linda Waldorf, CPMSM, CPCS, Treasurer
Anne Ennis, CPCS, Historian (Immediate Past President)
Members At Large:Geraldine Mulcahy, CPCS
Deborah Chapman, CPCS, CPMSM
Malia Marion, CPCS
Indi Daye, CPCS, President, Triangle Chapter, NCAMSS
Members Absent:June Hogg, CPCS, CPMSM
Call To Order:
Tammy Davis, President called the meeting to order at 5:44p.m.
Old Business:
Review/Approval of May 2009 Meeting Minutes: Rhonda:
The Board members were e-mailed the May 2009 Meeting minutes for review and approval. The minutes were approved by the Board members via e-mail. These minutes will be forwarded to John to post on the website under meeting minutes.
Review/Approval of May 2009 Board Meeting Minutes: Rhonda
The minutes of the February 2009 Board meeting were e-mailed to the Board members for review and approval. A motion was made and properly seconded to approve the May 2009 Board meeting minutes as reviewed. These minutes will be sent to John for Archival.
May 2009 Meeting Evaluation Summary: Fran
Fran presented the 2009 meeting evaluation summary for the board members to review and comment for future meetings to be improved upon. It was noted that the main opportunity for improvement that the Board needed to consider is having handouts for these meetings instead of sending to the membership via e-mail. Tammy informed the group that the May 2010 Annual meeting will be May 11-14th at the Breakers at Myrtle Beach, SC.
Bylaws /Rules & Regs. Changes: Tammy/Linda:
Linda provided the Board members with a copy of the Bylaws/Rules and Regulations with the suggested wording along with the current wording for review. Tammy noted that she would be sending a memo to the membership with a copy of these and a ballot vote would be done by the membership to vote on these recommended revisions.
Donna Masho Award: Tammy:
Tammy informed the Board members that Velvet Carroll would be attending the August Quarterly meeting and that she would do a formal presentation for Velvet with the Donna Masho Award at the business session since she was unable to attend in May 2009. Further discussion was also held regarding expanding this award and perhaps creating a scholarship fund as well for the membership. Linda stated that she would research this topic and report back at the next meeting. Discussion was held noting that the award should include registration and hotel fees for a member to the Annual conference.
New Business:
Duties during August 2009 Conference:
- Registration Table, Name Tags, Sign-in table- Deborah and Linda agreed to man this table during registration.
- Hostess Gift: Tammy informed the Board members that she will be providing June Wilson, CPCS (Hostess with a NCAMSS T-Shirt and a portfolio as a gift of appreciation for hosting our meeting).
- Speaker Gifts: Tammy informed the members that the speakers will be receiving a portfolio as a speaker gift along with thank you cards signed by all board members.
Financial Report: Linda
Linda Waldorf presented the Financial Report for May 11, 2009 through August 17, 2009 as follows:
BB&T Checking Account Balance as of 8/17/2009: $33,852.15, Account balance as of 5/11/2009: $48,889.43. The total expenses for this time frame were $15,439.67 with the total income being $ 401.82. Linda also brought up to the group how meeting cancellations were handled and what the process was or where the process could be found for handling credits or refunds. It was noted that this was a discussion last year at one of the Board meetings and thought this and the reasons allowable for refunds was in a previous set of meeting minutes. This will be researched and discussed at the next meeting.
2009 Membership Report: Linda/Geraldine
Linda Waldorf and Geraldine Mulcahy presented the 2009 membership report as follows:
The endorsement letters from NC Medical Board and NC PHP have been posted to the NCAMSS website and matted and framed to be placed on the registration table at our quarterly meetings. These endorsement letters will be sent along with the membership dues letters to current members and CEOs of all Hospitals throughout NC, SC and VA.
August 2009 Meeting Evaluations: Fran
Fran Fallon has put together the August 2009 meeting evaluation forms for distribution at the meetings each day to evaluate program, facilities and speakers. These will be reviewed after the meeting to determine improvements for the future meetings.
November 2009 Meeting Notice/Registration/Hotel Contract: Fran
The November 2009 Meeting Notice/Registration will be ready to distribute to the membership at large at least six weeks prior to the meeting. The hotel contract has been reviewed and signed and the block of rooms will be determined and sent out for the membership to make sure their reservations are made in a timely manner. Discussion was held regarding the limited space that is offered at the NC Medical Board, even though they are very gracious to host this meeting. The membership attendance at this meeting is one of the largest and the space is very limited. Linda was going to check with area hotels on the cost of having this in a larger venue. The thought of extending the meeting to 3 p.m. and increase the meeting cost to offset the expense of hosting at the hotel. The Board members asked that we research this further with the NC Medical Board to see if they have a larger space to provide for the meeting and keep the November meeting this year ending at 1 p.m. as usual. Linda reported that she had contacted the Renaissance Hotel at North Hills and the cost of a room would be $200 if we had their facilities cater the meal and $800 if no meal is catered.
2009 Report from the Triangle Chapter of NCAMSS: Tammy in Indi’s absence
Tammy reported that the Triangle Chapter newsletter is available for all members to review. The School supply drive went very well this year and thank you to those who helped and contributed.
NCAMSS Scholarship Applications: Fran
There were none to review.
Potential Vendors for remainder of 2009 Meetings: Fran
Fran reported that there have been no Vendor applications thus far with the exception of MAG Mutual who will be supporting our Association as Vendor at the Quarterly meeting tomorrow.
2009 Dues Renewal: Rhonda
It was determined that the 2009 Dues Renewals should be mailed out to the current membership and
Hospital CEOs for new members who may be interested in our State Association. It was felt that there
should be a summary of benefits included with the dues renewal forms to inform everyone of the
membership benefits available. A recommendation was made to have the dues renewal notice posted
to our website and e-mail these to the current membership by mid-August.
Revised Vendor Policy: Consider revising by category (gold, silver, bronze)
Discussion was held regarding the Vendor policy revisions suggested. It was determined that further
Work should be done on the policy and it should be presented to the Board for review once the policy
revision draft is completed. Further discussion was tabled due to time constraints.
Historian Report: Anne
Anne presented the draft Archives Policy for review and approval by the Board members. She asked
how the Board members could access the information posted under archives on the website. Tammy
stated that the user name is President and the password is Password. Anne reported that she currently
has some items that need to be scanned and put into this section. Tammy noted that she could send
this information to her and she would take care of them. See Policy attached.
Committee Updates:
Membership Committee: Geraldine Mulcahy
This information was reported above.
Bylaws Committee: Linda Waldorf
This information was reported above.
Education Committee: June Hogg
No report was submitted due to the absence of June Hogg at this meeting. Discussion was held regarding the educational session that Cape Fear Valley provided on Credentialing 101 for those new Credentialers in the field. This program was very well attended and provided good information for those new people in the field.
Certification Prep Committee: Deborah Chapman
Deborah Chapman reported that she has researched an opportunity to provided Certification Prep and other educational opportunities through Go To Meeting and proposed that the Association fund this cost of $49 a month for unlimited calls. Members felt that the trial session needed to be reviewed first and then the members should consider if we would get the use of this opportunity for the monthly cost incurred.
Legislative Committee Formation:
Discussion was held regarding the formation of a legislative committee to be involved in State Statutes, Joint Commission standard revisions, etc. This would assist our association in being involved and in communication for the field. Discussion was also held to question the process for getting a seat on the NC
Medical Board. It was noted that we have several great connections with Jim Wilson and Hari Gupta to
contact to find out what the process entails. Linda White has declined this position as she has a lot going on in her life at this time and will be unable to give her all to this project. Deborah Chapman was nominated to become this Committee Leader and asked to put together a committee to assist.
Website Review:
The Bereavement Policy should be posted on our website along with other Policies of the Association. Fran will call a meeting of the group that originally worked on the State Application and Reappointment Application to review these to assure this is current information on the website prior to the next meeting. It was discussed to have our website expanded the website to have more links and be in line with the NAMSS website.
2009 NAMSS National Meeting: Linda
Linda noted that she will be attending this meeting and bring back a report to the Board members.
2010 Meeting Locations & Speakers- Fran:
The Meetings for 2010 have been booked for the following locations:
February 19, 2010: Pitt- Greenville- Kelli Pack-Smith is the contact
May 11-14th: Breakers Resort- Myrtle Beach, SC
August 20th: Gaston Memorial- Gastonia- Debbie Ward
November 5th: NC Medical Board
Fran noted that she has contacted Renaee regarding speaking for us at the May meeting again. It was noted that we need a motivational speaker per the evaluations from the previous meeting. Discussion was held regarding contacting Emily Balance in Raleigh or Susan Hite of Raleigh as well for the motivational speakers. Fran also noted that the 2011 Annual Meeting will be held in Asheville and she is currently researching hotels and contracts to review.
Tammy noted that she would like to do a Skit for NAMSS week in November at the NC Medical Board since NAMSS week is November 1-7th. She will be doing a contest to provide to the membership "Pieces of the Puzzle".
The August 20, 2009 Board meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted By:
Rhonda Boyd, CPCS
NCAMSS Secretary